Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Crispy Apam Balik

200g all-purpose flour
100g rice flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp baking powder
1 large egg
100g sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
200ml water

roasted ground peanut
sweet corn

  • sieve all-purpose flour, rice flour, baking powder, and baking soda and put aside
  • whisk egg and sugar and add the rest of the ingredients till thick batter is formed
  • cover the bowl with cling wrap and put aside for 1-3hours
  • heat the pancake pan with oil, scoop the batter and spread thinly
  • sprinkle sugar and leave until the top looks cook (dry) and bubbly
  • spread the roasted peanut, drop some butter and sweet corn
  • leave till the edges turn golden
  • fold the pancake into 2 and put on a wire rack to cool

Foodnote: Since I still have sweet corn and peanut leftovers, decided to try a crispy apam balik recipe. The batter is very gooey and I think I made it too thick. It was ok. Once cooled it is not so crispy. Not easy to spread on the pan though. Maybe need more liquid? Nice to eat and don't mind trying one more time.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Puff Pastry

Puff Pastry Base
Group A
400g plain flour
1/4 tsp salt
75g unsalted butter (cold)

Group B
175g cold water

Group C
250g pastry margarine (put in plastic bag and flattened evenly before putting in the fridge)

  • in a big bowl, mix flour and salt and add butter... use fingertips and gently create crumbs
  • transfer crumb mixture into mixing bowl with the hook attachment and turn speed 2 adding water and slowly add water slowly around the bowl
  • after water is absorbed by flour, turn to speed 3 till dough reach "clean up stage" (dough leaves the side of the bowl and form a ball. Note that it won't have smooth texture)
  • transfer dough into cutting mat and roll and squeeze with hands until you get a smooth and even texture
  • roll out dough slightly bigger than the pastry margarine sheet (1cm excess)
  • eg. if the size of margarine is 15x10cm... size of pastry should be 31x11cm so that pastry can be folded to cover the margarine
  • fold in margarine and repeat 4 times. The process must be same eg. gatefold from the top down, bottom up and opening side on the right << considered one time (size is not important)
  • rest the dough for 15min in the fridge before cutting and shaping
  • roll rested dough into 20cm length and from there approximately divide out into 8 pieces
  • shape accordingly with fillings and glaze exposed pastry with egg yolk
  •  and bake at 180°C for 20mins using fan mode
  • reduce to 170°C and bake for another 10min

Chicken Pie Filling
150g potato cubes
35g carrot cubes
1 chicken cube
(boil the above ingredients till potatoes and carrot are fully cooked)
20g butter or corn oil
1 tsp chopped garlic
1 chopped onion
300g chicken cube
50g button mushrooms cut small pieces
120g full cream milk
30g plain flour
1/4 tsp paprika (for color and taste)
1/4 tsp parsley flakes
1/4 tsp oregano
pinch of black/white pepper

  • fry onion and garlic till fragrant
  • add chicken and cook till chicken turn white
  • add milk till bubbly and thick then add flour 
  • add the rest of the ingredients and cook till creamy

Cream Cheese Filling
225g cream cheese
75g caster sugar
1/4 tsp lemon juice
1/4 tsp vanilla essence

  • just mix all ingredients till fully combined... that's all

Foodnote: Another class that I attended. I am more so interested in making fruit tarts. The pastry turns out yummy. My niece ate almost all of it. I am so happy and love the class. Hope to attend more classes. Must find a time to practice all my bakes on weekend first.
  1. Chicken Pie
  2. Open Top Chicken Pie
  3. Tuna Puff
  4. Nutella Chocolate Chip
  5. Apricot Custard Puff
  6. Peach and Cream Cheese Diamond Puff
  7. Strawberry Custard Pinwheel Puff

Tarts, Tartlets and Pies

Shortcrust Base
155g plain flour
20g caster sugar
50g ground almonds
1/8 tsp salt
100g unsalted butter (cold)
1 large egg (65g)

  • in a big bowl, mix all dry ingredients
  • add in cold butter and use fingertips to rub into dry mixture till crumbly
  • in a small bowl, just stir eggs gently till well combined 
  • add the egg to the mixture and fold gently till dough is formed (clean up stage)
  • fill dough into pie or tart mixture of your choice
  • use fork to create tiny holes in the shortcrust before baking
  • bake at 150°C for 30mins
  • approximately this will yield 16 small tart cups or 2 big pie molds

Instant Custard Cream
220g fresh milk
60g instant custard powder

Directions: use paddle attachment & whisk till thickened

Milk Chocolate Ganache
300g milk couverture chocolate or compound chocolate (do not use chocolate chip)
150g dairy whipping cream (choose more than 35% fat)

Directions: on a double boiler, melt the ingredients and gently mix till combined. Pour into the tarts/pie and set in the fridge.

Homemade Piping Gel
2 tbsp gelatin
2 tbsp water
2 cups light corn syrup (dissolve 2 cups of sugar + 1/2 cup of warm water)

Directions: dissolve gelatin in water and leave for 10min. Heat the corn syrup over low heat, stir in the corn syrup and mix well. It will slightly thicken and ready to use once cooled.

