Sunday, January 24, 2021

Soft Bread Roll

(make 3 portions)
Group 1
(80%) 622g bread flour
(20%) 156g cake flour
(1.2%) 9g instant yeast
(10%) 78g skim milk powder
(1%) 8g soft bread improver 

Group 2
(65%) 506g water

Group 3
(8%) 62g butter
(8%) 62g shorterning
(1.5%) 12g salt

>> total %=196.7% or 1531g

  • mix Group 1 and 2 in a mixing bowl at low speed for 2min and medium speed for 4min
  • add Group 3 and mix at low speed for 2min and medium speed for 4-6min till window pan stage (thin membrane)
  • divide into 50g each and round each dough (30 pcs)
  • proof for 15min and shape each dough again by pressing it down and round again
  • arrange in a tray lined with parchment paper and leave for final proof for approx 45min or till dough double in size (temp: 30°C, humidity: 80-82%)
  • brush the top of each roll with egg mixture right before baking (egg+water and sieve to remove egg membrane)
  • bake at 175-180°C for 12mins or golden brown in color

Foodnote: Simple buns but packed with flavor. Easy to make and delicious. Crispy on the outside super soft inside oooh la la. Can also put the rolls side by side in any pan to make pull-apart rolls.

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