Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Agar-agar Gudil (Bunga Telang/Blue Butterfly Pea)

2 pkt agar2 powder
2 litre water
500g or 2 cups of sugar
200ml Kara coconut cream
salt to taste
blue coloring from blue butterfly pea (boil flowers in water)

  • mix eggs, coconut cream and blue coloring thoroughly and put aside
  • boil agar2 in water and sugar together with pandan leaf
  • leave agar2 till boiling (bubbly) and add in the egg and coconut cream ingredients
  • stir till agar2 separated
  • pour on container and leave to cool before leaving in the refigerator

Crabs ala Fatty's

5 fresh live crabs
6 green chillies
2 red chilli padi
3 green chilli padi
1cm ginger
4 large red onions
8 garlic
2 tsp black pepper
2 tsp white pepper
2 tbsp asam jawa adabi Xtra/tamarind
3 tbsp chicken stock
2 tbsp plum sauce
chilli flakes
3-4 tbsp sugar
salt to taste
2 tbsp corn flour
coriander leaves for garnishing (optional)

  • clean crabs and put aside
  • blend blend onions, garlic and ginger
  • sauteed till fragrant then add in pepper and chicken stock
  • add the rest of ingredients and make sure you taste it till satisfactory adjusting salt, sugar, plum sauce etc.
  • in another wok, dry fry crabs till shell turns red
  • add in gravy and cook together
  • add in about 2 cups of water... or up to you
  • mix corn flour in water and pour in to thicken the gravy
  • done... let's eat

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Butterscotch Oatmeal Cookies

170g butter softened
150g sugar
150g brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla essense
1 1/4 cup flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
3 cups rolled oats
1 2/3 cups butterscotch

  • In a mixer, blend butter, sugar, brown sugar
  • Add eggs and vanilla essence
  • Stir in flour, baking soda and cinnamon powder
  • Finally stir in the oats and butterscotch chips
  • Leave in the fridge for at least 30min
  • Drop teaspoonful to un-greased baking sheet and bake in a pre-heated oven at 190°C for 8-10min till edges are brown

Foodnote: I bake for 7min because at 8min it got burnt and spread out. What I do is shape it in a ball on the tray and space it out generously. At 3-4min I turn it in the oven. It does spread out a bit but it is so deliciously chewy and yummy! This recipe is a keeper since I love oats.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Honey Cornflakes

8 cups cornflakes
1 cup sugar
300g butter
4 tbsp honey
paper cups

Optional: nuts, choc chips, sprinkles

  • Lightly crushed cornflakes and put aside in a big bowl
  • Cook sugar, butter and honey in low fire till sugar are dissolved
  • Pour into the cornflakes and mix till evenly coated
  • scoop into paper cups
  • Bake for 15min at 180°C

Foodnote: This is another easy kuih to make for Hari Raya. This year I just let my niece do this and tadaaa... 

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Cranberry Cream Cheese Bun

Cream Cheese Fillings (to prepare in advance/overnight)
Group A
50g soft butter
90g icing sugar
250g cream cheese
Group B
1/4tsp salt
50g egg
20g yolk
Group C
10g corn flour
1tsp butter vanilla

  • Whisk Group A in a mixer and add Group B
  • Lastly add Group C till fillings are smooth
  • Scoop about 20-22g each of cheese fillings into small plastic molds each and freeze to harden

Bread Dough
Pre-fermented Dough (prepare in advance/overnight)
92g bread flour
115g tap water
1g yeast
1g sugar
  • Mix above ingredients well and let it proof at room temperature for 8hours or more
35g dried cranberry - soaked 5mins then drain well and cut into small pieces (1/3)
330g Japanese bread flour
80g sugar
45g egg
10g milk powder
8g SAF yeast
1g Bakerine Plus improver
30g butter
20g cream
55g full cream uht milk
6g salt

  • Put all dry ingredients in mixer bowl (flour, sugar, milk powder, yeast, improver) and dry mix
  • Add sour dough together with egg, butter, cream and milk and knead for about 5min
  • Add salt and cranberry and knead till thin membrane stage (about 20min)
  • Round dough and rest for 10mins covered
  • Weigh dough at 40g each
  • Roll to round flat shape, scoop frozen cream cheese fillings and cover with dough into a ball
  • Put on tray brushed with shortening, making sure ample space between each dough
  • Prepare baking paper brushed with shortening, cover on top of dough and place another weighted baking tray above so that dough will proof horizontally
  • Let proof for 2 hours and bake at 190°C (rotate every 5min and keep checking bottom of bread for golden color)

