Saturday, June 27, 2020

Chinese Flaky Pastry

Outer Pastry
280g plain flour
100g shortening or butter
1g salt
150ml water
50g castor sugar
a drop of pink coloring (optional)

Inner Pastry
200g low protein flour (cake flour)
100g shortening or butter

outer dough
  • in a bowl rub in plain flour, shortening and salt with fingers till crumbly
  • in another bowl mix water, castor sugar and coloring till sugar dissolve
  • add 60% of water mixture to the flour mixture
  • mix well till dough is formed and add another 20% of water followed by another 20%
  • dough will be sticky.... transfer to work surface and rum/knead till elastic dough is formed and everything comes together
  • rest the dough in a bowl covered with clingwrap for 20min
  • after 20min, divide into 24 equal parts (24g each) and round into balls
inner dough
  • mix the flour and shortening till a soft dough is formed
  • divide into 24 equal parts (12g each) and round each into balls
pastry preparation
  • flatten the outer dough and place the inner dough in the centre and wrap/seal into balls
  • roll each dough into long strip with thinner along the top and bottom
  • roll from the bottom upwards to form like a cigarette shape and finish the rest
  • take each dough again, flowly just roll slighly only and roll to form a snail like roll
  • complete the rest and put aside
  • this is now ready for various types of flaky pastries

Chrysanthemum Crisp
Fillings to make 8pcs
100g red bean paste
4 red glaced cherries (cut each into halves)
egg yolk glaze

  • divide each red bean paste into 12g each and formed into balls
  • roll pastry dough (from top... down) about 2mm thick, place a portion of red bean in the centre and seal
  • place the sealed part facing down and flatten with a rolling pin again to about 15mm thick
  • using a sharp knife, firstly cut 4 sections like petals... each section cut into 3 so that you get total 12 petals
  • twist each petals 90° facing upwards
  • using a spatula or scraper, transfer to baking tray
  • brush with egg yolk and garnish with half cherry in the centre of the flower
  • bake at 200°C for 15-20min or till golden brown

Winter Melon Crisp or Wife Bisuit
Fillings to make 8pcs
90g candy melon (chopped into small cubes)
24g instant custard
15g roasted white sesame seeds
3g roasted sesame seeds
40ml water
5ml oil

  • combine candy melon, instant custard, black and white sesame seeds in a bowl
  • add in the mixture of water and oil and mix well till all ingredients come together
  • using a glove for easier handling, divide into 8 portions (20g each) and round into balls
  • roll pastry dough and fill with candy melon filling
  • place on baking tray with sealed side down
  • using the base of your palm, flatten firmly to about 1cm thickness
  • with a sharp knife, run/cut through the middle of the dough slightly
  • brush with egg yolk and sprinkle with black sesame seeds
  • bake at 200°C for 15-20min or till golden brown

Century Egg Puff
Fillings to make 8pcs
1 century egg (cut into 8pcs)
160g red bean or lotus paste

  • divide each red bean paste into 10g each and formed into balls
  • roll pastry dough about 2mm thick
  • place the a century egg in the middle and 2 red bean/lotus paste by the side of the century egg
  • fold the pastry skin upwards and seal the edges together (like curry puff)
  • turn over so that the base will be the top to look like lemon
  • brush with egg yolk and using a fork, run through the top to form lines
  • bake at 200°C for 15-20min or till golden brown

Foodnote: I was looking forward to the opening of baking class again and am happy that finally the time comes. To observe social distancing, the class is very small and we bake individually. Love the chinese patries as I'm not usually a pastry person. Will definitely try to make at home to share with family.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Steamed Condensed Milk Cake

3 eggs (separate yolk and whites)
300g or 1 cup condense milk
50g or 1/4 cup soften/melted butter (omit salt if using salted)
5g or 1 tsp vanilla
125g or 1 cup plain or cake flour
25g or 3 tbsp cornstarch
10g or 2 tsp baking powder
3g or 1/2 tsp salt

  • in a bowl, whisk egg yolks and condense milk followed by vanilla and butter and whisk till smooth
  • add flour, corn starch, baking powder and salt and just mix till fully combined
  • in a separate bowl whisk egg whites till soft peak
  • fold in the batter in batches
  • fill in a pan that have been lined with parchment paper and cover with aluminium foil
  • steam for 45 minutes till skewer comes clean
  • can also be baked at 170°C for 25-30 minutes

Foodnote: I actually love this... because I love condense milk hehe. I sometimes ate condense milk with prata lalalalala. Definitely not going to be the last I make this. Yummy... 

