Saturday, April 6, 2024

Biskut Cornflakes

240g butter
100g icing sugar
200g plain flour
50g corn flour
40g/1 cup cornflakes (lightly crushed)
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups cornflakes for toppings
optional: cherries

  • in a large bowl, mix butter with icing sugar using spatula
  • add vanilla mix followed by corn flour
  • mix in plain flour
  • finally add in crushed cornflakes
  • keep in the fridge for 15mins
  • pre-heat oven to 160°C top + bottom heat
  • dough will be sticky
  • scoop with spoon and drop in cornflakes topping
  • round the dough and place in baking tray or paper cup
  • bake in middle rack for 20min

Foodnote: For 2024 Hari Raya, feel like making ol skool cookie. So I made these! Very easy to make and so yummy! I really love this. I added chopped cherries though it is not so visible. Will use paper cups next time. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Cekodok Pisang

3 ripe bananas
1/2 tbsp butter
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup flour

  • in a bowl, mash bananas with sugar and butter
  • add the rest of the ingredients
  • fry in medium heat oil till batter floats

Foodnote: I have 3 frozen bananas and wanted to make jemput2 pisang but I don't have self-raising flour. Decided to try this instead. Ok my photography skill sucks and the cekodok is flat. Maybe need more flour and baking powder. But cekodok is always nice and I finish everything hehe.

Chicken Soup ala Shark's Fin

chicken meat (sliced into strips)
dried prawns
chicken cube
corn flour
baking soda
dark soya sauce
fish sauce
sesame oil
white pepper

  • add corn flour, baking soda, salt and a bit of water to the chicken and mix well... put aside
  • in a bowl, prepare corn flour mixture mix with water (can be thick or thin)
  • in a pot, add a bit of oil and dried prawn
  • stir fry for a while and add water till boiling
  • add in the chicken cube
  • turn off the fire and slowly mix in the corn starch to desired consistency (mix from the bottom so that it won't be lumpy)
  • switch on the fire on low
  • now flavor it with salt, fish sauce, dark soya sauce (desired color) and do a taste test
  • add oil to the chicken so that it wouldn't stick when cooking
  • add the chicken bit by bit and stir
  • finally add sesame oil for fragrance, sugar and white pepper
  • soup is ready

Footnote: Made this before with chicken and leftover beansprout. Love it so much. Today I added more vegetables and it is so yummy! Updated the picture because the previous one doesn't look very appetizing hehe.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Thai Steamed Seabass

chilli padi
lime juice
coriander roots
fish sauce
kafir lime leaves

  • blend above ingredients
  • scoop over fish (leave some to drizzle after steaming)
  • steam 10-15 min over medium heat
  • garnish with coriander leaves

Foodnote: 3rd brother went fishing can gave me seabass. I cut into 2 and decided to make simple steamed fish ala thai style. I have some pink cabbage so I just leave it under the fish and that is why I got the purple soup lol. Very yummy and I just ate it without rice.

Friday, February 16, 2024

Cik Lean's Granola

500g rolled oats
1 cup nuts (eg. almonds, walnuts, cashews, pecans)
1/2 cup seeds (eg. pumpkin, sunflower seeds)
1/4 cup flaxseed
1/2 cup oil (eg. melted butter, olive oil, coconut oil)
1/2 cup honey or maple syrup
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
1/2 cup dried fruits (eg. cranberries, blueberries, raisins, goji berries, dates)

other ingredients
1/2 cup coconut flakes
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1 cup chocolate chips
brown sugar, vanilla pod/essence etc.

  • preheat oven to 175°C and line a baking tray with parchment paper
  • mix all the dry ingredients except for dried fruits
  • pour in honey and olive oil/melted butter and mix well
  • spread the mixture on the baking tray
  • bake for 30min, stirring every 8-10mins until golden brown and crispy
  • leave in oven for 10min with heat off and door slightly open
  • remove from oven add in the dried fruits and stir well
  • let cool and store in airtight container

Foodnote: Felt the need to up my fiber intake and eat oats more regularly but don't really like overnight oats. So I decided to make my own granola since the store bought ones are always too sweet with preservatives. Making my own, I can adjust to any ingredients to my liking. I use coconut oil and added coconut flakes. Delicious and smells good while baking. I can topped it to greek yoghurt or milk. Yummilicious!!

