Saturday, March 7, 2020

Soft & Fluffy Milk Bread

70g water
60g milk
5g instant dry yeast

38g sugar
5g salt
1 egg

250g bread flour
40g butter

  • combine water, milk and yeast in a bowl
  • add sugar salt and egg and mix well
  • add bread flour till evenly combined with a spatula and leave covered for 15min
  • knead dough till smooth and add in butter (low speed on KA 2 for 5min using dough hook)
  • knead till window pane stage and smooth (medium speed KA 4-5 for 30min), round & put into a bowl, cover with clingwrap and let proof for 1hr 
  • cut and shape into buns (8-10pcs)
  • cover with clingwrap and leave for 15min
  • roll each bun flat, then fold like swiss roll or add any filling
  • arrange into a baking tray and leave for another 1hr
  • apply egg wash before baking for 12-15min at 170-180°C
  • once removed from oven, brush with melted butter

Cream Cheese Filling
200g cream cheese
30g sugar
~ just mix together using a spatula

Foodnote: Oh Em Gee... this recipe is so awesome. Got it from the internet here. I tried kneading by hand and honestly it took me like forever lol. But somehow after more than 1/2 hour of sweat and hitting the dough on the counter top...  finally the dough is no longer sticky and come together and I get the window pane stage. That is the main trick of getting super soft dough. The bread is unbelievably soft and yummy. After baking, it is super soft and delicious just like from the bakery yum yum... I love it so much! The next day it is still soft ooh la laaaa... (psst... will try to use the mixer next time hehe)

Update: So I made this again on 1503 and this time I use the KitchenAid mixer. I divided the dough into 10 (~50g each)... 5 filled with red bean paste (20g) that I bought from Sheng Siong which is nicer than the one from Bake King and another 5 with cream cheese (~1 tbsp). Super yummy and pillowy soft! 

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