Friday, January 1, 2021

Apple & Pear Crumble

200g plain flour
100g cold butter
60g brown sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder

5 apples (or 3 apples + 2 pears) cubed with or without peel
1/2 cup raisin (optional)
1/2 lemon juice
2 tsp or more cinnamon powder

  • chop cold butter into flour, brown sugar and cinnamon powder and form crumbles
  • keep crumbles in fridge to cool
  • mix all ingredients fillings together
  • in a baking dish, take 1/3 of crumble and spread it on the base
  • top with fruit fillings and top with the remaining crumbles
  • bake at 160°C for 15-20mins

Foodnote: Have extra apples and pears given by my brother so decided to make this. Easy and nice to eat hot with vanilla ice cream yummm...

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