Monday, August 24, 2020

Sesame Seed Ball

200g glutinous rice flour
70g wheaten starch

210g water
60g sugar
60g shortening

vegetable oil for frying
lotus or red bean paste (form into 20g balls each)
white sesame seeds

optional: meat fillings like for siew mai or charsiew

Peanut filling
roasted chopped peanuts
flour (dry fry flour till brown)

  • mix the glutinous rice flour and wheaten starch together and put aside
  • in a saucepan, heat water, sugar and shortening till rolling boil
  • turn off heat and add in the flour mixture
  • using a wooden spatula, quickly stir in the ingredients till even
  • transfer on a working surface and start needing to form a dough
  • divide the dough into 40g portions
  • press the dough into palm of hand to flatten
  • fill with lotus/read bean paste and seal
  • wet the ball and roll into sesame seeds
  • roll into palms again to make sure that the sesame seeds will completely stick on the balls
  • heat oil to 180°C and deep fry until light golden brown (if oil exceed 180°C, remove the saucepan from heat and drop in the balls to drop the temperature)
  • keep stirring the balls so that it will cook evenly
  • drain on sieve and transfer to kitchen towel to remove excess oil completely

Foodnote: So happy to finally able to learn to make this. We made with red bean fillings and also with charsiew. I have never made this before (the malay style) so now I am looking forward to try to make this on my own. The trick to make the sesame seed really stick to the balls, is to wet it first, and keep rubbing/rolling in our palms till we feel the sticky starch start seeping and covering the sesame seeds. To make the sesame seed balls with consistency of mochi, just remove the wheaten starch.

During our last class (exam day) we were shown the common way of making the sesame balls... adding the boiling water to the flour and mix together. After that, knead the dough with sugar and once cooled, adding the shortening and knead till dough is formed. I prefer adding the way the chef taught us (Teo Chew style) because is easier and more straightforward.

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