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Showing posts sorted by date for query flat bread. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Healthy and Quick Flatbread

300g plain flour
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground cumin (optional)
1 tsp baking powder
4 tbsp plain yoghurt
~100ml water

  • in a large bowl add flour, salt, ground cumin, baking powder and mix it up
  • add yoghurt and mix 
  • add water gradually and knead till smooth soft dough is formed
  • let it rest for minimum 5min
  • take a portion of dough and round it up... dip in flour and roll into flat dough
  • topping can be added... wet the surface and sprinkle with desired topping eg. fresh herbs or chopped chillies or roasted cumin seeds etc.
  • cook on a hot pan for few minute and turn to the other side
  • remove from pan and brush with butter

Foodnote: Inspired after successfully making chapati a few times, I tried this flatbread. I tried to recreate the flatbread bought by my 2nd brother in Shanghai hehe. The flatbread is soft and I covered the cooked flatbread with towel just like chapati because I wanted a soft bread. It is really nice and soft. What I did is I brush it with melted butter and generously sprinkle with paprika and also garlic. It tasted a bit like the bread my brother brought back from Shanghai. Not the same but ok. I really think it is paprika instead of sezhuan chilli pepper. Kept the rest in the fridge to eat with chilli tuna or rendang or turn into healthy vegetables wrap. 

Friday, August 4, 2023

Pumpkin Sourdough Bread

300g bread flour
100g active sourdough starter
6g salt
250g pumpkin puree
50g pumpkin seeds

  • in a bowl, mix flour with salt
  • add starter and pumpkin puree and stir well
  • transfer to mixer and using dough hook, mix for 10min
  • transfer back to bowl and rest for 30min
  • do first coil fold and rest for 30min
  • add pumpkin seeds 1/4 at a time while doing coil fold and rest another 30min
  • do 3rd coil fold and rest till dough double in size
  • transfer into floured surface and shape
  • put into proofing basket, cover with plastic
  • leave in chiller for 8 up to 48hrs till ready to bake
  • pre-heat oven and dutch oven to 230C
  • transfer to silicon mat, score and transfer to dutch oven
  • insert ice into flap of dutch oven
  • bake for 30mins covered
  • remove lid and bake at 200C for another 15min

Foodnote: I have pumpkin seeds and been wanting to try and make pumpkin sourdough bread. Found this simple recipe from here. Weather is good and sunny... have bought pumpkin from the supermarket to make into puree. Starter is still active so it became another bread day. However, I only managed to get 230g of puree so I added 20g water. Turns out good. 

The smell of baking bread is marvellous as always and love that it is a bit rounded and not flat. There is not much oven spring but I am good with it.

It was a rushing day. While cooling the bread, I went out for walk. A friend message me that she have extra ticket for Perfect Timing by Dr Omar Suleiman. So I decided to bless half of the bread for her. Reached home late so I only managed to taste the bread the next day. Lightly toast it on my non stick pan and slather it with my favorite Lurpak butter.

Ok... it is so delicious oh my. Definitely will make this again 😘👌!

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Chocolate Cherries Sourdough Bread

350g bread flour 
40g cocoa powder
320g water
80g active starter 
8g salt
5g diastatic malt

leftover cherries
semi-sweet chocolate chips

Foodnote: Recipe here. So I bought Cacao Barry cocoa powder to try due to the good reviews. It really smells amazing. Found this simple recipe however could be due to my technique, the bread ends up flat. Is it due to the inclusions? Will keep trying and learning.

