Thursday, January 21, 2021

Standard Sandwich Bread (Bulk Fermentation)

(make 3 loaves)
Group 1
(100%) 842g bread flour
(1.2%) 10g instant yeast
(6%) 51g castor sugar
(2%) 17g skim milk powder

Group 2
(65%) 547ml cold water

Group 3
(6%) 51g shortening
(1.5%) 13g sea salt

>> total %=181.7% or 1530g
>> each bread pan = 500g + 2% or 10g (loss weight)

  • combine Group 1 and mix together in mixer bowl
  • at speed 1 gradually add in the water and mix for 2min
  • increase to speed 2 and mix for another 3min
  • add shortening and salt and mix at speed 1 for 2min
  • increase to speed 2 and mix for 3-5min till thin membrane or window pan stage
  • transfer dough to working surface and round it
  • put dough into lightly oiled bowl and let it proof for 1 hour
  • transfer dough onto lightly floured working area and gently press it and cut into 3 equal parts
  • round each dough, cover in clingwrap and let it rest for another 10-15min
  • shape the dough accordingly (refer here) for open loaf or close loaf
  • leave for final proofing for 50-60min (temp: 35% and humidity: 82%)
  • bake at 175-180°C for 35-38min
  • immediately after remove from oven, bang the loaf pan and remove the bread to a wired rack to cool

Foodnote: The difference between bulk fermentation is that it doesn't use any bread improver. Taste is supposed to be better but this bread can only last 3 days at room temperature. I like baking loaf bread actually... so I got the bread slicer (guillotine) from shopee. It cost me about S$6+ and I can cut difference thickness for my bread. Love it and good buy!

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