Triple Cheese Roll

Cream Cheese fillings (to make in advance)
Group A
175g cream cheese
50g caster sugar
35g butter
Group B
1/8tsp salt
35g whole egg
14g yolk
Group C
7g corn flour
1/2tsp butter vanilla

  • Whisk Group A in a mixer and add Group B
  • Lastly, add Group C till fillings are smooth
  • Scoop and fill in a piping bag and keep in the freezer

Bread Dough
405g Japanese bread flour
93g sugar
12g SAF yeast 
3g Bakerin bread improver (or 6g other brand)
17g milk powder
20g butter
20g shorterning
33g whole egg
7g yolk
67g dairy cream (brands: millac, emborg, president, anchor)
133g ice water
7g salt

parmesan and cheddar cheese for toppings

  • Dry mix all ingredients in the mixer
  • Add cream, water, eggs, and yolk and knead at slow speed for 5m
  • Add in butter and shortening, continue to knead for 5min
  • Lastly, add salt and knead will thin membrane stage (about total 25min)
  • Round, rest and covered for 10min
  • Weigh into 40g each and rest for another 5min before shaping
  • Roll dough flat into a round shape, pipe cheese about 1/3 from the top and roll down and pinch just like making mini french bread
  • Proof for 2hours
  • Before baking, glaze with fresh uht milk followed by cheese toppings
  • Bake at 190°C for about 12-14mins

Taiwanese Loaf Bread

Ingredients (original from chef)
1000g Japanese bread flour
80g sugar
60g milk powder
12g SAF brand yeast (20g yeast of other brands)
4g Bakerin bread improver
30g egg yolk
100g butter
100g cream
16g salt
200g ice cube
300g ice water

Ingredients (halfed because I use KitchenAid mixer)
500g Japanese bread flour
40g sugar
30g milk powder
6g SAF brand yeast (10g yeast of other brands)
4g Bakerin bread improver
15g egg yolk
50g butter
50g cream
8g salt
100g ice cube
150g ice water

  • In a mixing bowl, combine flour, sugar, milk powder, yeast, and improver... mix well
  • Pour in egg yolk, cream, ice cubes, and ice water and knead at low speed
  • Add in butter gradually and lastly salt then continue between 1 and 2 speed till thin membrane stage
  • Round and rest for 10min covered
  • Divide to: 120g x 4pcs for a cover top loaf tin or 480g for the open top loaf
  • Roll and shape (just like french bread) to fit into the loaf tins and proof for 1 1/2 to 2 hours
  • For close tin loaf, make sure it proof to leave about 1cm from the top and for open top, the dough should proof to about 1inch above the tin level
  • Glaze top lightly with milk before baking at 180°C on a lower rack to prevent the top from burning
  • Open top for 30min and closed top for 35min
  • For the open top, once the top is deeper brown, put oven tray above the bread to prevent further browning
  • Properly cooked bread will not shrink after baking
  • Once baked, immediately remove the bread from the tin and cool it down bottoms up
Foodnote: I halfed the recipe when making it at home. I did wrong... I split to 8 portions (120g each) to do a close top but it didn''t rise fully to fill the loaf pan. Next time, I will just split into 2 portions to make open top for this recipe. It is so soft and yummy and the dough is so manageable. I love using Japan flour.

Continental French Bread

Sour dough (prepare in advance)
424g Japanese bread flour
3g Saf yeast
500g water
5g sugar
In a bowl, mix all ingredients and let it ferment for at least 10hrs at room temperature.
The longer the fermentation, the sourish it gets.

637g Japanese bread flour
5g sugar
5tsp shortening
8g Saf yeast
140g cold ice water
22g salt

  • Prepare sourdough in advance or the night before
  • Combine flour, sugar & yeast in mixer bowl and mix well
  • Add in sourdough and water, knead for about 15min on low speed
  • Add salt and continue mixing for approximately another 10-15min between speed 1 and 2 till 80% thin membrane is formed
  • Rest for 40min covered (can just cover with mixer bowl) at room temperature
  • Weigh and cut to 250g each (or divide equally to no of bread required), round it and let rest for another 10min
  • Roll and shape to french bread shape, place on non-greased tray or tray lined with parchment paper and let proof for 1 1/2 to 2 hours
  • Before baking, score the bread and pipe in shortening on the cut surface. This is to prevent the slit from closing back
  • Heat oven to 220°C with FAN and put bread in oven for 30sec
  • Take out the bread and spray generously with water (to make skin crispy) and bake for another 15min at 190°C
  • Lower temperature to 180°C and bake for another 10min or till bread is of desired color and sounds hollow when tapped
(4g of Bakerin Plus improver can be added to recipe and first resting time can be reduced to 15mins)
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