Saturday, June 29, 2024

Easy Foccacia (Same Day Bake)

500g bread flour
4-5g instant yeast
400g warm water
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 tsp salt
1 tsp honey

  • in a large bowl mix flour with instant yeast
  • add in water and mix
  • add in the rest of the ingredients and mix well
  • cover the bowl and rest the sticky dough for 30min
  • fold dough using spatula and rest for another 1hour
  • wet hand and fold nsew followed by coil fold
  • add generous amount of olive oil on baking tray to cover all surface
  • transfer dough, cover the dough in oil and rest for another 30-45min
  • meantime, prepare toppings if any (I'm using paprika powder, tomatoes and mild cheese)
  • pre-heat oven to 240°C lowest rack with fan
  • use finger to poke the dough and spread it out
  • add toppings (eg. paprika, garlic powder, herbs etc), sprinkle salt and more olive oil
  • bake 15min
  • cool on cooling rack

Foodnote: So after making my sourdough foccacia, decided to try this easy recipe for same day bake.

Recipe is taken from here. It actually turns out good and yummy. At first I thought the bottom is a bit burnt but it was ok. Very nice when eaten hot as it will have very crispy crust. Next time I would not put it at lowest rack... lower but not that low hehe. Overall I am satisfied with this recipe and will definitely make it again. Will just lined with baking paper if I'm worried about over baking the base hehe.

Baked this again on 5 July to share with a friend when we catch up for dinner... and it is really so yummy eating it hot. Very crispy and delicious. I fold in the cheese before final 1hr resting so that the cheese can distribute in the dough. Can't stop eating so definitely will be a go to recipe for foccacia.

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