Sunday, June 21, 2015

Kueh Ros

6 eggs
500g caster sugar (1 packet)
600g rice flour
800ml coconut milk (2 400ml packet)
8 tbs corn flour
1 tsp salt
oil for deep frying

  • in a big wok, heat oil and dip kueh ros mould in the hot oil
  • in a separate bowl, combine eggs and sugar followed by other ingredients
  • sieve is there are lumps
  • once ready, dip hot mould into batter barely covering it and shake it in hot oil until the batter loosens into the oil
  • cook until golden
  • kueh will only be crispy once cooled down
adjust heat of the oil... if too hot bubble will form and kueh will not be nice. Color will get darker once cooled.

Also known as Kueh Goyang because you need to shake the batter in the oil to release it... this is a kueh that personally brought back sweet memories to me. Mum have the mould but I can't recall her making it before. I bought another one in the shape of bunga teratai but thinks the old traditional one looks better. I have perfected the recipe to my own taste (ehem) and the portion for ingredients is simplified too... just buy a packet of this and that :)

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