Sunday, November 13, 2022

Burnt Cheese Cake

250g cream cheese
60g castor sugar
5g flour
1 egg + 1 yolk
150g whipping cream

  • pre-heat oven to 230°C
  • using a spatula, cream the cheese
  • add sugar and mix till smooth
  • fold in flour and lightly whisk in the eggs
  • add in the whipping cream and mix evenly
  • lined a small mould (I use 12 inch) with parchment paper
  • pour in the cheesecake batter and drop it few times to remove air bubbles
  • bake for 30min and increase the temperature to 240°C after 30min to bake for another 5min till top of cheesecake is burnt
  • cool the cheesecake and enjoy

Foodnote: Found a packet of cream cheese in the fridge and I can't remember why I bought it hehe. So I look for a simple recipe for burnt cheesecake to try and tadaaa. I like that the recipe is easy and I don't have to make a big portion. I can just keep it all to myself and eat it bit by bit everyday ahaha. Anyway it tasted good even though there is no vanilla or lemon juice like other recipes... and I like simple basic recipe. Also, it taste soooo GOOOD when left in the fridge overnight. Yummeh! #mustbakeagainsoon

Friday, October 28, 2022

Pau Sambal / Burger Malaysia

50ml warm water
1/2 tbsp instant yeast
1/2 tbsp fine sugar
> mix everything together and put aside for 5min till bubbly

2 cups flour
2 tbsp fine sugar
2 tbsp milk powder or condensed milk
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp butter or vegetable oil
50-80ml water

sambal ikan bilis

  • in a large bowl mix all the dry ingredients together and mix well
  • add butter and mix using hands
  • pour in the yeast mixture followed with water (a bit at a time) and knead till a dough is formed
  • cover the bowl and proof for 1-2hr till dough is puffy
  • punch down the dough and lightly knead to smoothen the dough
  • divide the dough to desired size (44 - 45g each = 10pcs), round and transfer to parchment paper
  • cover with shrink wrap and let it rest for another 30min
  • lightly flatten before deep fry in very low heat till golden brown (be patient so that the inside is fully cooked)
  • once cooled, cut into two and fill with sambal, cucumber and salad

Foodnote: Was thinking of burger but ended up with this Malay burger instead hehe. Turns out very well. I kept some frozen so that I can eat it other day. Yum yum. Craving satisfied. 

The recipe can also be used as donut or fill with peanut paste.

Friday, October 21, 2022

No Knead Cranberry, Walnut and Honey Bread

3 cups of bread flour
1 tsp active dry yeast
1/2 tsp salt
2 tbsp honey
1 1/2 cup warm distill water
1/2 cup chopped walnut
1/2 cup dry cranberry

  • in a large bowl add bread flour, dry yeast and salt
  • in another small bowl add honey to warm water and mix thoroughly
  • add the honey water to the dry mixture and mix till well combined
  • add walnut and cranberry and mix well
  • cover the bowl and let it rest for 1-3 hours (till dough double in size)
  • transfer dough to well floured working surface
  • fold the dough a few times and shape it into a ball
  • transfer dough into a bowl/banetton and let it rest for final proofing
  • pre-heat oven with a dutch oven at 230°C
  • 30-45min transfer dough to a parchment paper, score and bake dough covered for 20mins and uncovered for 10-15min
  • cool on a rack for 1hr or so

Foodnote: Need a good bread fast to bring to a gathering at my friend's place. Just use yeast because if not my yeast will cry in the fridge since I'm always using sourdough starter hehe. Fast good and yummy woohoo. This bread is a hot favourite with my friends who ate it with Golden Churn spreadable butter with avocado oil.

