Sunday, November 13, 2016

Sambal Tumis Ikan Bilis

cili boh
blachan (shrimp paste)
tamarind juice
gula perang
ikan bilis

  • fry ikan bilis in some oil and put aside
  • blend onion, garlic, candlenut and shrimp paste
  • fry blended ingredients in a large wok till fragrant
  • add in cili boh and tamarind juice in low flame till fully cooked
  • add more water if too thick
  • add sugar and salt to taste
  • add ikan bilis...cook a bit more and done!

Nice to eat with bread or prata or just plain rice... anything! For just sambal tumis just don't add ikan bilis hehe. Adjust consistency accordingly... I just prefer mine not watery.

Actually I need to stock up my cili boh so I decided to make my sambal 3-ways. I first make my cili boh. Once cooled I pack half in small containers. The other half I added all ingredients except for ikan bilis. I packed half and the other leftovers I added anchovies. Tadaaa.... enough stock to last me for 2-3 months? Maybe less since I can eat sambal almost daily!

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