Taste wise... it is ok with strong cocoa taste. Nice to bite into the cherries though. It taste awesome with cream cheese. Hhmmm will try chocolate cheddar sourdough bread.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Bazlama / Turkish Flat Bread

500g bread flour
160g warm milk
160g warm water
10g instant yeast
10g sugar
8g salt
18g olive oil

wash: melted butter + crushed red pepper + chopped parsley/spring onion

  • in a large bowl, mix warm water and milk together and add in sugar and yeast
  • stir till yeast and sugar dissolve then add flour and salt
  • mix till all liquid have been absorbed then add in olive oil and salt
  • knead till all comes together, round and rub oil over the dough
  • cover the bowl and rest the dough till double in size (about 1hr)
  • divide into 6pcs and round each dough
  • cover with clingwrap to prevent from drying
  • in the meantime pre-heat a non-stick pan on medium heat
  • lightly flour one dough and roll flat
  • grill the flat bread without oil on both sides till puffy and fully cooked

Foodnote: Recipe from here. Since my old oven is already acting up (the heat goes up so high suddenly) and I still want to bake bread... I ended up making flat bread. Just nice since my friend is going to make hummus so it will compliment with the Turkish flat bread. I tried making just to see the portion and it turns out nice and soft. I ate with curry mince beef loaded with lots of carrots and potatoes. Yummeh... 

Monday, May 3, 2021

Danish Pastries

200g plain flour
3g salt
16g caster sugar
1g crusty bread improver
16g butter
3g low sugar yeast
20g eggs
92g chilled water

100g roll in pastry butter sheet

Prepare pastry butter sheet
  • wrap butter in parchment paper to form a square shape approximately 15cm
  • roll the butter flat to fill the square shape and put in chiller
Prepare dough
  • in a mixing bowl, combine all dry ingredients together
  • using low speed, add in the water, egg and butter
  • stop when dough is formed (cleaning up stage) 
Pastry assemby (French wrap)
  • on a generously floured working area, roll dough out to form a squarish shape double the size of butter
  • take out the butter sheet and place it in the middle of the dough (45° rotate) so that there are triangle dough flap to fold over the butter
  • seal the dough edges over the butter, wrap in clingwrap and keep in chiller for minimum 10min or more
  • 1st quad (2 x 4 = 8 layers): generously flour working surface and place dough. Flour surface of dough so that it don't stick to working surface or rolling pin. Roll out dough from the centre outwards to 20cm width and about 50cm length (about 0.3 - 0.5mm thickness). Before folding, dust away excess flour from dough. Fold in about 2-3 fingers in (short side) and fold the other wide in to meet the folded edge. Fold the dough again to form a small rectangle (earlier folded side in and making sure smooth side is always facing up. Cover with clingwrap and keep in fridge again to relax the dough
  • 2nd quad (8 x 4 = 32 layers): repeat folding process and chill in fridge for mininum 10min
  • 3rd quad (32 x 4 = 128 layers): repeat folding process and chill in fridge for minimum 10min
  • 4th quad (32 x 4 = 512 layers): repeat folding process and chill in fridge for minimum 10min till ready to use
  • roll out dough to have surface area of 20cm x 24 cm at 0.3 - 0.5mm
  • using ruler to guide, mark to form sizes required and start shaping
  • place pastry on parchment paper, spray with water and proof for 45min
  • brush the pastry with egg wash and bake at 210°C for 7min and 180°C for 13min

Custard Claws
  • cut 11cm x 11cm pastry
  • place custard in the middle, brush edges with water/egg and press to seal
  • make small cut at the top for steam to escape and cut ends to create "claw" like design
  • egg wash and topped with almond flakes for decorations before baking

Apple Squares
  • cut 11cm x 11cm pastry
  • fold edges to the centre and press down to maintain shape
  • egg wash before baking
  • after baking, fill with custard and topped with apple fillings

Pain Au Chocolate
  • cut 10cm x 14cm pastry (short edge depends on length size of chocolate bar)
  • place 1 baking chocolate bar on one edge, roll over the dough, place another bar of chocolate and roll again
  • brush water at the end of edges to seal
  • egg wash before baking
  • garnish with apricot gel or snow powder

  • cut 11cm x 11cm pastry
  • fold across and align... make a cut (0.5mm along open side leaving a about 6mm uncut
  • open the pastry and criss cross the cut strips and seal down with egg wash
  • using a fork, make holes in the middle so that it won't puffed up
  • egg wash sides before baking
  • after baking, fill with custard and topped with peach or other fruits
  • glaze with neutral mirror gel and snow powder for better presentation