Maybe next time I might try to add honey to my sourdough bread with inclusions eh.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Brioche Bread

128g all-purpose flour
7g active dry yeast
120g warm milk

320g large eggs room temperature (~5eggs)
384g all-purpose flour
105g sugar
12g sea salt
227g soften butter

Egg Wash
1 large egg
1 tbsp water
~ Sea salt for sprinkling

  • mix all the sponge ingredients in a mixing bowl and using a hook attachment, mix till well combined and put it aside for 45min
  • once sponge have air pockets, add in eggs, flour, sugar and salt and mix on medium till well combined then increase to medium high till dough pulls away from sides and is very elastic and shiny
  • add in butter about 1 tbsp at a time at medium speed for about 15min and increase speed to medium high for about 7min (test window pane)
  • cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let the dough rest for 1hr or double in size
  • once dough has doubled in size, turn out onto a floured surface and punch down dough
  • divide in half using a bench scraper
  • cut each half into six equal pieces and flatten each piece into a rectangle, then fold short ends in towards each other as if folding a letter
  • flatten again and tightly roll into a log starting with the short end... repeat with all pieces
  • place 6pcs of dough into a greased loaf pan and cover with plastic wrap and rest for 1hr or double in size
  • pre-heat oven to 190°C and prepare the egg wash
  • once dough is ready, brush with egg wash and sprinkle with salt
  • bake for about 30min or top is deep golden
  • let cool completely before baking

Foodnote: Butter make everything taste better and since I am a butter hoarder hehe and a fan of bread... so Brioche it is!! This is quite challenging. I think I did wrong as I can't get to the window pane stage :( I just go ahead and proof to 1hr and proceed to the other steps while praying hard it will turn out looking like bread hehe. It still double in size on final proofing though pheeewww... Finally I have a very super soft bread. Will I make this again... eeerrr unlikely. Maybe will try to find a better and easier to handle brioche bread dough.

French Baguette

475g bread flour
65g all purpose flour
2g instant yeast (SAF gold)
3g diastatic malt
10g salt
380g filtered water

  • mix all dry ingredients in a large bowl
  • make a well and add in water
  • mix all ingredients are well combined till shaggy mass is formed
  • place dough in a clean and lightly oiled bowl
  • rest the dough for 3hr, folding it 3x every 45min (LFTB and turn smooth side up)
  • after 3hr, lightly flour the counter and transfer the dough (smooth side down)
  • divide into 3 portions
  • pre-shape each dough (pat and roll to tighten the dough) and rest for another 30min
  • final shape the baguette to baguette tray and let it rest for 30-60min
  • pre-heat oven to 220°C
  • score the baguette right before baking and spray with water
  • after putting the baguette on a tray in the oven, place also a bowl with ice to stimulate steam

  • bake for 20-25min (turn tray 10min into baking and remove the bowl of water)
  • let it cool on a wire rack for 1-2 hours

Foodnote: One of my niece makes awesome homemade mushroom soup 😘👌 and she is so nice to share it with me. So I thought I'd make her homemade french bread. 

Saw this recipe on youtube and the baguette looks really good so of course must try. Everything is good and dough is very easy to handle... except next time I will lower the baking temp to 220°C instead because I think Asian are not very used to dark crusty bread... I think lah. I also need to improve more on how to shape french bread

I really love this recipe and will try to make it again for practice.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Katzoomi Bread (Sourdough Shokupan)

Sweet Starter
40g active starter
40g water
40g bread flour
20g sugar

100g starter
40g water
100g bread flour

Main Dough
120g bread flour
20g sugar
5g salt
25g water
20g whipping cream
all of the sweet starter
all of the preferment
20g unsalted butter

  • prepare the sweet starter in a container: mix starter with water and add flour with sugar
  • prepare the preferment: mix starter with water and add bread flour
  • leave both at room temperature for 2.5hr and keep the preferment in the fridge
  • let the sweet start peak for about another 2hr
  • add all ingredients in a mixer except for butter
  • using a dough hook, mix everything for about 10-15min
  • add in the butter and mix till windowpane stage
  • divide dough into 2, round and rest for 20min
  • shape the dough: roll it long and roll it
  • put dough into greased loaf tin and let it proof to 50% (2hrs or more)
  • apply egg wash (1 egg + 1 tsp milk)
  • bake at 180°C for 35-40min (might want to cover it with foil if the top get too dark)

Foodnote: Saw this loaf of bread and just have to make it since it is using sourdough starter instead of yeast. Love it but it does takes a long time to prepare BUT in terms of taste... ooh la la... really super delicious. I only ate it the next day. After slicing, it was lightly toasted and spread with butter. The texture is so soft with crispy crust and the taste oh so divine. I have to stop myself from eating the whole loaf hehe.

