Monday, March 2, 2020

Pandan Chiffon Cake

(Measurement for single 18cm portion. Double portion for 23-25cm chiffon pan)
Ingredients Part A
Group 1
140g egg yolk (8 large eggs)
120g coconut milk
8g kopoe kopoe pandan paste
80g vegetable oil

Group 2
140g sifted cake flour
5g salt

Ingredients Part B
Group 3
210g egg whites
140g castor sugar
1/2 tsp cream of tartar

Part A
  • in a big bowl combine egg yolk with coconut milk to prevent hydration while preparing other ingredients
  • whisk Group 1 centre to side till completely mixed adding oil last
  • add Group 2 and whisk till batter is smooth and no lumps
  • once mixture is creamy and flowy, put it aside to prepare Part B
Part B
  • using a mixer with balloon whisk attachment, whisk egg whites until frothy before adding in cream of tartar and whisk till soft peak
  • gradually add in the castor sugar and then whisk on higher speed (KA8 -10) till firm peak
Final Steps
  • scoop 1/3 of egg whites meringue into Part A and fold in till fully combined making sure to scrap the bottom of the bowl
  • fold in the rest of the egg whites in 2 more batches
  • fill in 3/4 of chiffon pan and use a skewer to run around through the batter to remove any air bubbles
  • bake at 160°C for 40min to 1hr till skewer comes clean from center of cake
  • remove from oven and turn it upside down on a rack to cool down
  • once cooled, use a sharp knife to release the edges and inner ring through pulling motion
  • remove from pan and use the knife again to releave the cake from the base of the pan
  • ready to serve!!

Foodnote: Glad that I now can make my own chiffon cake weeee.... I also discovered from FB similar technique of baking that produces super soft spongy cake. Will definitely be trying those recipes. I am so happy and looking forward to more bakes this year!

Today 19 September 2020, I finally tried to make pandan chiffon cake at home. I feel more confident after the success of making chocolate chiffon cake by substituting the flour. Since I still have hong kong flour, I use it for pandan chiffon too. The cake become so fluffy that it cracked hehe. But texture and form is very satisfying. Will definitely be trying to make other flavor of chiffon. Feeling satisfied and glad that I take the Basic Cake course yippee.... 

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