Saturday, January 30, 2021

French Baguette (Rapid Dough System)

(make 6 loaves)
Group 1
(100%) 882g bread flour
(1%) 9g instant yeast
(1%) 9g caster sugar
(1.5%) 18g bread improver (crustry)

Group 2
(68%) 600g cold water

Group 3
(2%) 18g salt

  • combine Group 1 and 2 in a mixing bowl and mix under low speed for 2min
  • increase to medium speed and mix for 3min
  • add Group 3 and mix at low speed for 2min followed by medium speed for 3-5min till window pane stage (thin membrane)
  • transfer on lightly floured working area and round the dough
  • place in a lightly oiled large bowl and rest for 15-20min
  • divide the dough to 6 portions at 250g each
  • with smooth side down, gently flatten the dough (squarish) and roll down (smooth surface)
  • cover with damp towel for 20min intermediate proofing
  • shape and moulding ~ baguette, batard, cob etc.
  • transfer to a generously floured tray and leave for final proofing for approximately 50min (temp: 32°C, humidity: 80°C)
  • preparation before baking: lightly dust the surface of the bread and score accordingly and spray the surface with water
  • bake at 220°C with steam for 10min and lower the temperature to 180°C for another 12min
  • transfer to a cooling rack immediately once out of the oven

Foodnote: The last lesson for basic bread. The skin is really thin and crispy. Bought tulang merah and immediately dig in when I reached home. Super yummy and niece also told me that the bread is delicious. The best part of the lesson is learning how to calculate the formula. I really learn a lot and even created a spreadsheet for easy calculation next time I need to bake bread with different measurements. Saved the excel file under Google Drive and can be accessed/downloaded under References in this blog. 

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