Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Kueh Keria Gula Melaka

2 small sweet potato
1/2 cup plain flour
1 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp gula melaka
oil for frying

  • steam sweet potato till soft, peel skin off and mash
  • add flour until soft sticky dough is formed
  • leave in the fridge for 15-30min so that dough is more firmed and can be shaped
  • formed dough into shape of doughnut
  • deep fry till golden and leave to cool
  • in an empty pan/wok, add sugar, gula melaka and just a bit of water
  • stir to let sugar dissolve and come to a rolling boil and get a bit sticky
  • add in the keria and coat it with the syrup thoroughly
  • immediately off the fire and mix again so that all the sugar coat the kueh
  • cool each keria on a rack till the syrup hardens

Foodnote: So I have 2 sweet potato in the kitchen and was wondering what to do with it. Decided to make keria. Since I have gula melaka, I added it. Very sweet but ok lah. Craving satisfied.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Potato Donuts

1 potato (about 100g) boiled, cooled and mashed
2 cups (250g) bread flour
1 1/2 tbsp caster sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp instant yeast
2 tbsp milk powder
1 1/2 tbsp margarine (planta)
1 egg
80ml ice cold water
cooking oil for frying
fine sugar

  • in a bowl, measure and combine flour, caster sugar, yeast and milk powder
  • add in margarine, salt and egg followed by iced water
  • add in mashed potato and mix till combined
  • move to working surface and knead till not sticky and soft (membrane stage)
  • round the dough and place back in bowl that have been oiled... cover or use cling wrap 
  • leave till dough size doubled (about 45min to 1hr)
  • meanwhile, prepare cut baking paper that has been brushed generously with margarine
  • once dough have doubled, punch the air out and remove dough back to working surface
  • knead again till dough is smooth
  • weigh and divide... I weigh about 30g and got 20pcs
  • round it and put on baking paper
  • once all dough are rounded, flatten the dough and leave for 10 - 15min
  • heat oil to low heat
  • fry donut till light cream (not dark golden)
  • once slightly cool, coat with sugar or glaze accordingly

Foodnote: Recipe from Che Nom. I tried this because I have all ingredients ready. Was surprised at the outcome. Super soft donuts. Must always remember when making donut to brush baking paper with oil beforehand so that the dough do not stick. Very happy with result.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Soft Boiled Eggs

Foodnote: I have always love soft boiled eggs especially from Ya Kun. Been trying to cook using the Half-Boiled Egg maker but it never comes out as nice. Some parts of the eggs white will be raw. Been trying some tips online and finally... perfect! Just look at the photo... beautiful yolk and evenly cooked whites woohoo. I bought Seng Choon Farm Fresh Eggs because I like bright color of the yolks.

6 eggs at room temperature
dark soya sauce
white pepper powder

  • prepare a big bowl with room temperature water that is enough to cover the eggs and put aside
  • fill a pan with water, enough to cover the eggs and bring it to a boil
  • once the water is on rolling boil (important) turn off the fire or move the pan from the stove and add 1/2 cup of water at room temperature
  • slowly scoop each eggs into the pan and cover the pan for 7 minutes (use a timer)
  • after 7 minutes, scoop the eggs into the bowl with room temperature water
  • that's it... ready after 2 minutes
  • enjoyyyy.... 

Monday, January 20, 2020

Easy Soft Chapati

3 cups atta flour
1tsp salt
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
enough water

  • mix flour, salt and oil together
  • keep adding water till dough comes together
  • make a ball and oil the surface
  • leave it for 20minutes
  • knead dough on floured surface
  • divide into 5 pieces and flatten it
  • for layered chapati, refer to here

Foodnote: This is a good recipe. Very easy and nice. It is also still soft when I preheat the next day. Will stick to this whenever I crave for chapati at home.

