Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Roti Jala / Roti Kirai

1 egg
2 cups plain flour
2/3 can evaporated milk
pinch of salt
turmeric or yellow colouring
~1.5 cup of water

  • whisk egg, salt and evaporated milk together
  • add sifted flour and whisk till no more lumps
  • add water to dilute the mixture
  • test the consistency using the mould. The liquid should be watery enough that the mixture flow in a fine stream and not droplets (too thick)
  • heat flat pan and wipe/brush lightly with oil
  • scoop mixture with mould and swiftly make a circular motion on the pan
  • when the top layer is cooked through, fold into half and fold to form cone shape

Foodnote: Another one of my favourite food. Super yummy to eat with chicken or mutton curry and top up with sambal tumis. It is nicer if the string is thinner. Some amake this with curry potato filling but I prefer as is and just dip in thick curry gravy nom nom nom.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Roti Kering

bread (leftover or stale one also can)

  • spread butter on bread, cut into smaller desired sizes and sprinkle with sugar
  • if using other than loaf, cut the bread thinly and to desired size
  • arrange on baking tray and bake at 120°C for about 20min till bread is crispy
  • that's all... can keep in airtight container for quite long

Foodnote: Just a childhood snack that I love. Made it for my niece who will be spending a lot of time at home due to the Circuit Breaker period. Even I can't stop popping it into my mouth huhu.


150ml water
40g unsalted butter
20g sugar
110g all-purpose flour
2 eggs
oil for frying

fine sugar + cinnamon powder for coating (optional)

Chocolate sauce
4g corn starch
10g water

50g dark chocolate
25g sugar
150ml milk

  • in a small pot, heat water, sugar and butter till boiling and sugar dissolves
  • lower the heat and pour sifted flour into the mixture and stir with a spatula till you get a ball of dough
  • move the pan to a table, spread the dough thinly and leave it to cool for about 10-15mins
  • add one egg at a time and mix till you get a soft dough
  • fill dough into piping bag with a star nozzle
  • pipe the churros on cut up parchment papers for easy frying
  • put the churros together with the parchment paper into oil to fry and promptly remove the parchment paper... 
  • fry till crispy and dark golden
  • (optional) once fried, cover the churros in sugar+cinnamon mixture
Chocolate sauce
  • mix the corn starch with water in a small bowl
  • in a pan, heat the rest of the ingredients, dark chocolate, milk and sugar till all combined and sugar dissolves
  • add in the corn starch mixture and keep stirring till chocolate sauce thickens
  • dip churros into chocolate sauce and enjoy

Foodnote: It is just an impromptu decision to try and make churros for the niece. I just use the available nozzle. It was nice... chocolate sauce will be nicer if I am more patient and let it thicken further. The churros also need to fry a bit longer so that it will be crispier. Overall... quite satisfied.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Japanese Cotton Cheese Cake

Group A
60g full cream milk
140g cream cheese
40g butter

Group B
50g plain flour
15g corn flour or corn starch
5 egg yolks

Group C
5 egg whites
100g caster sugar

  • prepare ingredients and put aside
  • pre-heat oven to 120°C with a tray of water about 1cm deep (to bake in waterbath)
  • put all Group A in a stainless steel pan and using low fire, whisk all ingredients till creamy and quickly remove from stove
  • add in flour and corn starch mix... followed by yolk and slowly use whisk to mix till smooth
  • using a mixer with balloon attachment, whisk egg whites till bubby
  • add in sugar in 3 batches till firm peak is formed
  • scoop some egg whites meringue to flour mixture and slowly mix together with whisk till even
  • transfer into a bigger bowl, scoop half egg whites and slowly mix again followed by the last batch use spatula to fold in till smooth and even
  • pour to 7" pan (I only have 6" so can split into 2 pans)
  • use a stick to run around the batter to remove any big bubbles
  • put pan in waterbath and bake for 20min at 120°C
  • after 20min, increase the heat to 150°C and bake for another 15min
  • switch off the oven and leave the cake in oven to cool for 10min
  • remove from oven and remove cake from the pan
  • yummy... nom nom nom... easy peasy

Foodnote: I happen to have all the ingredients and have always wanted to make jiggly cotton cheese cake. Use this recipe here. It is so easy and I didn't expect that it will turn out so well. So happy me happy tummy.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Soon Kueh

Soon Kueh Skin
100g wheat starch
25g tapioca starch
150g water (100°C)
15g oil
1g salt


crispy fried shallots
chopped spring onion
chopped coriander leaves or spring onion
sweet soya sauce

