Monday, March 2, 2020

Pandan Chiffon Cake

(Measurement for single 18cm portion. Double portion for 23-25cm chiffon pan)
Ingredients Part A
Group 1
140g egg yolk (8 large eggs)
120g coconut milk
8g kopoe kopoe pandan paste
80g vegetable oil

Group 2
140g sifted cake flour
5g salt

Ingredients Part B
Group 3
210g egg whites
140g castor sugar
1/2 tsp cream of tartar

Part A
  • in a big bowl combine egg yolk with coconut milk to prevent hydration while preparing other ingredients
  • whisk Group 1 centre to side till completely mixed adding oil last
  • add Group 2 and whisk till batter is smooth and no lumps
  • once mixture is creamy and flowy, put it aside to prepare Part B
Part B
  • using a mixer with balloon whisk attachment, whisk egg whites until frothy before adding in cream of tartar and whisk till soft peak
  • gradually add in the castor sugar and then whisk on higher speed (KA8 -10) till firm peak
Final Steps
  • scoop 1/3 of egg whites meringue into Part A and fold in till fully combined making sure to scrap the bottom of the bowl
  • fold in the rest of the egg whites in 2 more batches
  • fill in 3/4 of chiffon pan and use a skewer to run around through the batter to remove any air bubbles
  • bake at 160°C for 40min to 1hr till skewer comes clean from center of cake
  • remove from oven and turn it upside down on a rack to cool down
  • once cooled, use a sharp knife to release the edges and inner ring through pulling motion
  • remove from pan and use the knife again to releave the cake from the base of the pan
  • ready to serve!!

Foodnote: Glad that I now can make my own chiffon cake weeee.... I also discovered from FB similar technique of baking that produces super soft spongy cake. Will definitely be trying those recipes. I am so happy and looking forward to more bakes this year!

Today 19 September 2020, I finally tried to make pandan chiffon cake at home. I feel more confident after the success of making chocolate chiffon cake by substituting the flour. Since I still have hong kong flour, I use it for pandan chiffon too. The cake become so fluffy that it cracked hehe. But texture and form is very satisfying. Will definitely be trying to make other flavor of chiffon. Feeling satisfied and glad that I take the Basic Cake course yippee.... 

Vanilla Swiss Roll with Chocolate Ganache

Ingredients for Sponge Cake
160g egg whites
120g castor sugar
120g egg yolks
70g cake flour (sift 3x)
a pinch of salt
40g vegetable oil
2 tsp vanilla extract

  • pre-heat oven to 170 degree C and prepare baking pan lined with baking paper
  • whisk egg whites on medium speed with balloon attachment till soft peak
  • gradually add in sugar till firm peak (ie when whisk is lifted, egg whites form peak that is hooked)
  • add in egg yolks one at a time on low speed just till evenly mixed with every addition
  • sift flour and salt directly over the batter in 3 batches and use a hand whisk to mix it evenly (do not over whisk or the batter will deflate
  • temper oil with 2 scoop of batter
  • pour back tempered oil into the batter and mix well
  • add in vanilla extract and use a spatula to fold the mixture to fold gently until evenly mix
  • bang mixing bowl on counter top 2 - 3 time to remove big air bubble
  • spread batter into baking pan and spread evenly with a spatula pushing batter into the corners
  • jiggle pan lightly to level the batter and tap on countertop gently twice
  • bake on middle rack for about 20min till middle of cake is springy
  • remove from oven and drop pan from 1" high for 3-4x to release side of cake and to prevent cake from sinking
  • remove cake from pan and flip cake on a clean baking paper, skin side facing down
  • place a clean baking paper on top of cake and flip cake over again, now skin side facing up
  • leave cake to cool on wire rack
To assemble cake
  • place cake on a new piece of baking paper, skin side facing down now
  • peel baking paper on cake
  • spread chocolate ganache
  • roll cake on baking paper to guide along

Ingredients for Chocolate Ganache filling
200g dark chocolate couveture (55%)
200g heavy cream (35% whipping cream)
20g honey to add shine
20g butter (optional)
2 tsp vanilla extract