Will definitely make this again but for quick fix yummy loaf will be using the killer toast recipe. The smell of fresh baking bread permeating the house... simply awesome!

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Crown Chiffon Cake


Group A
40g butter
45g any desired syrup (mango, orange juice, sweet corn etc.)

Group B
4 egg yolks
70g cake flour

Group C
4 egg whites
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
50g caster sugar
1 tsp corn flour

  • prepare 6" x 3" round mould with removable bottom (do not use non-stick, don't grease or put parchment paper)
  • pre-heat oven to 180°C top heat only!
  • in a stainless steel bowl, heat Group A together using low fire till butter melted and it is evenly mixed with the syrup
  • remove from fire and sift cake flour into it and mix with a whisk in a round motion till smooth
  • add in the egg yolks and mix again... put aside
  • in a mixer with balloon whisk, beat the egg whites till bubbly then add in the cream of tartar
  • once fine bubble is formed, add in sugar + corn flour mixture (in 3 batches) till stiff peak is formed
  • scoop a portion of egg whites meringue and slowly whisked till even in the egg yolk batter
  • once smooth, pour the yolk mixture to the egg whites and fold till everything is smooth
  • pour into a cake mold and use stick to run through batter to remove air bubbles
  • bake for 5-10min at 180°C till top is light golden and remove from oven
  • use a knife and cut slightly on the top surface making 6 even cuts for the crown to form
  • immediately put back in the oven lowering the temp to 170°C top and bottom heat and bake for another 35-40min
  • cake is fully baked when skewer comes out clean
  • remove from oven, bang on the table few times to loosen the cake... and leave it upside down to cool for 1 hour 
  • remove from the mould gently and enjoy the fluffy cake!

Foodnote: Recipe is from here. It looks so nice so I just have to try and bake this. I just use the mould that I have and the crown didn't rise as much. I also use orange juice ahahah. Anyway... the most tricky part about this cake is to turn it upside down to cool. I drop it a few times :(( but it still tasted good lah. Will bake another one and hope it turns up nicer hehe.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Dates and Almond Sourdough Bread

260g distilled water
90g active sourdough starter
390g bread flour
5g diastatic malt
9g sea salt
1 cup chopped dates
1 cup chopped almonds

  • in a large bowl add starter to water and mix well
  • add in the bread flour, malt and salt mix well till well combined
  • let it rest for 1hr
  • transfer to lightly floured surface and round the dough then rest for another hour
  • stretch the dough out as big as possible and sprinkle the dates and almonds
  • round it up again and let rest for about 4-5hours till dough is double in size
  • shape the dough and transfer to a banetton that have been dusted generously with rice flour
  • let it rest for 1hr and then keep in the fridge for 2hours or more
  • bake as usual in dutch oven (250°C covered for 20min and another 20min uncovered)

Foodnote: Ever since I learnt the simpler way to make sourdough bread and while my starter is getting very active, I decided to make something I've always wanted to try out.

Dates + Almonds = Super Yummy Sourdough bread!!

I think the malt helps makes the crumb softer and less chewy. This is really so delicious I will definitely make this again. Furthermore, it doesn't take long and minus the folding2 process. So happy that I decided to experiment with this yeay!! The bread also yield quite a big loaf... I'll be eating this for the next few days hehe.

Update 7 Oct 2022, Friday:
I really like to have sourdough with fruits and nuts so I made it again... this time with cranberry and almonds. I think I still love the dates and almonds combo. I split the dough into 2. One big one small. I have guests coming so baking it for them and thinking I will keep the small piece for myself. But when I see the guests enjoying the bread, I tapao it for them. I can always make this again :)

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