Sunday, August 23, 2020

Siew Mai & Phoenix's Eye Dumpling (Fong Ngan Har Gow)

Wonton Skin (refer here)
200g plain flour (100%)
2g salt (1%)
1g alkali water (0.5%)
70g water (35%-40%)

300g minced chicken
300g fish paste
6g salt
18g caster sugar
20g sesame oil
other ingredients
30g chopped mushrooms
100g water chestnut
3g ground white pepper
30ml fragrant oil (refer to here)
can also add chopped spring onion, chillies etc.
Basic for fillings: 100g meat + 1g salt + 3g sugar + 1-3g sesame oil)

Siew Mai additions
10g shredded carrots
20g crab roe

Phoenix's Eye additions
5g chopped spring onions
30g green peas

  • mix all ingredients together but put the oil LAST!
  • the final paste should be a sticky bouncy consistency
  • place fillings in a tray and spread about 1cm thickness
  • cover in clingwrap and best to keep it in the chiller overnight before use
  • place fillings on wonton skin
  • wrap the skin to form a basket for siew mai or pinch both ends of wonton skin to form phoenix's eye like the picture above
  • decorate siew mai with shredded carrot and crab roe
  • decorate phoenix's eye with spring onion and green peas
  • arrange siew mai on a greased tray and steam on high heat for about 6-10min till fragrant
  • once out of the steamer, quickly brush the steamed siew mai with fragrant oil generously
  • garnish with anything of fancy such as crispy garlic+shallots+ginger, sliced onions, chillies, chopped spring onions etc.

Foodnote: Finally started the Intermediate Dim Sum class and we started off with making siew mai. Wished the school have crab roe ggrrrr so that my siew mai don't look so bland. Lucky got garnishes lah. Always looking forward to class and learning new kills and tips on making food yummy. 

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