Sunday, February 3, 2019

Ondeh-ondeh Trifle Dessert

Group A
180g Gula Melaka (6P brand if buying from Sheng Siong)
130g water
3-4pcs pandan leaves
Group B
375g fresh grated coconut (Heng Guan brand from Sheng Siong also can)
110g white sugar (can use all gula Melaka or dark brown sugar)
3/4tsp brown coloring (optional)
1/4tsp salt
25g salted butter
25g plain flour

  • In a pot, heat gula Melaka, water and pandan leaves till sugar is dissolved and fragrant
  • Strain the syrup to remove any particles
  • Pour syrup back into the pot and add other ingredients except plain flour and butter
  • Cook till quite thick
  • Remove from stove and stir in flour and butter (this is to avoid clumps)
  • Add mixture back on stove and cook till well incorporated (should be a bit wet) and let it to cool

Pandan Cake Layer
Group A
180g oil (anything but canola or olive)
1/8tsp salt
1tbsp pandan coconut paste
3/4tsp leaf green coloring
Group B
110g caster sugar
200g eggs
210g Japanese cake flour
1tsp double action baking powder
30g coconut milk (Kara santan)
50g tap water
30g ovallette

  • Mix Group A using hand whisk and leave aside
  • In a mixer bowl, whisk Group B ingredients till fluffy about 5min
  • Combine A & B fold in a consistent direction till well incorporated (stop once color are consistent)
  • Pour mixture into 3 10x10inch tin (or 2 14x14inch tin) lined with parchment paper bake at 180°C for about 12min (do not use oven fan's function or cake will be dry)
  • Leave to cool before assembly into a cup

Other Layers
  • Dessicated Coconut: mix together coconut + lemon yellow coloring + leaf green coloring
  • White Fresh cream: whisk bettercreme till thick and fluffy
  • Yellow Fresh cream: add lemon yellow to white fresh cream
  • Choco Fresh cream: get chocolate bettercreme or add nutella to white fresh cream
  • Pebbles Fruity Cereals
  • Mini Marshmallows

Saturday, February 2, 2019


Ingredients (makes about 20pcs from 6cm diameter mould)
125g Japanese plain flour
125g Japanese bread flour
30g caster sugar
3g saf yeast (shelf life longer if kept in freezer)
1/8tsp Bakerzine Plus bread improver (shelf life longer if kept in freezer)
4g salt

100g cold UHT milk
15g cold water (keep in freezer before using and it is ok if ice is formed)
25g whole egg
25g egg yolk
20g shortening (do not use butter or it will absorb oil when frying)

vegetable oil for frying
caster sugar
fillings of your choice (eg. nutella, blueberry, custard, cream cheese etc.)

  • Mix dry ingredients in mixer first using dough hook
  • Add in the balance wet ingredients and slowly mix the mixture around 10min till dough is soft and sticky
  • Transfer dough on a silicon mat and knead by hand for about 10min till thin membrane is formed. To do this, pinch a fistful of dough and slam on the mat, fold over the dough and repeat the process.
  • Round and rest dough (covered) for 15mins
  • Roll into about 4mm thickness (make sure to remove any bubbles) and use a 6mm round cutter to shape
  • For balance dough scraps, round it and rest for another 20mins more before rolling and cutting to shape again
  • Place each cut dough on a tray lined with parchment paper
  • Let it rest and proof for another 1.5hrs to 2hrs
  • Heat oil to about 160-170°C and fry each dough till light pale cream color
  • Let it cool down before lightly coating it in a bowl of caster sugar
  • Use a satay stick to poke a hole but not to poke through. Shift the stick around to make space for fillings
  • Using a piping bag, fill the bomboloni with any fillings that you like (eg. nutella, blueberry, cream cheese, custard etc.)

Foodnote: Another learning journey with another instructor/chef who is very generous in sharing tips and tricks. Interesting thing I learn is that it is best to just knead the dough by hand after mixing for max 20mins in the mixer. Not to use high speed.... just 1-2 is good enough. Always check for thin membrance when dealing with dough for doughnuts or breads. Keep all flours, yeast in the freezer compartment to make it last longer. Japanese flour is the best.. yielding super soft bread and dough. Combination of yeast and improver is very important to get supersoft bread.

Another tip given to me is to just weigh the dough into balls of equal weight and flatten it... then leave it to proof.

