Saturday, August 22, 2020

Fragrant Oil

(can try other fragrant ingredients like cekur, lemongrass, chilli, coriander roots etc.)
vegetable oil (double portion of ingredients eg. a cup of chopped garlic+chopped ginger+sliced shallots = 2 cups of oil)

  • in a wok or sauce pan, mix garlic+ginger+shallots with room temperature oil
  • start fire at high heat and cook till oil is hot and bubbly
  • lower the temperature and cook till garlic+ginger+shallots are light golden brown
  • sieve crispy garlic+ginger+shallots and collect oil in stainless steel bowl
  • once all the oil have dripped into the bowl, put the bowl of oil over a bigger bowl with room temperature water to stop the oil from oxidation
  • crispy garlic+ginger+shallots can be used as garnishes over noodles, dumplings, siew mai etc.
  • transfer oil in glass bottle and it will be good to use for up to 3 days
  • use the oil for any cooking and it will bring the cooking to the next level woohoo... 

Foodnote: A master oil recipe for take your cooking to the next level. One of the best tip/takeaway from my baking/cooking class. This oil can be added to any dish recipe and the crispy bits can also act as garnishes. It is really easy to make so I will try to add this to as much of my cooking.

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