Sunday, December 6, 2015

Sambal Goreng

4 pc large tofu
5 pc tempeh
500g tetelan meat
250g boiled paru (lung)
1kg prawns

6 large red onions
6pc garlic
500g fresh chilli
2cm ginger
2-3pc lemongrass
2 tbsp sugar
1 cup tamarind juice
5 tbsp cili boh (ground chilli)
1 pc knorr ikan bilis cube
salt to taste
oil for frying


  • tofu, tempeh, tetel and paru to be diced and fry separately till half cooked
  • remove shell from prawns and fry lightly
  • slice onions, garlic and fresh chillis
  • chopped into thin slices and pound the ginger and lemongrass
  • fry onions, garlic, fresh chillis, blended ginger and lemongrass till fragrant
  • add in cili boh, air asam and sugar
  • once the mixture thickens add the rest of the ingredients
  • stir fry for about 30min and it will be ready to serve

My mum's recipe. Simple, nice and bring back sweet memories. Nice to eat with lontong with serunding eemmm yummm.

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