Monday, February 24, 2020

No Bake Cheesecake

Crumb Base
(follow recipe here)

Cheesecake Batter
300g cream cheese
45g castor sugar
70g yoghurt
5g gelatine powder + 25g tap or cold water (1g gelatin = add 5g water)
100g heavy cream (whipping cream) - 35% fat

Tips to make yoghurt
90g heavy cream + 10g white vinegar/ACV (90% cream + 10% vinegar)

Peach Topping (optional but nice to add0
200g peach cubes
30g sugar
20g lemon juice
5g gelatin + 25g water

Cheesecake Batter
  • prepare gelatin and water mixture and leave it to bloom (gelatin to water)
  • in a separate bowl, whip the cream till soft peak and put aside
  • in a mixer with paddle attachment, cream the cheese till smooth (KA4)
  • add in caster sugar followed by the yoghurt
  • melt the gelatin mixture and add to the batter
  • finally add in the whipped cream and just mix for a while only till evenly mix will do
  • spread on the crumb base and leave it in the fridge to cool for at least 4 hours

Peach Topping
  • bloom gelatin for 5min
  • heat lemon juice + sugar till sugar melt and add in gelatin mixture and remove from heat
  • take out the cheesecake from the fridge and spread peaches evenly
  • pour the gelatine mixture over the peaches and let it cool again in the fridge for 8hrs or best overnight

Foodnote: This taste good and easy. I love the fruits toppings on the cake. Instead of making the yoghurt, I use greek yoghurt since I have one in the fridge. Will definitely make this again for occasion.

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