Sugar Cinnamon Palmiers (from leftovers)
  • arrange leftovers to keep layers and roll flat to form a rectangular shape
  • brush with eggs and generously put course sugar and cinnamon
  • roll from both sides to the middle
  • cut into 8mm thickness and bake till golden brown

Cinnamon Twist (from leftovers)
  • arrange leftovers to keep layers and roll flat to form a rectangular shape
  • brush with butter and spread course sugar and cinnamon powder
  • cut into 1-2cm strips
  • take 2 strips together and twist to create the shape
  • bake till golden brown

Cinnamon Rolls
  • roll down to 4mm thickness
  • cut out size 25mm
  • spread with jam and raisins
  • roll up and place in baking tin
  • after baking, drizzle with sugar glaze

Danish Purses
  • roll dough to less than 5mm thickness
  • cut 11cm x 11cm pastry
  • place custard/chocolate fillings in center
  • fold 2 opposites corners over the middle and press down to seal
  • after baking, drizzle with snow powder

Fruits & Custards Swirls
  • cut 15cm x 15cm square
  • spread custard dough and sprinkle desired fruits (eg. mix fruits, sultana or raisins)
  • roll up dough and seal end with water or egg wash
  • cut into pieces and rest on cut side
  • egg wash the pastry and after baking, drizzle with fondant glaze or sprinkle with snow powder

Sultana Danish
  • cut into 15cm x 15cm pastry and rest dough
  • sprinkle with jam and sprinkle with raisins
  • roll into a spiral and cut about 1cm
  • after baking, drizzle with sugar glaze or dust with snow powder

Instant Custard Filling
100g full cream milk/water
35g instant custard powder
  • using a mixer, whisk at low speed till combine
  • mix at medium speed for about 5min till thicken and ready to use

Apple Filling
63g tinned apples (cubed)
10g sugar
4g instant modified starch
  • mix the apples with sugar and let it sit a while so that water will seeped through from the apples
  • add in the modified starch and mix until mixture is clear
  • adjust with water if necessary

Glaze Garnish
70g apricot gel
30g water
  • combine both ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil
  • use brush to apply on the pastry
  • use while still hot and reheat if mixture thickens

Fondant Glaze
100g icing sugar
2 tbsp milk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • in a bowl place sugar and slowly stir in milk and vanilla a little at a time until a smooth pourable consistency glaze is formed

Foodnote: I didn't really do the last 4 danish pastries. Will I be doing danish pastries at home? Eerrrr hhhmmmmm.... yeah maybe one day.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Croissant & Cheese Puff

150g plain flour
38g bread flour
4g salt
10g sugar
2g crusty bread improver
4g pastry butter
4g instant low sugar yeast
20g egg
101g chilled water

100g roll in pastry butter sheet

Prepare pastry butter sheet
  • wrap butter in parchment paper to form a square shape approximately 15cm
  • roll the butter flat to fill the square shape and put in chiller
Prepare dough
  • in a mixing bowl, combine all dry ingredients together
  • using low speed, add in the water, egg and butter
  • stop when dough is formed (cleaning up stage) 
Croissant Assemby
  • on a generously floured working area, roll dough out to form a squarish shape double the size of butter
  • take out the butter sheet and place it in the middle of the dough (45° rotate) so that there are triangle dough flap to fold over the butter
  • seal the dough edges over the butter, wrap in clingwrap and keep in chiller for minimum 10min or more
  • 1st quad (2 x 4 = 8 layers): generously flour working surface and place dough. Flour surface of dough so that it don't stick to working surface or rolling pin. Roll out dough from the centre outwards to 20cm width and about 50cm length (about 0.3 - 0.5mm thickness). Before folding, dust away excess flour from dough. Fold in about 2-3 fingers in (short side) and fold the other wide in to meet the folded edge. Fold the dough again to form a small rectangle (earlier folded side in and making sure smooth side is always facing up. Cover with clingwrap and keep in fridge again to relax the dough for minimum 10min
  • 2nd quad (8 x 4 = 32 layers): repeat folding process and chill in fridge for minimum 10min
  • 3rd quad (32 x 4 = 128 layers): repeat folding process and chill in fridge for minimum 10min
  • roll out dough to have surface area of 20cm x 24 cm at 0.3 - 0.5mm
  • using ruler to guide, mark the 20cm width and 24cm length
  • at the top, mark point at 4cm, 12cm and 20cm and at the bottom mark at 8cm, 16cm and 24cm
  • mark to form triangular shapes from the marking and cut 5 pieces of triangles... place on parchment paper
  • stretch the dough and roll to form croissants
  • place shaped croissant on parchment paper, spray with water and proof for 45min
  • brush the croissant with egg wash and bake at 210°C for 7min and 180°C for 13min

