Thursday, April 9, 2020

Japanese Cotton Cheese Cake

Group A
60g full cream milk
140g cream cheese
40g butter

Group B
50g plain flour
15g corn flour or corn starch
5 egg yolks

Group C
5 egg whites
100g caster sugar

  • prepare ingredients and put aside
  • pre-heat oven to 120°C with a tray of water about 1cm deep (to bake in waterbath)
  • put all Group A in a stainless steel pan and using low fire, whisk all ingredients till creamy and quickly remove from stove
  • add in flour and corn starch mix... followed by yolk and slowly use whisk to mix till smooth
  • using a mixer with balloon attachment, whisk egg whites till bubby
  • add in sugar in 3 batches till firm peak is formed
  • scoop some egg whites meringue to flour mixture and slowly mix together with whisk till even
  • transfer into a bigger bowl, scoop half egg whites and slowly mix again followed by the last batch use spatula to fold in till smooth and even
  • pour to 7" pan (I only have 6" so can split into 2 pans)
  • use a stick to run around the batter to remove any big bubbles
  • put pan in waterbath and bake for 20min at 120°C
  • after 20min, increase the heat to 150°C and bake for another 15min
  • switch off the oven and leave the cake in oven to cool for 10min
  • remove from oven and remove cake from the pan
  • yummy... nom nom nom... easy peasy

Foodnote: I happen to have all the ingredients and have always wanted to make jiggly cotton cheese cake. Use this recipe here. It is so easy and I didn't expect that it will turn out so well. So happy me happy tummy.

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