Sunday, August 23, 2020

Steamed Yam Cake

(makes 3 portions)
600g yam cube (1cm) best to use Pahang yam
50g washed and chopped dried prawns
300g rice flour
500ml water
15g salt
13g sugar
3g 5 spice
1g pepper
800ml water
4 tbsp fragrant oil for frying prawns
100g washed, soak and chopped mushroom

sliced spring onions
sliced red chilles
crispy fried sliced shallots
toasted white sesame etc.

  • in a bowl, mix rice flour with 500g water and put aside
  • in a saucepan, mix oil and dried prawns
  • turn on the heat at high and fry till prawn is crispy and fragrant
  • add yam followed by other ingredients such as salt, sugar, spice, pepper and 800g of water and cook till yam is soft
  • to add mushroom, sautee the mushroom first; put aside and add it later with other ingredients after dried prawns
  • add rice flour mixture and keep stirring until it thickens and form a paste (wooden spoon can stand)
  • transfer paste into a greased tray or metal cups
  • smooth the top of the cake using a spatula
  • brush fragrant oil generously on yam paste
  • steam for 1 hour till set (make sure steamer is covered with kitchen towel to prevent water from dripping into yam cake
  • add garnishings before servings

Steamed Carrot Cake (Lo Bak Go)
600g shredded turnip (white carrot)
remove 5 spice
reduce water in 2nd part to 700ml

Steamed Pumpkin Cake
600g cubed pumpkin (1cm)
remove 5 spice
reduce water in 2nd part to 700ml
  • only use pumpkin raw ie. cook the rest of the ingredients first and once cooked, add in the pumpkin, stir and proceed to steaming

Foodnote: I love this yam cake. Love the savoury taste and the fragrant oil added to the cake. This can also be steamed in a cake tin and fried the next day. I love it just like it is with lots of yummy garnishings. One of the chef in the school make homemade Lao Gan Mo to eat with the yam cake. It is very yummy nom nom nom

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