Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Obanyaki / Imagawayaki

Apam Balik Power
any fillings of your choice (I use red bean paste)
Get around 8-9pcs

  • once the batter has been prepared as the apam balik, heat up the pan with very low fire
  • oil the mould lightly (it is non-stick but it is the first time I use it so... )
  • scoop the batter and fill in about half of the mould making sure it spread to the sides (don't fill all the mould only half as this will be the top later
  • about 1.5min later, do the same to the other half of the empty mould keeping the lid covered
  • 1min later, put the fillings on the new batch of pancake
  • using a stick or whatever you have, remove the earlier pancake and topi it on the one with the filling
  • leave it for another 2 minute or so before removing from the pan

Foodnote: So I stop buying Mr Bean red bean pancake ever since they started having chicken, ham etc. Been craving for one and can't find halal one so for a while I am on my mission to find the mould to make my own. Finally found one online and it took ages to reach me but alas it finally did. So I bought the red bean paste from Sheng Siong. It is quite yummy actually so I don't think I will make my own anytime soon. I can even use it for my bread! Anyway... using my standard apam balik recipe, I did it. Oooh so yummy and soft! Nom Nom Nom...

Next project: will make kuih terang bulan or martabak mini with the pan.

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