Monday, November 21, 2022

Sourdough Bread with Great Oven Spring

Ingredients and directions same as here

Only difference is baking directions
  • pre-heat dutch oven to 230°C for 30min or more
  • transfer dough with parchment paper into pre-heated dutch oven and spray with water and quickly put the lid on
  • transfer the dutch oven in the pre-heated oven and turn off the oven... yes turn it off!
  • leave the dutch oven in the heated oven for 20min
  • after 20min, remove the dutch oven cover, admire the oven spring and turn on the heat to 230°C with fan
  • bake for 15-20min till desired color
  • cool for few hours before serving

Foodnote: Wanted to bake a plain sourdough bread to eat with rendang or SCS butterscotch butter with butterscotch spreadable. Saw this tip online and I just have to try it because I love to see the oven spring. It didn't disappoint and it really gives a very impressive oven spring. I will probably be doing this from now on :) Always good to learn new things to improve my bakes.

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