Sunday, August 23, 2020

Steamed Sponge Cake

(makes 2 portions)
160g cake flour
40g instant custard
4g baking soda
8g baking powder
200g brown sugar
4 eggs
16g gel (ovalette)
100g melted butter

200g lotus or red bean paste
4 salted egg yolk
chopped parsley as garnishing

  • sieve together cake flour, instant custard, baking soda and baking powder
  • add brown sugar to sifted mixture and combine well
  • add eggs and gel... whisk or use mixer to beat till batter turns pale
  • fold in melted butter until well mixed
  • place flatten ball of lotus paste or red bean paste (10g each) at the bottom of paper cup
  • add batter about 3/4 full and topped with chopped salted egg yolks and parsley (optional)
  • steam for approximately 12min until steamer produces a nice steam cake smell

Foodnote: I love steam cake. This steam cake is yummy but I might omit the lotus/red bean paste. We also didn't add salted egg yolk and parsley during our lesson hhhmmm. I think it will be a bit savory with those toppings? Perhaps I should try some and see how it is like when I practice to make this at home. I can't stop eating the steam cake... very sweet though

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