Monday, August 31, 2020

Fried Yam Puff (Woo Kok)

(recipe for 4 students)
600g powder yam (peeled, cut into 1cm cube & steamed)
200g wheaten starch
160ml boiling water
5g salt
25g sugar
6g five spice powder
10g sesame oil
4g pepper powder
80g shortening
1/2g ammonia
new cooking oil for frying

  • scald the wheat starch with boiling water and mix well
  • add hot steamed yam and stir well till all yam hard bits are mashed
  • add in seasoning (sugar+salt+5spice+sesame oil+pepper)
  • once the dough is cooled, sprinkle the ammonia and add in the shortening
  • mix well to form dough
  • divide yam dough into 40g balls and form a deep bowl
  • add filling (char siew or red bean paste)
  • seal by pinching 2 sides of the opening and form a sharp seal
  • heat oil to 180°C and deep fry till puffy net formed and color is golden brown

Foodnote: This yam puff is very interesting especially when the net is formed. Interesting taste too... but maybe I'd like the filling to be red bean instead of char siew. Anyway... it is quite challenging to make though the effect is very satisfying to see. Hhhmm... not very sure I'd be making this at home though but still good to learn something new.

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