Nino's Taiwanese Pineapple Cake/Tart

Inspiration copied from youtube Nino's Home

Pineapple Jam
500g grated pineapple
25g malt syrup
40g sugar
3/4 tsp cinnamon powder

(all ingredients at room temperature)
100g unsalted butter
20g cream cheese
45g powdered sugar
2 egg yolks
150g all purpose flour
20g custard powder

  • for the fillings: cook together on slow fire till it comes together and not sticking to the pan and leave to cool
  • whisk butter, cream cheese and sugar till combines
  • add egg yolk and combine lightly
  • add in the flour and combine using spatula and use hand when dough is coming together
  • cover in clingwrap and keep dough in fridge for 40min
  • shape and fill the tart (20g dough + 8g jam)
  • bake at 175°C for 15min

Foodnote: I am very impressed with this recipe. It turns out very nice. I use wheat flour so I have to add a bit more for the dough to form. I tried using a jelly mold in the shape of pineapple but it sticks so I just shape it manually. My niece says it is very nice too and took some to give to her colleague. I feel so touched. I used leftover jam from pineapple tart. Next time will either try to make my own. I will also brush with egg yolk to make the color pops better?

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Traditional Egg Tarts

Tart Shell
140g chilled butter
1 egg yolk
70g icing sugar
250g plain flour

Custard Filling
140g sugar
300ml water
4 eggs
80ml evaporated milk

  • prepare pastry by combining cold butter, icing sugar and plain flour in a bowl and rub using finger tips till crumbly
  • create a well in the middle and add the egg yolk
  • mix with pressing motion instead of kneading to form a ball (add a bit of ice water if too dry)
  • cling wrap the dough and leave in fridge for half or 1 hour
  • for custard, cook sugar and water till sugar is dissolved and leave to cool completely
  • mixed cooled sugar syrup with eggs and evaporated milk and whisk lightly (do not beat)
  • strain 2-3 times to remove any lumps
  • prepare dough in tart tins by pressing up to the edge (about 25-30g depending on the tin)
  • fill custard about 90%
  • bake for about 15-17min at 190°C
  • leave to cool and custard will be more set
  • after that you can easily slide it off the mould

Foodnote: Making this for my nephew because it is his favorite. First try is successful. I have 2 moulds, just simple round one. I have 19 of the medium ones (one is missing huhu) and 12 biggers ones. Decide to use the smaller mould with 20g base. Will increase to 25g to have thicker crust next time.

Alternatively, I think next time I will use the tartlet crust as it is firmer. I will also add a half teaspoon of vanilla butter to the custard to make the taste nicer.

The custard will have leftovers. What I did is, combine with the egg whites, add a bit more milk/condensed milk and use it to make bread pudding. I added butter and butterscotch chips... so yummy!!!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Terang Bulan / Martabak Manis Mini

Apam Balik Power
any fillings of your choice (I use ground roasted peanut)

  • once the batter has been prepared as the apam balik, heat up the pan with very low fire
  • oil the mould lightly 
  • scoop the batter and spread it thinly and up the sides
  • cook just like apam balik and top with any fillings of your choice
  • cool on a rack to keep the side crispy

Foodnote: So I cannot tahan and just make 2 pieces. Of course it tasted very nice and crispy. Oh la la... love this so much and will probably spoil myself once in a while with it

Obanyaki / Imagawayaki

Apam Balik Power
any fillings of your choice (I use red bean paste)
Get around 8-9pcs

  • once the batter has been prepared as the apam balik, heat up the pan with very low fire
  • oil the mould lightly (it is non-stick but it is the first time I use it so... )
  • scoop the batter and fill in about half of the mould making sure it spread to the sides (don't fill all the mould only half as this will be the top later
  • about 1.5min later, do the same to the other half of the empty mould keeping the lid covered
  • 1min later, put the fillings on the new batch of pancake
  • using a stick or whatever you have, remove the earlier pancake and topi it on the one with the filling
  • leave it for another 2 minute or so before removing from the pan

Foodnote: So I stop buying Mr Bean red bean pancake ever since they started having chicken, ham etc. Been craving for one and can't find halal one so for a while I am on my mission to find the mould to make my own. Finally found one online and it took ages to reach me but alas it finally did. So I bought the red bean paste from Sheng Siong. It is quite yummy actually so I don't think I will make my own anytime soon. I can even use it for my bread! Anyway... using my standard apam balik recipe, I did it. Oooh so yummy and soft! Nom Nom Nom...

Next project: will make kuih terang bulan or martabak mini with the pan.
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