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

No Knead Fast Sandwich Bread

5 cups bread flour
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp yeast
2 1/2 cups warm milk
4 tbsp melted butter
1 egg + 1 tbsp water for egg wash

  • in a large bowl, add bread flour, sugar, salt and yeast and mix together till fully combined
  • make a well at the centre of the bowl and add melted butter and milk
  • using a spatula or wooden spoon, mix together all ingredients until everything comes together
  • the dough will be soft and sticky
  • cover the bowl and let the dough rest for 5min
  • after 5min just mix the dough again for a while and let it rest for another 45min to 1hr
  • in the meantime, brush the loaf pan with butter
  • after the dough have risen, punch it down to remove trapped air
  • transfer on a working surface with generous floured surface
  • divide the dough into 2 equal portions
  • gently shaped the dough to form a loaf to fit the pan
  • put into the pan making sure it fits all corners
  • cover with wet towel and let it rest for another 50min
  • gently brush the top with egg wash before baking so that it will be shiny after baking
  • bake in a pre-heated oven at 170°C for 20-25min

Foodnote: Saw this recipe and it looks so easy so I have to try it. The bread is heavy unlike The Killer Toast and it is more dense although it is still soft. It actually reminds me of... steamed cake. Since I am trying this recipe, I only make half of the portion. Ok lah... at least I have bread to eat for tomorrow hehe.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Ghee Bread Loaf

350g bread flour
30g caster sugar
5g salt
1 egg (~55g)
170ml fresh milk
5g instant yeast
30g ghee
ghee as needed

  • add flour, sugar and salt in a mixer bowl... use a whisk to mix
  • add egg, milk and yeast
  • with a hook attachment, mix on low till dough comes together
  • finally add ghee and knead at speed 2 for 10-15min
  • transfer to working surface, knead a bit, round dough and proof for 60 minutes or double the size at room temperature
  • in the meantime, prepare 2 baking pan and brush it with ghee
  • after an hour, transfer the dough on a working surface and divide it into 2
  • take one dough at a time, fold a few times, and round it
  • let the dough rest covered in clingwrap for 15min
  • roll the dough flat into rectangular shape (length to fit the length of pan
  • brush with ghee and roll the dough
  • using a sharp knife cut about 3/4 way to make 12 rolls (don't cut through)
  • place it in a baking pan and shift the roll alternately... left & right side
  • proof for another 60min
  • before baking brush the top with lightly with fresh milk
  • bake in a pre-heated oven at 160°C for 15 to 20min

Foodnote: I found this recipe and decided to try it to eat it with tetel beef soup! The recipe is quite straight forward and the dough is very very easy to manage. I can see myself doing a variation to this dough next time... like replacing the ghee with butter. Brushing the flat dough with butter+spring onion or garlic. Even make it into cinnamon rolls. The bread is soft and really yummy. Will definitely make it again!

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Lontong Medan

400g rice (best to use beras cina or beras hancur... if not then normal jasmine rice will do)
550g water (usual amount to cook rice)
1 tsp salt

3 pandan leaves
banana leaves

  • clean banana leaves and run it over stove fire to soften the leaves. Put aside
  • cook the rice with water and 1 knotted pandan leaves in a pot or rice cooker
  • after 20min after boiling, keep stirring and breaking the rice as much as possible till all the water is absorbed by the rice
  • remove from stove and leave the rice to cool to room temperature
  • once cooled, scoop about 2 cups of rice to a working surface, squeeze rice to shape into cylindrical shape... put aside and prepare the rest of the rice
  • take one banana leaf shiny side up, place the rice on it and roll over (make sure the banana leaf is big enough that it can roll 3x round the lontong... or use 2 layer, small layer inside and bigger outer layer)
  • fasten the edges securely with toothpick
  • place the lontongs in a pot large enough that water can cover it
  • add the balance pandan leaves in the water
  • boil for 2-3hours making sure that you check and top up with boiling water every 30min
  • cool the lontong by standing it vertically as this will help the lontong last longer