Made this on 14th April 2019. I didn't use round cutter. Instead, I just weigh 20g dough each and flatten it. Got exactly 23 pieces. Didn't have parchment paper so my bomboloni stick to the paper sob sob. Chef called me and told me next time I can use normal paper but put shortening generously on it. Okie chef... will definitely try this recipe again. Another tips is that I should lower the temperature when frying. It should be lighter in color and that will make the bomboloni softer. 

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Soft Bread Loaf

Ingredients and Directions here.
Below is the preparation of the mother dough starter.

I divide the dough into 2 and roll to fit into 2 bread loaf pan without the cover. Brush with egg wash before baking. Bake for 30mins (turn at 20mins). Brush with butter immediately after removed from oven. 

This is going to be my favorite recipe. Soft and yummy bread. Softer when cooled and left overnight.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Bakery Style Soft Bread

Mother Dough Starter
1/4 tsp instant yeast
125g bread flour
125g water
(Combine all ingredients in a large container, cover and stand at room temperature overnight or for about 8-10hrs)

Group A
280g bread flour
80g cake flour
25g milk powder
60g sugar
8g salt
1 3/4 tsp instant yeast

Group B
1 egg
140g full cream milk

Group C
60g unsalted butter

  • In a mixer with dough attachment, mix ingredients A and mother dough starter togther  
  • Add B and mix till dough is formed
  • Add in C and let it knead till windowpane stage (VERY IMPORTANT) stage (about 15-20min on high speed... to half hour on low speed)
  • Transfer to a lightly greased bowl, cover and let it double in size for about 1hour
  • Transfer to a floured surface, deflate and divide into 12 balls (or 50/60g each)
  • Cover in cling wrap and rest the dough for 15mins
  • Shape each dough or with desired fillings and proof for another 45min or 1hr (till double in size)
  • Brush with egg wash (egg+full cream milk) and bake at 180 degrees for 12-15min
  • Transfer to cooling rack and store in an airtight container

Foodnote: Always wanted to make soft bakery-style bread. Found and tried this recipe. I think this recipe is a keeper. I saw lots of good reviews and success trying out this recipe so it is a must-try and I am not disappointed. The dough is so easy to handle and the taste is so divine. 

I made 4 types of soft bread. Cheese roll, white choc melt, Delfi bloom, and plain bun. Just use whatever ingredients that I have on hand hehe. Looks like a go-to recipe from now on. Yeay! Going to make it into loaf next time.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Crispy Apam Balik

200g all-purpose flour
100g rice flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp baking powder
1 large egg
100g sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
200ml water

roasted ground peanut
sweet corn

  • sieve all-purpose flour, rice flour, baking powder, and baking soda and put aside
  • whisk egg and sugar and add the rest of the ingredients till thick batter is formed
  • cover the bowl with cling wrap and put aside for 1-3hours
  • heat the pancake pan with oil, scoop the batter and spread thinly
  • sprinkle sugar and leave until the top looks cook (dry) and bubbly
  • spread the roasted peanut, drop some butter and sweet corn
  • leave till the edges turn golden
  • fold the pancake into 2 and put on a wire rack to cool

Foodnote: Since I still have sweet corn and peanut leftovers, decided to try a crispy apam balik recipe. The batter is very gooey and I think I made it too thick. It was ok. Once cooled it is not so crispy. Not easy to spread on the pan though. Maybe need more liquid? Nice to eat and don't mind trying one more time.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Puff Pastry

Puff Pastry Base
Group A
400g plain flour
1/4 tsp salt
75g unsalted butter (cold)

Group B
175g cold water

Group C
250g pastry margarine (put in plastic bag and flattened evenly before putting in the fridge)

  • in a big bowl, mix flour and salt and add butter... use fingertips and gently create crumbs
  • transfer crumb mixture into mixing bowl with the hook attachment and turn speed 2 adding water and slowly add water slowly around the bowl
  • after water is absorbed by flour, turn to speed 3 till dough reach "clean up stage" (dough leaves the side of the bowl and form a ball. Note that it won't have smooth texture)
  • transfer dough into cutting mat and roll and squeeze with hands until you get a smooth and even texture
  • roll out dough slightly bigger than the pastry margarine sheet (1cm excess)
  • eg. if the size of margarine is 15x10cm... size of pastry should be 31x11cm so that pastry can be folded to cover the margarine
  • fold in margarine and repeat 4 times. The process must be same eg. gatefold from the top down, bottom up and opening side on the right << considered one time (size is not important)
  • rest the dough for 15min in the fridge before cutting and shaping
  • roll rested dough into 20cm length and from there approximately divide out into 8 pieces
  • shape accordingly with fillings and glaze exposed pastry with egg yolk
  •  and bake at 180°C for 20mins using fan mode
  • reduce to 170°C and bake for another 10min

