Friday, December 25, 2020

Sourdough Starter / Levain

Prima plain flour (unbleached)
Perrier sparkling water

glass or plastic container (do not use metal)
weighing scale
spatula for mixing

Day 1
25g flour + 25g water
- mix into a paste in the container

Day 2
no feeding
- bubbly and pasty smell

Day 3
add 25g flour + 25g water
- total 100g
- bubbly and thick consistency
- strong unpleasant smell

Day 4
add 100g flour + 100g water
- total 300g
- small bubble on surface
- strong unpleasant smell

Day 5
no feeding just stir
- no activity and thin consistency
- still strong unpleasant smell

Day 6
(discard 200g) + 100g flour + 100g water
- total 300g
- no activity and very thin consistency
- smell not as strong but still unpleasant

Day 7
(discard 200g) + 100g flour + 100g water
- total 300g
- some bubbles on surface
- less strong smell

Day 8
no feeding just stir
- still little bubbles
- smell like flour

Day 9
transfer to another clean container
100g sourdough (discard the rest) + 100g flour + 100g water
- same smell as Day 8 and a little bubbly

Day 10
no feeding
- little bubble and faint smell

Day 11
no feeding (forgot hehe)

Day 12
100g sourdough (discard the rest) + 100g flour + 100g water
- thin consistency and little bubble on the surface
- flour smell

Day 13
100g sourdough (keep the rest in a container in the fridge) + 100g flour + 100g water
- thick and a bit bubbly
- a little sourish smell

Day 14
100g sourdough (keep the rest in a container in the fridge) + 100g flour + 100g water
- thick and more bubbles
- nice sweet smell woohoo

Day 15
no feeding
- very bubbly (small bubbles)
- start to rise
- very sweet smell

Day 16
100g sourdough (keep the rest in a container in the fridge) + 100g flour + 100g water
- very bubbly and thick consistency
- nice sweet fermented smell (like tapai)
- double in size and very active
- success woohoo

Day 17
can make bread already yeay!!

Foodnote: Tried to make this 2x but unsuccessful. Finally so happy to see the sourdough very active. It bubble up very fast with feeding.

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