Monday, June 13, 2016

Fish Ball Noodle Soup

few pieces of ikan bilis
4-5 fish balls
choice of noodles (I use udon)
few pieces of lettuce
1 tsp of light soya sauce
white pepper powder to taste
ikan bilis cube (optional)
fried shallots
chilli padi
chopped spring onions

  • boil ikan bilis in about 3 cups of water for 10-15 minutes to make ikan bilis stock
  • remove ikan bilis or just leave it if you like
  • add in fish balls and noodles and let it simmer
  • add soya sauce and pepper to taste
  • lastly put in lettuce and remove from stove
  • pour in bowl and top it with chilli padi, fried shallots and spring onions

This is a very simple and easy recipe for when you want something simple and fast. Better than instant noodle and healthier too. The chilli padi, light soya sauce and pepper can be added afterwards too... adjusting to taste. 

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Air Bandung Selasih

1 tbsp biji selasih (basil seeds)
2 tbsp rose syrup
2 tbsp condensed milk
ice water and ice

  • soak selasih seeds till it turn gelatinous
  • add rose syrup and condensed milk and stir well
  • top up with ice water and ice

Nice drink on a hot day and during ramadan. Yummy! That brand of rose syrup gives it the ol skool taste. Evaporated milk can be substituted for condensed milk.

Squid in Black Ink

squid (rclean and put aside black ink pouch)
chilli or chilli padi (slced)
fresh tumeric or powder
salt or ikan bilis cube
a bit of oil

  • chop onion, garlic and ginger and sautee together with tumeric till fragrant
  • add squid and chillis together with the squid ink
  • add in salt or ikan bilis cube
  • water can be added for a bit of gravy
  • eat with plain rice... yummm

This is a simple, quick and good dish. Like it a bit spicy and with some gravy.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Chocolate Sauce

3/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 tbsp flour
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1 1/4 cup fresh milk
2 tbsp butter
1/2 tsp vanilla
pinch of salt

  • whisk flour, cocoa powder and sugar to remove lumps
  • heat milk, butter and vanilla till butter melted in low heat
  • whisk in dry ingredients into milk mixture a little at a time till mixture is smooth and start to simmer
  • add salt 
  • ready to pour over ice cream or store in airtight container in the fridge (don't worry it will stay syrupy in the fridge just not in freezer)

Made this chocolate sauce to have it with my avocado shake. It is yummy, not sweet and have a thick consistency.... just nice. I can make my own chocolate milk or eat it with ice cream or bread pudding or many many more ways woohoo... 

I've added 1 tbsp to fresh cold milk and I must say it is so yummilicious and anytime better than store bought chocolate milk!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Air Kathira

Basic ingredients
1 tbsp kathira gum
1 tbsp biji selasih (basil seeds or sabja tukmaria)
4pcs buah kembang semangkuk (malva nuts or umas mangu)
1 can of evaporated milk (approx 410g)
0.5 tsp rose water
enough cold water to top up a jug

sugar syrup
1 cups sugar
2 cups water
2 pandan leaf

optional ingredients that I added
chopped dates
some raisins
half cup of buah kabung (attap chee)
or anything that will be a good addition lah... durian ke, cempedak ke hehe

  • prepare syrup by boiling sugar, water and knotted pandan leaf till all sugar dissolved 
  • leave syrup to cool and put aside
  • soak kathira gum, buah kembang semangkuk and biji selasih in warm water separately overnight
  • the ingredients will expand and turn glutinous... remove any shells or impurities
  • add the rest of the basic ingredients (adjust milk and syrup up to taste and consistency)

I love air kathira and I am happy that I can make it myself. Ok I cheated a bit... I don't have rose water and don't feel like getting one bottle so I just use rose syrup. Not too much or it will taste like bandung hehe... 

It is actually quite easy to make. I used to buy the ingredients at a malay stall at the market nearby my place but the pakcik have since close his shop to retire. Lucky for me, I found the ingredients sold at Mustafa. Sheng Siong also have the kathira gum and basil seed but the kembang semangkuk... I just can't find it there. Good drink for fasting month as it is cooling and very refreshing. Must have during Ramadan.

I added the indian name because that is what's written on the packaging if you are looking for it at Mustafa.

Braised Chicken Feet

chicken feet (remove nails and chop into 2)
onion, garlic and ginger sliced
red chilli and cili padi sliced into 2
spices (cardamom, cloves, star anise etc.)
paprika powder
black pepper powder
tamarind water
dark soya sauce
light soya sauce
lea & perrins worcestershire saucetomato sauce
a pinch of salt
ikan bilis cube
oil for frying
ice cubes

  • clean and dry chicken feet and fry until brown
  • once fried immediately soak chicken feet in ice water and leave for half hour or more
  • fry onion, garlic, ginger, chillis and spices till fragrant
  • add paprika and black pepper
  • add tamarind water together with ikan bilis cube and other sauces
  • simmer until boiling
  • add the chicken feet, sugar and a pinch of salt
  • let simmer for about 45min or so... making sure the sauce did not dry up
  • ready to be eaten or steam the next day... yummy!

Before anything, I would like to mention that the first time I deep fry chicken feet, the oil splatter all over my kitchen and I have to run for cover hahaha. I am using a shallow pan! Use a wok with cover. Throw the chicken feet in and quickly cover the wok. Leave until there is no more splatter sound then quickly scoop and put it into ice water... pheewww. I am just estimating everything and taste while cooking. It turns out nice and the chicken feet is so soft. I kept it in the fridge to steam and eat the next day. I guess if you don't want to risk having oil splatter all over the kitchen... you can invest in an air fryer (I am still contemplating) or just simmer the feet for longer period I guess. Hmmm are there non bulky air fryer that is cheap around?

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Sambal Cili Boh

200g dried chilli
1 cup of shallots
some garlic
0.5 cup vegetable/olive oil

  • cut and remove as much seeds from the dried chilli
  • rinse and boil the chilli for about 10mins and leave to simmer for 30mins more
  • leave to cool and blend together with the shallots and garlic
  • cook with some oil till the chilli is fragrant for about 30mins or so
  • store in small containers in the fridge/freezer

I prepared this in anticipation for the month of Ramadan. It will help me prep for my iftar meals so that I don't have to rush after work. I can make sambal tumis ikan bilis or fry noodles or make curry... whatever that needs cili boh. I bought the dried chilli from Mustafa. It looks so fresh and smells good. The small containers which are stainless steel and some enamel were bought from Daiso. Planning to get more so that I can prep up other things... like my favorite sambal pecel! I am so looking forward to fasting month :)

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Avocado Shake

1 ripe avocado
2 tbsp condensed milk
0.5 cup ice water
4 ice cubes
chocolate syrup (optional)

  • blend all ingredients except for chocolate syrup
  • drip chocolate syrup in the glass and pour the avocado shake
  • enjoy this awesome shake
  • recipe is for single serving

I love love love avocado shake also known as jus alpukat. It is actually so easy to make and avocado is good for the skin too! Good and rich dessert on a hot couch potato day.... so yummy. Definitely will make it often during Ramadhan.
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