Thursday, April 23, 2020


150ml water
40g unsalted butter
20g sugar
110g all-purpose flour
2 eggs
oil for frying

fine sugar + cinnamon powder for coating (optional)

Chocolate sauce
4g corn starch
10g water

50g dark chocolate
25g sugar
150ml milk

  • in a small pot, heat water, sugar and butter till boiling and sugar dissolves
  • lower the heat and pour sifted flour into the mixture and stir with a spatula till you get a ball of dough
  • move the pan to a table, spread the dough thinly and leave it to cool for about 10-15mins
  • add one egg at a time and mix till you get a soft dough
  • fill dough into piping bag with a star nozzle
  • pipe the churros on cut up parchment papers for easy frying
  • put the churros together with the parchment paper into oil to fry and promptly remove the parchment paper... 
  • fry till crispy and dark golden
  • (optional) once fried, cover the churros in sugar+cinnamon mixture
Chocolate sauce
  • mix the corn starch with water in a small bowl
  • in a pan, heat the rest of the ingredients, dark chocolate, milk and sugar till all combined and sugar dissolves
  • add in the corn starch mixture and keep stirring till chocolate sauce thickens
  • dip churros into chocolate sauce and enjoy

Foodnote: It is just an impromptu decision to try and make churros for the niece. I just use the available nozzle. It was nice... chocolate sauce will be nicer if I am more patient and let it thicken further. The churros also need to fry a bit longer so that it will be crispier. Overall... quite satisfied.

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