Cheese Puff (from balance dough)
  • cut balance dough into small size 1cm x 1cm
  • fill in 5 aluminium cups and top with shredded mozarella or cheddar cheese
  • bake at 210°C for 10min

Foodnote: Sometimes you just do something that is against your interest? I attended this class even though I am not much of a fan of pastries hehe. But I just like attending classes and learning new things. Didn't enjoy the class much and the croissants don't really impresses me much. Next time will try recipes from youtube and hope will get a more satisfying croissants.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Singapore Sandwich Bread

Tanzhong A
3 tbsp of water
3 tbsp of milk
2 tbsp of bread flour
Tanzhong B
1/2 cup of milk
1 large egg

2 1/2 cups of bread flour
1/4 cup of sugar
1 tsp of salt
1 tbsp of instant yeast
2 tbsp of milk powder
4 tbsp of melted butter
1/2 tsp of green pandan extract
1/2 tsp of red coloring

Egg wash
1 egg + 1 tbsp of water

  • prepare the tanzhong by Tanzhong A ingredients with a whisk in the saucepan and cook till paste is form then turn off the heat
  • add Tanzhong B to the paste, whisk together and put aside
  • in a mixer, add the bread flour, sugar, salt, yeast and milk powder
  • using a paddle attachment, give it a mix on low
  • as it is mixing, add the tanzhong mixture and butter
  • mix for 8min or till clean up and window pane stage
  • divide the dough into 2 portions
  • one portion add the green pandan extract and the other one with red coloring
  • round the dough and place in an oiled bowl and rest till double in size (1hr or 1 1/2 hr)
  • divide each color into 2, roll one green and pink flat
  • place on top of each other and roll like spring roll
  • place the 2 rolls into a bread pan and cover and let it rest for 50min
  • brush the top of the dough with egg wash
  • bake at 165°C (no fan) for about 25min (might need to cover the foil about 20min so that it will not get too burnt)

Foodnote: This time, I am trying the recipe from here. The dough is pretty much easy to handle. The bread turns out supersoft... I like it a lot. Really nice to eat with ice cream or just butter+kaya. I have sambal egg yum yum but I bet it will also be nice with sambal tumis ikan bilis woohoo. Will definitely be making this again.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Zopf Bread / Challah

700g plain flour (can be subsituted: 350g bread flour + 350g cake flour)
300g bread flour
60g sugar
3 eggs (160g)
30g yeast
20g salt
80g oil
500ml water

  • in a mixer bowl with paddle attachment, add all dry ingredients and mix at low speed for 1min
  • all the rest of ingredients at low speed for 2min and medium speed for 8min (window pane stage)
  • divide each dough to 50g each and roll to round shape
  • flour baking tray and place each dough on the try and leave in the chiller for 4hrs
  • take 6 dough... each dough roll flat and roll again like swiss roll
  • using the palm of hands, roll the edges so that it will be narrow at the edges and fat in the middle
  • pinch the top of the 6 long dough together and do 6 braids
  • formula for 6 braids > 6-1 then 1-6 (cross over) > 1 over 3 > 5 over 1 > 6 over 4 > 2 over 6 > repeat 1 over 3
  • final proof for 1 hour
  • brush with egg wash and sprinkle with castor sugar
  • bake at 170°C for 15-20min