  • TBA
  • put both flour together in a bowl
  • combine water, oil and salt in a pan and cover the top with stainless steel bowl (to prevent evaporation) and bring to a boil
  • once the water get into rolling boil, add the flour and quickly keep stirring using a wooden spatula till all floor absorbed the water evenly
  • remove the dough to a working surface and keep kneading till dough is even, smooth and springy
  • put the dough under a covered bowl to prevent drying
  • prepare a plate and glaze it with oil (preferably onion+garlic+ginger oil)
  • take a small piece of dough and use a rolling pin to roll thin
  • use a round cutter (I just use a small bowl) to cut round shape, fill with fillings, fold over and pinch the edges together to form half circle
  • place on the prepared plate and steam for 10-12min ... you should be able to smell the fragrant of the dumpling when it is ready (do not open the steamer cover too early to check)
  • immediately after removed from the steamer, glaze each soon kueh with oil
  • add garnishes and eat with sambal and dark sweet sauce... yummm

    Foodnote: Actually this recipe is similar to the dumpling but with slightly more oil. Texture is nice, soft and chewy. It is quite easy to make so will definitely be making this again from time to time.

    To freeze: keep raw soon kueh uncovered in the fridge on a tray for 1-2hr. Transfer to a covered container. When it is ready to be consumed, steam from frozen.

    Sunday, March 29, 2020

    Hong Kong Style Crystal Dumpling / Har Gow

    Dumpling Skin
    100g wheat starch
    25g tapioca starch
    150g water (100°C)
    5g oil
    1g salt

    Meat Fillings
    600g meat (chicken + prawn or fish paste)
    3-6g salt (3g for sweet, 6g for savory)
    18g sugar
    1-2g white pepper powder
    10g sesame oil
    optional ingredients: chopped waterchestnut (soaked in sugar water for 10min), shallot, garlic, mushrooms, spring onion or mushroom seasoning (MSG)

    chopped shallots
    sliced garlic + light soya sauce
    crispy fried shallots
    fried peanut and crispy anchovies
    chopped spring onion
    chopped coriander leaves
    potato chips (yes... potato chips)
    chopped red chillies (to add last so that the color will stands out

    Green Tea Skin: add 5g matcha powder to the flour
    Charcoal Skin: add 2g charcoal powder to the flour
    Other colors: add the liquid colourings to the boiling water
    Soon Kueh: the skin can also be used for soon kueh. Increase the oil to 15g

    Meat Filling
    • chop meat into very small pieces
    • add all other ingredients together (best to use a mixer), spread on a tray and keep in the fridge until ready to use
    • proportions of ingredients can be adjusted to taste (yes taste the raw ingredients... won't die one)
    • put both flour together in a bowl
    • combine water, oil and salt in a pan and cover the top with stainless steel bowl (to prevent evaporation) and bring to a boil
    • once the water get into rolling boil, add the flour and quickly keep stirring using a wooden spatula till all floor absorbed the water evenly
    • remove the dough to a working surface and keep kneading till dough is even, smooth and springy
    • put the dough under a covered bowl to prevent drying
    • prepare a plate and glaze it with oil (preferably onion+garlic+ginger oil)
    • take a small piece of dough and use a rolling pin to roll thin
    • use a round cutter (I use a small bowl) to cut round shape, fill with meat fillings and pinch the edges together to form hargow dumpling (refer to here @ 6.5min on how to pinch the edges of the har gow)
    • place on the prepared plate and steam for 10-12min ... you should be able to smell the fragrant of the dumpling when it is ready (do not open the steamer cover too early to check)
    • immediately after removed from the steamer, glaze each dumpling with oil
    • add garnishes for presentation and to enhance the taste

    Foodnote: I love dim sum and am glad to have the opportunity to learn how to make this myself. The taste is really awesome and the garnishes together with the dim sum really makes the taste super awesome. Looking forward to the next baked dim sum class (Basic). Hopefully after Hari Raya, I will definitely want to continue with the intermediate class and learn more dim sum dishes.

    To freeze: keep raw dumplings uncovered in the fridge on a tray for 1-2hr. Transfer to a covered container. When it is ready to be consumed, steam from frozen.

    Sunday, March 22, 2020

    Char Siew Roast Chicken

    BBQ Chicken
    2 kg chicken breast
    7 tbsp dark soya sauce
    7 tbsp light soya sauce
    7 tbsp oyster sauce
    7 tbsp hoisin sauce
    7 tbsp honey
    7 tbsp sugar or maltose
    7 tsp salt
    7 tsp pepper
    7 tsp vinegar (ACV)
    7 tsp 5 spice powder
    7 tsp sesame oil
    (other ingredients/flavours of choice eg. paprika, chilli powder, garlic, onion, lemongrass etc.)

