Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Kueh Keria Gula Melaka

2 small sweet potato
1/2 cup plain flour
1 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp gula melaka
oil for frying

  • steam sweet potato till soft, peel skin off and mash
  • add flour until soft sticky dough is formed
  • leave in the fridge for 15-30min so that dough is more firmed and can be shaped
  • formed dough into shape of doughnut
  • deep fry till golden and leave to cool
  • in an empty pan/wok, add sugar, gula melaka and just a bit of water
  • stir to let sugar dissolve and come to a rolling boil and get a bit sticky
  • add in the keria and coat it with the syrup thoroughly
  • immediately off the fire and mix again so that all the sugar coat the kueh
  • cool each keria on a rack till the syrup hardens

Foodnote: So I have 2 sweet potato in the kitchen and was wondering what to do with it. Decided to make keria. Since I have gula melaka, I added it. Very sweet but ok lah. Craving satisfied.

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