Foodnote: I have always wondered why the lontong made in Indonesia are so evenly shaped, soft and nice. So I try this method that I found here and it is so awesome and easier. Can also see here on how to secure the edges nicely. No more lontong bursting out and I can easily make small quantities.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Kueh Sempret / Semprit / Semperit

250g butter
130g condensed milk
350-400g corn flour

  • in a bowl, mix butter and condensed milk with a spatula till smooth
  • add in sifted corn flour in 2 batches till it comes together in soft dough
  • let dough rest covered in a bowl or clingwrap for 15min
  • prepare baking tray by brushing lightly with butter
  • stuff the semprit press (see right image) with dough and press onto tray allowing space in between (cookie will expand a lil bit)
  • let the cookie rest for 1/2 hour or more before baking
  • decorate each cookie with dried fruit, cut cherry or chocolate chip or whatever if desired
  • bake at 150° for 20min
  • let it cool before storing

Foodnote: I love recipes that only use few ingredients and this is one easy and yummy recipe. The dough itself smells milky and while baking, my kitchen smells marvelous. Toppings are optional such as chocolate chips, raisins, cherries etc. I use rainbow sprinkles as I have that in my fridge and it added color to my cookies. Niece loves it so can make it anytime as snacks.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Kopchor / Kuih Jongkong

6 pandan leaves cut to smaller pieces
1.5 cups of rice flour
1 tsp of Kopoe pandan essence
1 tbsp of air kapur sirih
1/2 tsp salt

Coconut Cream
1 packet of coconut cream (I use Heng Guan 500ml)
1/2 cup water
2 knotted pandan leaves
salt to taste

Gula Melaka Syrup
can buy ready made or melt gula melaka with water & pandan leaves

prepare the coconut cream first:
  • heat coconut cream, salt and water in a pot with pandan leaves
  • cook till it gives off steam (not to boiling point) and put aside to cool (solution should be creamy not too runny or too thick... add a bit more water if too thick)
now prepare the pandan layer:
  • clean and cut the pandan leaves and blend with water
  • sieve to get 5 cups of pandan juice (add water if necessary)
  • pour in a cooking pan/pot and add the rice flour
  • whisk till no lumps then the pandan essence followed by air kapur
  • bring pot to stove and cook till slightly thicken... whisking all the way to prevent lumps
  • when it started to thicken (bubble popping), switch to lower fire and keep stirring
  • add salt to taste and take it off the stove
  • scoop the green mixture into cups or containers and leave it to cool
  • once cool and a bit firm, top it with the gula melaka syrup and coconut cream
  • keep in the fridge as it is nicer to serve it cold and it can last up to 4 days

Foodnote: First learn to make this from my aunt on 17th June 2018 while visiting her on the 3rd day of Hari Raya. The portion is huge so 2 days ago I made just 1/2 a portion. It is really yummy and soft. I put in glass containers instead. Would be nicer to wrap in banana leaves but I worried it will spill so.... just so happy to have the opportunity to cook all these ol skool Bawean desserts.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Pulut Kuning / Yellow Glutinous Rice

500g glutinous rice
1pc asam keping
1/2 tbsp tumeric juice
a bit of oil
1/2 tsp yellow coloring
200ml coconut milk (I use Ayam Brand Coconut Milk)
1/2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
banana + pandan leaves (optional but good to have)

  • wash glutinous rice and strain
  • add tumeric powder, asam keping, oil and water... soak for 2 hours
  • keep stirring so that the color is evenly distributed
  • heat steamer till boiling and strain the glutinous rice
  • put in a pan laced with banana leaf and top with cut pandan leaves
  • steam for 20-25min stirring only once while steaming
  • once cooked, remove from pan into a bowl, add coconut milk and salt... and mix thoroughly
  • leave for 5min so that coconut milk get soaked in the glutinous rice
  • put back into steamer and steam for another 30min or till fully cooked
  • finally add sugar and mix again... no more steaming and ready to eat

Foodnote: Since I have lots of time on hand, decided to try and make this to eat with rendang. So yummy. Good to eat with rendang, serunding kelapa, chicken curry, ayam masak merah etc. 
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