Friday, June 26, 2015

Ondeh-ondeh Keledek

sweet potato (preferably orange ones)
glutinous rice flour (or plain flour also can)
gula melaka (chopped)
fresh grated coconut
a pinch of salt
pandan leaf

  • steam coconut with a pinch of salt & knotted pandan leaf about 20min and put aside to cool
  • boil or steam the sweet potato and mashed it
  • add enough flour to the sweet potato so that dough can be shaped (if the sweet potato is the soft type, just add enough flour that it come together and keep in the fridge for about 30min)
  • take about a tablespoon of sweet potato dough to form small bowl to fill gula melaka and form balls (for soft dough it can be a bit soft and sticky but it is ok. It will firm up after boiling)
  • prepare a pot of boiling water
  • drop sweet potato balls into boiling water
  • cooked ondeh2 balls will start floating to the surface
  • scoop balls, slowly drop and roll into steamed grated coconut
  • nice to eat once cooled or cool from the fridge

One of the dessert that I can't stop popping into my mouth. I prefer sweet potato ondeh2 anytime compared to plain ones.

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