Friday, June 7, 2024

Apam Kampung

1 cup dark brown sugar
2 cups warm water (or coconut water)
3 cups wheat flour
11g instant yeast

Topping: steamed grated coconut

  • mix brown sugar with water till all sugar is dissolved
  • add flour and mix
  • finally whisk in yeast
  • rest for 1hr
  • grease container and pour in the batter (don't mix)
  • steam for 30-45min on medium high heat

Foodnote: I love steamed cake. Found out my eldest nephew likes apam kampung. Search youtube and come across this simple recipe and of course I must try it since I have all the ingredients on hand... except for grated coconut. Quickly got it from the supermarket and tadaaaa... made myself apam kampung. Will make this for my nephew next time yum yum... 

14 July update: Just learnt from a good friend that I can substitute the water with fresh coconut water for a more traditional tasting apam. Will be trying that next time at half the recipe first!

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