Foodnote: To add shine and keep fruits fresh longer on tarts, glaze it with piping gel. This recipe can be used to make chocolate tartlets, fruit tartlets & mixed fruits pie tart.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Bread Pudding

2 loaves of bread (leftovers)
1/2 cup of unsalted butter
1 can of evaporated milk or 2 cups of fresh milk
1/2 cup of water
1/2 cup of sugar
2 tbsp brown sugar
1/2 tsp of cinnamon powder
1/2 tbsp of vanilla essence
2 eggs
raisins (optional)

  • in a pot, combine butter, milk, water, sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon powder, and vanilla essence. Cook until the butter melt but not till boiling. Leave to cool...
  • add the eggs and whisk into the mixture. Put aside...
  • cut breads into small pieces and arrange in any greased cake pan
  • if you have raisins, randomly put in between the breads
  • scoop the pudding mixture pour evenly on the bread
  • pat bread so that pudding mixture is evenly absorbed by the bread... put aside for about 30min
  • bake in pre-heated oven at about 160 degree for about 20 to 30 mins

Foodnote: A kind friend, gave me lots of breads. I gave some to my brother who lives nearby and kept 2 loaves of bread. One is kaya and one is coconut. After 2 days, I use the leftover to make the bread pudding. I included the kaya but remove the coconut fillings. I think it was quite nice. Of course it would be nicer with vanilla sauce... but no time for that. It is nice eaten warm. Love the crispy top and sides yummyyyy

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Lazy Chicken Porridge

1 cup of rice washed and drained
1/4 or more chicken chopped to small pieces
1 medium sized onion finely sliced
2 garlic finely chopped
small piece of ginger (lightly pound)
dry fragrant spices (2 cloves + 1 cinnamon stick + 1 cardamom seed + 1 star anise)
1 tbsp ghee
1 tbsp vegetable or olive oil
1 Knorr chicken cube
1 tsp white pepper powder
salt to taste
fried shallots for garnishing
some cubed carrots or other vegetables (optional)

  • in a medium size pot, fry cinnamon stick, cloves, cardamom and star anise in ghee and oil
  • put in onion, garlic, and ginger and stir fry till fragrance
  • add in chicken and cook till chicken is halfway cooked
  • add in carrot and a cup of water and let it simmer
  • put in the rice and another cup of water together with chicken cube
  • add salt and pepper to taste
  • cook on lower heat till rice turns to porridge... stir and add in water occasionally till desired congee consistency
  • garnish with fried onions once cooked

Foodnote: Just craving for chicken porridge so just use whatever ingredients available. Actually tasted good. Delicious comfort food.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Jemput-Jemput Pisang

3 ripe bananas
1 cup self-raising flour (or 1 cup of plain flour + 2 tsp baking powder)
2 tsp sugar (optional)
pinch of salt
vegetable oil for frying

  • mash bananas then add flour, sugar and salt
  • scoop about a teaspoon or tablespoon (up to you) and deep fry in pre-heated oil till dark golden brown

Foodnote: That's all. Simple and good and soft and yummy. If the bananas are still slightly firm, I also like to just cut it up (dice) and mix with the batter. It will be very nice when you bite into soft juicy bananas... ooh la la... 

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Sweet and Savoury Soft Bread

Group A
300g bread flour (13% or more protein content)
7g instant brown yeast (Bruggeman)
1 tbsp caster sugar
1 tbsp full cream milk powder
1pc egg (yolk+white=60g)
140g water

Group B
1/2 tsp salt
35g unsalted butter

Egg Wash
2 egg yolks
1 egg white
30g fresh milk

  • put all ingredients from Group A in a mixing bowl, use the dough attachment & mix for about 2mins on medium speed
  • combine Group B into Group A, mix on high speed till dough comes together off the hook & does not stick to hands (around 5mins)
  • divide the dough into about 50g balls each and place them on a tray (leave spaces in between for expansion) and cover with cling wrap
  • rest for 30 to 45mins
  • shape dough according to the fillings of each bread roll and cover with cling wrap again and let proof for 1 hour or till double in size (can put on a tray and leave in the oven. Put a bowl of hot water on the bottom tray without switching on the oven. Take it out once ready to preheat oven)
  • once ready, brush a thin layer of egg wash before baking
  • bake at 180°C for 12mins
  • once the bread is out of the oven, quickly brush a thin layer of melted butter on each rolls
  • leave bread to cool down completely before decorating
  • keep in covered containers to prevent dryness and the bread should be able to retain the softness for the next 3 days if well kept

Foodnote: Learn from another instructor. The dough is simple and really easy to manage. Not bad... and classmates are fun! Looking forward to their artisan bread class.
  1. Pandan Twist: pandan paste + kaya spread
  2. Blueberry Flower: blueberry pie fillings
  3. Chocolate Pull-Apart Bread: coverture cream & Nutella
  4. Cream Bun: non-dairy whipping cream (bettercreme) + Nutella
  5. Tuna Cone Bread: tuna + mayo + tomatoes + lettuce
  6. Fish Burger Wrap: fish fillet + parmesan cheese + paprika + black&white sesame seeds + parsley flakes + chilli sauce + mayo
  7. Sausage Roll: 1 sausage
  8. Sausage Twist: 1 sausage + chilli sauce + mayo + parmesan cheese
  9. Cranberries & Raisins Twist: Dried Cranberries + Dried Raisins
  10. Pizza Bread: mozzarella cheese + parmesan cheese + chicken ham + tomato/pasta sauce + capsicums, mushrooms, chilli sauce + mayo + parsley flakes + oregano

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Potato Lasagna

pasta sauce
chicken ham
mixed cheese (cheddar, mozarella or whatever you have on hand... sliced also can lah)
(can use any ingredients that you like on a pizza)

  • peel and slice potato as thinly as possible
  • in a well greased with butter or non-stick tray, arrange potato to cover the base
  • scoop pasta sauce over the potato
  • layered with other ingredients like making pizza/lasagne and keep layering finishing it with cheese
  • baked in pre-heat oven (about 170 I think) for about 20-30mins (I forgot how long hehe so until cook lah) covered with foil and final 5-10mins uncovered

An alternative to lasagne as you just replace the pasta with potato. That's all. Taste very nice too... 
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