Foodnote: I love this bread. It stays soft on the 3rd day. I just heat it up to get the skin crispy and eat it with Lurpak butter. For braided bread, the middle must be fatter so that it will stay soft and not dry up. Will definitely make this again. Very nice to eat and nice to giveaway to friends or family.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Ghee Bread Loaf

350g bread flour
30g caster sugar
5g salt
1 egg (~55g)
170ml fresh milk
5g instant yeast
30g ghee
ghee as needed

  • add flour, sugar and salt in a mixer bowl... use a whisk to mix
  • add egg, milk and yeast
  • with a hook attachment, mix on low till dough comes together
  • finally add ghee and knead at speed 2 for 10-15min
  • transfer to working surface, knead a bit, round dough and proof for 60 minutes or double the size at room temperature
  • in the meantime, prepare 2 baking pan and brush it with ghee
  • after an hour, transfer the dough on a working surface and divide it into 2
  • take one dough at a time, fold a few times, and round it
  • let the dough rest covered in clingwrap for 15min
  • roll the dough flat into rectangular shape (length to fit the length of pan
  • brush with ghee and roll the dough
  • using a sharp knife cut about 3/4 way to make 12 rolls (don't cut through)
  • place it in a baking pan and shift the roll alternately... left & right side
  • proof for another 60min
  • before baking brush the top with lightly with fresh milk
  • bake in a pre-heated oven at 160°C for 15 to 20min

Foodnote: I found this recipe and decided to try it to eat it with tetel beef soup! The recipe is quite straight forward and the dough is very very easy to manage. I can see myself doing a variation to this dough next time... like replacing the ghee with butter. Brushing the flat dough with butter+spring onion or garlic. Even make it into cinnamon rolls. The bread is soft and really yummy. Will definitely make it again!

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Soft & Fluffy Milk Bread

70g water
60g milk
5g instant dry yeast

38g sugar
5g salt
1 egg

250g bread flour
40g butter

  • combine water, milk and yeast in a bowl
  • add sugar salt and egg and mix well
  • add bread flour till evenly combined with a spatula and leave covered for 15min
  • knead dough till smooth and add in butter (low speed on KA 2 for 5min using dough hook)
  • knead till window pane stage and smooth (medium speed KA 4-5 for 30min), round & put into a bowl, cover with clingwrap and let proof for 1hr 
  • cut and shape into buns (8-10pcs)
  • cover with clingwrap and leave for 15min
  • roll each bun flat, then fold like swiss roll or add any filling
  • arrange into a baking tray and leave for another 1hr
  • apply egg wash before baking for 12-15min at 170-180°C
  • once removed from oven, brush with melted butter

Cream Cheese Filling
200g cream cheese
30g sugar
~ just mix together using a spatula

Foodnote: Oh Em Gee... this recipe is so awesome. Got it from the internet here. I tried kneading by hand and honestly it took me like forever lol. But somehow after more than 1/2 hour of sweat and hitting the dough on the counter top...  finally the dough is no longer sticky and come together and I get the window pane stage. That is the main trick of getting super soft dough. The bread is unbelievably soft and yummy. After baking, it is super soft and delicious just like from the bakery yum yum... I love it so much! The next day it is still soft ooh la laaaa... (psst... will try to use the mixer next time hehe)

Update: So I made this again on 1503 and this time I use the KitchenAid mixer. I divided the dough into 10 (~50g each)... 5 filled with red bean paste (20g) that I bought from Sheng Siong which is nicer than the one from Bake King and another 5 with cream cheese (~1 tbsp). Super yummy and pillowy soft! 

Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Killer Toast

260g bread flour (I use Japanese bread flour)
3g instant dry yeast
160g egg (one extra large egg) + full cream milk mixture
30g sugar
2g salt
30g salted butter

  • mix all dry ingredients together in a mixing bowl then add in egg+milk mixture using paddle attachment till it comes together (5min)
  • add in butter and mix till window pane stage (20min low and 10min high speed)
  • round and rest dough for 10min
  • divide into 3 portions and roll flat like a swiss roll and place in bread loaf pan
  • proof till dough reaches 90% of pan height (about 1hr in the oven with hot water)
  • bake in oven at 175°C for 45-50min (for open top, cover with aluminium foil if the top gets too brown around 20-25min)

Foodnote: Came across this recipe here and I just have to try it because I have all the ingredients on hand and it looks so simple and easy. However, I only have a small egg weighing 45g hehe... but it still comes out good. This recipe is a keeper!! Love that the portion is for a single loaf. I ate it warm with melted butter yum yum... love the crispy tasty crust. Oh yeah... store the bread in airtight container.

Check out how I use this recipe to make cat loaf.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Cranberry Cream Cheese Bun

Cream Cheese Fillings (to prepare in advance/overnight)
Group A
50g soft butter
90g icing sugar
250g cream cheese
Group B
1/4tsp salt
50g egg
20g yolk
Group C
10g corn flour
1tsp butter vanilla

  • Whisk Group A in a mixer and add Group B
  • Lastly add Group C till fillings are smooth
  • Scoop about 20-22g each of cheese fillings into small plastic molds each and freeze to harden

Bread Dough
Pre-fermented Dough (prepare in advance/overnight)
92g bread flour
115g tap water
1g yeast
1g sugar
  • Mix above ingredients well and let it proof at room temperature for 8hours or more
35g dried cranberry - soaked 5mins then drain well and cut into small pieces (1/3)
330g Japanese bread flour
80g sugar
45g egg
10g milk powder
8g SAF yeast
1g Bakerine Plus improver
30g butter
20g cream
55g full cream uht milk
6g salt

  • Put all dry ingredients in mixer bowl (flour, sugar, milk powder, yeast, improver) and dry mix
  • Add sour dough together with egg, butter, cream and milk and knead for about 5min
  • Add salt and cranberry and knead till thin membrane stage (about 20min)
  • Round dough and rest for 10mins covered
  • Weigh dough at 40g each
  • Roll to round flat shape, scoop frozen cream cheese fillings and cover with dough into a ball
  • Put on tray brushed with shortening, making sure ample space between each dough
  • Prepare baking paper brushed with shortening, cover on top of dough and place another weighted baking tray above so that dough will proof horizontally
  • Let proof for 2 hours and bake at 190°C (rotate every 5min and keep checking bottom of bread for golden color)

Triple Cheese Roll

Cream Cheese fillings (to make in advance)
Group A
175g cream cheese
50g caster sugar
35g butter
Group B
1/8tsp salt
35g whole egg
14g yolk
Group C
7g corn flour
1/2tsp butter vanilla

  • Whisk Group A in a mixer and add Group B
  • Lastly, add Group C till fillings are smooth
  • Scoop and fill in a piping bag and keep in the freezer

Bread Dough
405g Japanese bread flour
93g sugar
12g SAF yeast 
3g Bakerin bread improver (or 6g other brand)
17g milk powder
20g butter
20g shorterning
33g whole egg
7g yolk
67g dairy cream (brands: millac, emborg, president, anchor)
133g ice water
7g salt

parmesan and cheddar cheese for toppings

  • Dry mix all ingredients in the mixer
  • Add cream, water, eggs, and yolk and knead at slow speed for 5m
  • Add in butter and shortening, continue to knead for 5min
  • Lastly, add salt and knead will thin membrane stage (about total 25min)
  • Round, rest and covered for 10min
  • Weigh into 40g each and rest for another 5min before shaping
  • Roll dough flat into a round shape, pipe cheese about 1/3 from the top and roll down and pinch just like making mini french bread
  • Proof for 2hours
  • Before baking, glaze with fresh uht milk followed by cheese toppings
  • Bake at 190°C for about 12-14mins

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