  • heat cream on low heat and keep stirring till bubbly on the sides
  • remove from heat and pour in the chocolate
  • let it soak for a while
  • using a spatula, stir center to side... center to side
  • to put aside before using, cover with clingwrap touching the chocolate and use another clingwrap to cover the bowl

Foodnote: TBC

Vanilla Sponge Cake

Ingredients for Sponge Cake
Part 1
275g eggs (5 nos.)
10g vanilla extract
130g castor sugar

Part 2
130g cake flour (sifted 3x)

Part 3
30g vegetable oil

  • in a mixer with balloon attachment, whisk eggs, vanilla extract and castor sugar on low for a while just to combine all ingredients together
  • turn to high speed (KA 8-10) for 8min
  • turn to lower speed (KA 3-4) for another 2min
  • total should be 10min to reach a ribbon stage
  • remove batter from mixer and fold in cake flour in 2 batches
  • in a separate small bowl add in the oil and scoop in some batter into the oil and mix well (oil tempering)
  • pour back the oil mixture into the batter and mix well
  • prepare 2 nos. of 6" cake rings by lining it with baking paper (inner) and aluminium foil (outer)
  • scoop batter into each mould: 140g portion
  • bake at 190°C for 18min
  • turn cake over to cool it
  • once cool, slice each cake into 2 and decorate it with cream, coulis jam or fruits
  • chill before serving

Ingredients for Chantilly Cream
500g non-dairy whipping cream
50g icing sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla essence

  • whisk all ingredients with balloon attachment till firm peak and keep in the fridge till ready to use. If over beat, just add a bit more cream to soften the cream

Foodnote: TBC

Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Killer Toast

260g bread flour (I use Japanese bread flour)
3g instant dry yeast
160g egg (one extra large egg) + full cream milk mixture
30g sugar
2g salt
30g salted butter

  • mix all dry ingredients together in a mixing bowl then add in egg+milk mixture using paddle attachment till it comes together (5min)
  • add in butter and mix till window pane stage (20min low and 10min high speed)
  • round and rest dough for 10min
  • divide into 3 portions and roll flat like a swiss roll and place in bread loaf pan
  • proof till dough reaches 90% of pan height (about 1hr in the oven with hot water)
  • bake in oven at 175°C for 45-50min (for open top, cover with aluminium foil if the top gets too brown around 20-25min)

Foodnote: Came across this recipe here and I just have to try it because I have all the ingredients on hand and it looks so simple and easy. However, I only have a small egg weighing 45g hehe... but it still comes out good. This recipe is a keeper!! Love that the portion is for a single loaf. I ate it warm with melted butter yum yum... love the crispy tasty crust. Oh yeah... store the bread in airtight container.

Check out how I use this recipe to make cat loaf.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Sweet Corn Custard Pudding

130g custard powder
130g castor sugar
35g gula melaka or palm sugar
250g evaporated milk (can use coconut milk but I don't have any)
380g cream style cream of corn (I use 1 tetrapack of del Monte)
a pinch of salt
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
500ml water

  • blend/whisk custard powder, sugar, milk/coconut milk till no lumps
  • in a pan/wok bring water to a boil and pour in the custard mixture followed by the cream corn, vanilla & salt stirring constantly
  • keep stirring till mixture thickens (around 10-15min)
  • turn off fire and scoop into mould or pan to room temperature (15min)
  • chill in the freezer till set about 3-4 hour and cut to serve

Foodnote: I love corn pudding. I ever tried once but it didn't set properly *pout. Finally decided to make it again after my SIL send me a small container recently and I ate just few pieces and the rest was cleared by my niece. This time... success!!! I think I may have cooked too long and the top doesn't look smooth sob sob... oh well... 