15 Feb 2024: Bake 2nd batch. This time it includes pecans + coconut flakes, sunflower + pumpkin + flax seeds and cranberries. I use olive oil with balance butter and also used up my honey. I baked longer and reduce the temperature since it is still not crispy. Then I leave it in the oven to cool and dry up the ingredients before adding in the dried cranberries. This time it is crispier and nice. Will make this regularly.

Banana Cake

3 medium ripe bananas (mashed) (approx 200g)
3 eggs
100g brown/white sugar (I use brown)
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp bicarbonate soda
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp salt
150g top flour (or cake flour)
100g sunflower or vegetable oil

  • pre-heat oven to 180°C
  • prepare cake pan lined with parchment paper
  • in a mixer, whisk eggs and brown sugar on high speed till pale ribbon stage
  • add in mashed bananas, salt and vanilla and whisk in slow speed till well combined followed by the oil
  • finally add in sifted flour, baking powder, baking soda mixture and whisk again
  • pour batter into cake pan and tap to clear large air bubbles
  • bake for about 40-45min at 180°C or till skewer or satay stick comes clean
  • alternatively can bake at 160°C for 35min and 180°C for 10min till skewer comes out clean
Foodnote: This is my second attempt at making banana cake. The first time was not very successful as the cake was dry. This recipe is better and moist... comparable to Hiap Joo banana cake hehe. I think it would also be nice to add baked walnuts or pecans.

Very easy to make so definitely will be making this regularly whenever I have leftover over riped bananas.

16 Feb 2024:
Bake this again since I have 4 over riped bananas. I also have leftovers pecans that I baked and chopped to add. This time I use my rectangle baking pan. Bake it a little bit longer by 10min at lower temperature. Tasted good with nuts and this recipe is super easy and never disappoint me.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Healthy and Quick Flatbread

300g plain flour
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground cumin (optional)
1 tsp baking powder
4 tbsp plain yoghurt
~100ml water

  • in a large bowl add flour, salt, ground cumin, baking powder and mix it up
  • add yoghurt and mix 
  • add water gradually and knead till smooth soft dough is formed
  • let it rest for minimum 5min
  • take a portion of dough and round it up... dip in flour and roll into flat dough
  • topping can be added... wet the surface and sprinkle with desired topping eg. fresh herbs or chopped chillies or roasted cumin seeds etc.
  • cook on a hot pan for few minute and turn to the other side
  • remove from pan and brush with butter

Foodnote: Inspired after successfully making chapati a few times, I tried this flatbread. I tried to recreate the flatbread bought by my 2nd brother in Shanghai hehe. The flatbread is soft and I covered the cooked flatbread with towel just like chapati because I wanted a soft bread. It is really nice and soft. What I did is I brush it with melted butter and generously sprinkle with paprika and also garlic. It tasted a bit like the bread my brother brought back from Shanghai. Not the same but ok. I really think it is paprika instead of sezhuan chilli pepper. Kept the rest in the fridge to eat with chilli tuna or rendang or turn into healthy vegetables wrap. 

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Kambing Masak Berempah

1kg mutton
1 green chilli 
1 red onion 
6 garlic 
1 cm ginger 
2 tomatoes 

coriander leaves 
curry leaves 
pandan leaves 

1/2 cup coconut milk 

6 dried chillies
1 tbsp coriander seeds 
1 tbsp cumin seeds 
1 tbsp fennel seeds 
1 tbsp black pepper 
~ sauteed till fragrant 
~ pound till fine 

1 tbsp mustard seed 

dry spices (4 sekawan) 
- 1 cinnamon stick 
- 3 star anise 
- 4 cloves 
- 3 cardamom 

2 tsp tumeric powder

  • heat oil then add 4 dry spices 
  • add mustard seeds 
  • add sliced red onion till soft 
  • add pandan leaves + curry leaves 
  • add pound garlic + ginger fry 1min and add in mutton and tumeric 
  • add cubed tomatoes on low fire cook for 10min with lid covered 
  • add spices that have been pounded fine 
  • add 2 cups of water add salt to taste
  • add coconut milk 
  • finally add coriander leaves

Foodnote: Since I love chapati, I wanted to try to make this. Recipe from Sugu Pavithra on youtube. I followed as closed as possible. Turns out very nice and fragrant. Only thing is that my meat some are tender and some pieces are tough. But good recipe and love it.
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