    • clean and put the chicken in a big bowl
    • cook the dark soya sauce, light soya sauce and oyster sauce till fragrant
    • pour onto the chicken and add in the other ingredients... mix well
    • keep in chiller to marinate for 20min or overnight
    • place chicken on a baking tray lined with parchment paper
    • bake in 200°C for 18-20min till edge is brown and skin is crispy (10min through baking, pour out excess water and brush chicken with honey or maltose)
    • once cooled, cut into tiny cubes and put aside

    Char Siew Sauce
    650g water
    70g sugar
    50g oyster sauce
    50g soy sauce
    50g dark soya sauce
    5g pepper
    50g sesame oil
    50g modified starch (or corn starch)


    • cook dark soya sauce, light soya sauce, oyster sauce and sesame oil till bubble and remove from fire
    • in a separate bowl, combine modified corn starch with sugar and water and whisk till mixed
    • add all the sauces together to thicken
    • mix well with the chopped chicken and add in pepper powder
    • freeze the char siew chicken for use as filling for pao

    Foodnote: This is a recipe for the char siew chicken pao. The roasted chicken itself is very yummy and juicy. I would like to try and make this and it can be kept frozen for many other recipes and fillings. I might even try it to make grilled fish... yummy!

    Monday, March 16, 2020

    Mantou Bun & Basic Pao

    Sponge (starter)
    230g medium protein flour (Prima blue plain flour)
    5g high sugar yeast (Bruggeman brown packet)
    130ml cold water (5°C)

    Pao Dough
    fermented starter dough
    150g medium protein flour
    10g baking powder (Rumford brand)
    80g sugar
    10g shortening (put in flour dusted small bowl for easy transfer)
    40ml cold water (5°C)
    1g yeast (optional but can add to speed up proofing)

    • prepare the starter dough by mixing yeast to the flour
    • in a mixer with K-beater attachment, add water to yeast and flour mixture and knead on low speed for 4min
    • cover the bowl with the starter with cloth and let it rest for 30min
    • separately, prepare ingredients for pao dough
    • in a bowl mix flour with baking powder and set aside shortening and sugar separately
    • after 30min of resting the starter, weigh in the ice cold water and add in to the starter followed by sugar and shortening (add optional 1g yeast here)
    • knead on low speed for 2min and after that add in half of the flour to knead for about 30s and pour the rest and continue kneading for 4-5min till dough is soft and smooth
    • weigh and divide into 2 portions of dough
    • shape the dough (mantou or with filling), place in cupcake paper and let it proof for about 40min
    • steam under high pressure for 12min or till you get a whiff of sweet smelling buns
    • roll out the dough (1st roll must be as thin as possible to remove air bubbles) about 4mm (longish rectangular shape) and fold into 2... continue this for 6 folds
    • after 6 folds, roll the dough like swiss roll (from the long side)
    • using a sharp knife, cut into about 6-8 pieces, proof and steam
    • can also deep fry
    Longevity Bun (with red bean filling)

    • measure 20g of red bean paste, round into balls and put aside
    • roll each dough out about 4mm and fold into 2... continue this for 6 folds
    • after 6 folds, roll the dough like swiss roll (from the long side)
    • using a sharp knife, cut into about 6 pieces
    • round the dough with a rolling pin flatten it
    • wrap the red bean paste in the dough and using both palms, shape it with a pointed top
    • using a scraper, create a line vertically
    • take some flour, add water and green coloring to form a dough
    • roll flat and cut to create 2 long leaves
    • use water to stick leaves to the dough
    • using a air brush (can also use spray bottle) spray to add red coloring
    • proof and steam 
    Brown Sugar Pao
    • replace the sugar with brown sugar for the pao dough
    Green Tea Pao
    • add 10g of matcha powder to the flour of pao dough
    Charcoal Pao
    • add 3g of baking charcoal powder to the flour of pao dough
    • add additional 10g water
    Pandan or Coffee Pao
    • add 10g of essence (paste) and reduce the water to 30g instead of 40g
    Tao Sar Pao
    • fill the dough with red bean paste (25g)
    Char Siew Roast Chicken
    • fill the dough with char siew chicken (25g). See here for recipe.

    Foodnote: I have always wanted to learn to make steamed pao and finally had the opportunity to learn to make it myself. The best part is this recipe does not use any chemical and the buns are so nice and soft. The actual recipe when we tried in school is using Prima Ivory White flour but that can only be bought in big 25kg. Advice from the chef is that the best alternative is Prima plain flour in blue packaging. The yeast and baking powder... also must use the recommended ones eerr ok ok.

    Anyway we made 3 types of pao: plain mantou, longevity bun and brown sugar pao. Shaping the longevity bun is quite challenging and the final shape just look like butt ahahaha. The brown sugar pao was made by just replacing the sugar. 1g of yeast was added to speed up proofing. It tasted... ok lah. Can't really taste the brown sugar hhmmm... 

    Okie dokie... can't wait to practice it myself and make varieties of fillings like red bean or curry potato or dry sambal ikan bilis yum yum.

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