Monday, June 29, 2015

Steamed Fruit Cake


500g dried mixed fruits
454g Golden Churn butter (1 medium can)
350g dark brown sugar
500g flour
220g Lyle's Golden Syrup (half tin)
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cream of tartar
5 eggs
1 tsp cinnamon powder (optional)
2 cups chopped dates (optional)

  • mixed dried fruits with flour and put aside (leave a handful of dried fruits aside)
  • beat sugar and butter till smooth
  • add eggs one at a time followed by baking soda, cream of tartar and dried fruits mixture
  • finally add in the golden syrup
  • pour into baking tin and sprinkle remaining dried fruits on top
  • cover baking tin securely with aluminium foil and steam with hot boiling water for 4 hours
  • top up water occasionally with boiling hot water
  • best stored in fridge and can last for quite long (good to eat the longer we keep... don't ask me why)

No big steamer? No problem. Follow my mum style. Steam in a big pot... just prop the cake pan on top of a round cake pan (remove the detachable base). Tadaaaaa....

Got my mum's recipe from my sister-in-law. When she was staying with us loooong time ago, she helped my mum to make the steamed fruit cake and managed to scribble down the recipe. When I know that she had the recipe... I practically beg her and roll over asking her for it (bedek je). Well the recipes are quite vague using measuring units like kotak, kati, tin etc *gasp* so I have to slowly try to convert it to grams ~phewwww. Of course we used to steam the cake over an old charcoal pot after we finished boiling lontong lah. Now I have to steam it on a stove :)

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