Sunday, February 16, 2020

Traditional Butter Cake

(creaming method)
Group A
250g unsalted butter 
250g castor sugar

Group B
200g eggs (room temperature)
10g vanilla essence
~ whisk together with a fork till foamy

Group C
250g cake flour
7g baking powder (double action)
~ sift both ingredients

60g fresh milk (UHT or Pastuerized)

  • using the paddle attachment, whisk Group A at low speed (4 speed on KitchenAid mixer) for about 10min or batter turns pale
  • add egg mixture slowly (split into 5 portions)
  • if mixture start to split and curdle, add about 1 tbsp of flour and whisk for a while at high speed till batter turn smooth again
  • remove batter from mixer and transfer into another bowl
  • in the meantime, heat oven to about 160-170°C
  • fold in flour and milk in the following order... flour, milk, flour, milk, flour till all are combined
  • do the dollop test... batter should drop easily from spatula. If it is a bit stiff, add a bit more milk... about 1 tbsp or 5g each time
  • scoop into mould that have been lined with baking paper
  • optional: sprinkle walnut and almond on the cake before baking
  • bake for about 30-40min or till skewer comes out clean

Marble Cake
  • add 2 tbsp cocoa powder to 1/3 of the batter and add a bit more milk till it pass the dollop test. Alternate scoop into a mould and use skewer to run through the batter
Blueberry/Raisins/Nuts Cake
  • combine the fruit and nuts into the flour then fold it in
Butterscotch/Chocolate Chips Cake etc
  • scoop a layer of batter and sprinkle some chips over the surface... cover with batter... you get the idea

  • Pandan essence: cut about 6pcs pandan leaves and blend with a bit of water. Sieve/Squeeze the juice. Leave it in the fridge overnight. The following day, the essence will separate with the water. Remove the water on the top later to use the pandan essence. Might need to add green color as the essence color is a bit pale. It is also good to replace milk with coconut milk to make pandan traditional butter cake
  • any recipe that calls for cake flour can be substituted with Hong Kong flour to get a finer texture

Foodnote: Learn basics of cake making... only because one of the module is to make chiffon hehehe. I practice to make it at home and it is so yummy and successful. Made one with butterscotch chips and another with blueberries.

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