Monday, February 24, 2020

No Bake Cheesecake

Crumb Base
(follow recipe here)

Cheesecake Batter
300g cream cheese
45g castor sugar
70g yoghurt
5g gelatine powder + 25g tap or cold water (1g gelatin = add 5g water)
100g heavy cream (whipping cream) - 35% fat

Tips to make yoghurt
90g heavy cream + 10g white vinegar/ACV (90% cream + 10% vinegar)

Peach Topping (optional but nice to add0
200g peach cubes
30g sugar
20g lemon juice
5g gelatin + 25g water

Cheesecake Batter
  • prepare gelatin and water mixture and leave it to bloom (gelatin to water)
  • in a separate bowl, whip the cream till soft peak and put aside
  • in a mixer with paddle attachment, cream the cheese till smooth (KA4)
  • add in caster sugar followed by the yoghurt
  • melt the gelatin mixture and add to the batter
  • finally add in the whipped cream and just mix for a while only till evenly mix will do
  • spread on the crumb base and leave it in the fridge to cool for at least 4 hours

Peach Topping
  • bloom gelatin for 5min
  • heat lemon juice + sugar till sugar melt and add in gelatin mixture and remove from heat
  • take out the cheesecake from the fridge and spread peaches evenly
  • pour the gelatine mixture over the peaches and let it cool again in the fridge for 8hrs or best overnight

Foodnote: This taste good and easy. I love the fruits toppings on the cake. Instead of making the yoghurt, I use greek yoghurt since I have one in the fridge. Will definitely make this again for occasion.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Baked Cheese Cake

Crumb Base
250g digestive biscuits / marie biscuits / cookies or biscuits
90g butter (melted)
20g honey/golden syrup (best)/corn syrup
20g brown sugar
(honey and brown sugar may be omitted if the cookies have high sugar content)

Cheesecake Batter
500g cream cheese (Royal Victoria)
120g castor sugar
200g eggs
120g heavy cream / whipping cream
1 lemon or lime juice + zest (25g zest + 25g juice) - grate for zest using microplane

Crumb Base
  • pound the digestive biscuits into very fine crumbs (put into ziplock and roll with a pin)
  • add brown sugar and honey and mix well
  • add butter but not everything leaving about 1/4 and adjust accordingly
  • check the texture... when clump lightly (take a small batch in your palm and squeeze gently), it should be able to hold together when roll to & fro in your palm. If too dry (the mixture falls apart), add more butter... if too oily, add more biscuits crumb lah
  • measure 125g and flatten light;y it into a baking pan (initially using the back of your hand to fill the base and sides evenly and later using the back of a spoon) that have been earlier wrapped with foil to prevent moisture from getting in
  • balance crumb to put aside for topping
  • bake for about 160-170°C for 12min to set
  • leave to cool

Cheesecake Batter
  • cream cheese using a mixer on a paddle attachment (KA4)
  • add in caster sugar (KA2) scraping the sides and bottom regularly till creamy
  • add egg in 4 batches also scraping the sides and bottom between each batch
  • add lemon juice + zest
  • add heavy cream for a while till combined
  • at this stage, taste if batter have enough sourness... if not, add more lemon juice or zest
  • pour into the pan with crust base, smooth the surface and top with crumbs as desired
  • can also add toppings such as fruits or choc chips... basically decorate the top
  • bake for about 45-50min on 145°C using a bain-marie method
  • once cooked ie skewer comes clean and texture feels firm, switch off the temperature, leave the oven door open and leave the cheesecake to cool down for half and hour in the oven

Foodnote: Love my basic cake class so far. The recipes turn out good and delicious. I tried both the baked and non-baked and they are awesome. Can experiment with other flavors next time... 

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Pandan Butter Cake

(all-in-one method)
Group A
330g cake flour
12g baking powder
250 castor sugar

Group B
225g cake margarine

Group C
185g eggs
150g fresh milk
5g pandan essence
~ combine together

  • combine together Group A in a stand mixer using paddle attachment then add in cake margarine till it turns crumbly
  • slowly pour in Group C and at whisk till combined and the batter is smooth 
  • scoop in a mould that have been lined with baking paper
  • bake at 160-170°C for about 30min or till skewer comes clean

Foodnote: this recipe was taught just for our information, of what is usually done by commercial bakers. Personally I don't really like it because of the margarine. Will stick to the traditional recipe and this is as a reference only.
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