Sunday, June 21, 2015

Kueh Ulat Bulu

1 kg flour
200g QBB ghee
a pinch of salt
9 tbsp fine sugar
oil for deep frying

  • combine flour and ghee until it forms crumbs
  • slowly add water until dough can be shaped
  • roll portion of dough into sausage shape and using zigzag craft scissors cut in strip to look like caterpillar
  • deep fried caterpillars until crispy and put aside to cool
for sugar coating
  • divide into 3 portions
  • heat 3 tbsp sugar with a bit of water and cook till sugar is dissolved and solution is thick and bubbly
  • pour in caterpillars and coat it well till sugar dries up... scoop up and leave to cool
  • repeat with next batches but add few drops of green color and last one in yellow or red
  • once cooled, just mix all together

Mum said this is her own creation because once upon a time her family was poor. So she just put few ingredients together and jeng jeng jeng... come up with this kueh ulat bulu for her younger siblings.

I remembered loving it as a kid (a cute one I must say :P). The colorful kueh, it's sweet taste and of course the quirky name. Hardly see this in other people's house during Raya so I feel proud to have it in mine because I like weird stuff I guess. Simple to make and the kids love it. I think my nieces and nephews are also weird like me har har...

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