Chicken Pie Filling
150g potato cubes
35g carrot cubes
1 chicken cube
(boil the above ingredients till potatoes and carrot are fully cooked)
20g butter or corn oil
1 tsp chopped garlic
1 chopped onion
300g chicken cube
50g button mushrooms cut small pieces
120g full cream milk
30g plain flour
1/4 tsp paprika (for color and taste)
1/4 tsp parsley flakes
1/4 tsp oregano
pinch of black/white pepper

  • fry onion and garlic till fragrant
  • add chicken and cook till chicken turn white
  • add milk till bubbly and thick then add flour 
  • add the rest of the ingredients and cook till creamy

Cream Cheese Filling
225g cream cheese
75g caster sugar
1/4 tsp lemon juice
1/4 tsp vanilla essence

  • just mix all ingredients till fully combined... that's all

Foodnote: Another class that I attended. I am more so interested in making fruit tarts. The pastry turns out yummy. My niece ate almost all of it. I am so happy and love the class. Hope to attend more classes. Must find a time to practice all my bakes on weekend first.
  1. Chicken Pie
  2. Open Top Chicken Pie
  3. Tuna Puff
  4. Nutella Chocolate Chip
  5. Apricot Custard Puff
  6. Peach and Cream Cheese Diamond Puff
  7. Strawberry Custard Pinwheel Puff

Tarts, Tartlets and Pies

Shortcrust Base
155g plain flour
20g caster sugar
50g ground almonds
1/8 tsp salt
100g unsalted butter (cold)
1 large egg (65g)

  • in a big bowl, mix all dry ingredients
  • add in cold butter and use fingertips to rub into dry mixture till crumbly
  • in a small bowl, just stir eggs gently till well combined 
  • add the egg to the mixture and fold gently till dough is formed (clean up stage)
  • fill dough into pie or tart mixture of your choice
  • use fork to create tiny holes in the shortcrust before baking
  • bake at 150°C for 30mins
  • approximately this will yield 16 small tart cups or 2 big pie molds

Instant Custard Cream
220g fresh milk
60g instant custard powder

Directions: use paddle attachment & whisk till thickened

Milk Chocolate Ganache
300g milk couverture chocolate or compound chocolate (do not use chocolate chip)
150g dairy whipping cream (choose more than 35% fat)

Directions: on a double boiler, melt the ingredients and gently mix till combined. Pour into the tarts/pie and set in the fridge.

Homemade Piping Gel
2 tbsp gelatin
2 tbsp water
2 cups light corn syrup (dissolve 2 cups of sugar + 1/2 cup of warm water)

Directions: dissolve gelatin in water and leave for 10min. Heat the corn syrup over low heat, stir in the corn syrup and mix well. It will slightly thicken and ready to use once cooled.

Foodnote: To add shine and keep fruits fresh longer on tarts, glaze it with piping gel. This recipe can be used to make chocolate tartlets, fruit tartlets & mixed fruits pie tart.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Bread Pudding

2 loaves of bread (leftovers)
1/2 cup of unsalted butter
1 can of evaporated milk or 2 cups of fresh milk
1/2 cup of water
1/2 cup of sugar
2 tbsp brown sugar
1/2 tsp of cinnamon powder
1/2 tbsp of vanilla essence
2 eggs
raisins (optional)

  • in a pot, combine butter, milk, water, sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon powder, and vanilla essence. Cook until the butter melt but not till boiling. Leave to cool...
  • add the eggs and whisk into the mixture. Put aside...
  • cut breads into small pieces and arrange in any greased cake pan
  • if you have raisins, randomly put in between the breads
  • scoop the pudding mixture pour evenly on the bread
  • pat bread so that pudding mixture is evenly absorbed by the bread... put aside for about 30min
  • bake in pre-heated oven at about 160 degree for about 20 to 30 mins

Foodnote: A kind friend, gave me lots of breads. I gave some to my brother who lives nearby and kept 2 loaves of bread. One is kaya and one is coconut. After 2 days, I use the leftover to make the bread pudding. I included the kaya but remove the coconut fillings. I think it was quite nice. Of course it would be nicer with vanilla sauce... but no time for that. It is nice eaten warm. Love the crispy top and sides yummyyyy
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