Saturday, November 19, 2022

Sourdough Bread with Inclusions

Adapted from here.
Ingredients best for 1 loaf
70g active starter
210g water
315g bread flour
7g salt
4g diastatic malt
Dry Inclusions: +/- 1 cup depends on ingredients and how much you want

For sourdough starter: I add 50% water + 50% bread flour to any amount of starter (1 tsp up to same amount of water/flour. Leftover scraping also can use) and leave it for at least 4hrs or overnight. Can use unfed starter but have to leave mixture up to 24 hours and then shape. Sometimes to speed up fermentation, place newly fed starter in oven and place a bowl of hot water beside it to create warm environment.

  • in a bowl, mix starter with water
  • add in bread flour, salt, malt and mix till even (to add dry inclusions eg. seeds, nuts, dried fruits at this stage)
  • cover bowl and leave for 1hr 
  • first fold and fold 2x after 30min (to add fresh inclusions eg. blueberries together with 1st fold)
  • check for window pane... if not fold again 1-2x
  • cover bowl again and let it proof till double in size (~ total 8 hours from mixing... up to 24hrs if starter have not been fed and not active)
  • shape and place in banetton that have been lightly dusted with rice flour
  • let rest for 30min and keep in fridge till ready to bake (~8hrs or within 3 days)
  • bake with top bottom heat and fan at 230°C in pre-heated dutch oven for 20min covered
  • open cover of dutch oven, and bake for another 10-15min depending on desired crust coloration
  • let cool for few hours before cutting

Foodnote: Find that this works best so far for sourdough with dry inclusions so. This time I bake 1 loaf with Origins california treat that have almonds, black raisins, cashew nuts, cranberries, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. I chopped the whole almonds and cashew nuts to make it smaller. The other loaf is with mixed citrus peels that I bought from Phoon Huat. Turns out well and inclusions are evenly distributed. 

Going to try the following flavours sourdough next:
- pumpkin cinnamon
- apple cinnamon
- orange or purple sweet potato
- fresh blueberries + lemon zest
- cheese + cranberry
- walnut + cranberry
- and many more woohoo

So excited to bake more sourdough to share with friends and families. 

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