Monday, March 2, 2020

Chocolate Chiffon

Ingredients of Part A
Group 1
108g egg yolks (6 nos large eggs)
120ml milk
75ml oil
30g castor sugar

Group 2 (sift together)
120g cake flour (I use Hong Kong flour)
30g cocoa powder (I use Valrhorna)
3g baking powder
3g baking soda
4g salt

Ingredients for Part B
Group 3
228 egg whites
90g castor sugar
3g cream of tartar

Part A
  • in a large mixing bowl add egg yolks, milk and sugar and use hand whisk till fully combined
  • pour in oil and mix again using zig zag motion
  • add in Group 2 in batches and mix till well incorporated and batter is creamy flowy
Part B
  • in a mixer with balloon whisk attachment, whisk in eggs white till frothy before adding in cream of tartar
  • whisk till soft peak and gradually add in caster sugar
  • increase speed (KA4) and whisk till firm peak
Final Steps
  • add 1/3 of egg whites meringue into Part A mixture with hand whisk to lighten the batter
  • add another 1/3 mixture till fully combined
  • lastly add the final portion and whisk till fully combined before switching to spatula to scoop up from bottom to fold up until no streaks of Part A batter can be seen
  • fill in 3/4 of chiffon pan (23cm) and use a skewer to run around through the batter to remove anyair bubbles
  • bake at 160°C for at least 40-50min
  • remove from oven and turn it upside down on a rack to cool down
  • once cooled, use a sharp knife to release the edges and inner ring through pulling motion
  • remove from pan and use the knife again to releave the cake from the base of the pan
  • ready to serve!!

Foodnote: I usually like the normal pandan chiffon cake but fell in love with this one! It is so soft and the taste is oh so awesome. We even eat it with chocolate ganache... oooh la la... Thank you Chef Susan for this recipe. Hope to attend her bread class next?

So I tried to make this chiffon cake on 12 Sep 2020 and it was a success!! I followed Chef Low advise to use Hong Kong flour instead. Turns out very nice and this really gives me more confidence to bake more chiffon cake woohoo... 

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