Saturday, June 29, 2024

Easy Foccacia (Same Day Bake)

500g bread flour
4-5g instant yeast
400g warm water
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 tsp salt
1 tsp honey

  • in a large bowl mix flour with instant yeast
  • add in water and mix
  • add in the rest of the ingredients and mix well
  • cover the bowl and rest the sticky dough for 30min
  • fold dough using spatula and rest for another 1hour
  • wet hand and fold nsew followed by coil fold
  • add generous amount of olive oil on baking tray to cover all surface
  • transfer dough, cover the dough in oil and rest for another 30-45min
  • meantime, prepare toppings if any (I'm using paprika powder, tomatoes and mild cheese)
  • pre-heat oven to 240°C lowest rack with fan
  • use finger to poke the dough and spread it out
  • add toppings (eg. paprika, garlic powder, herbs etc), sprinkle salt and more olive oil
  • bake 15min
  • cool on cooling rack

Foodnote: So after making my sourdough foccacia, decided to try this easy recipe for same day bake.

Recipe is taken from here. It actually turns out good and yummy. At first I thought the bottom is a bit burnt but it was ok. Very nice when eaten hot as it will have very crispy crust. Next time I would not put it at lowest rack... lower but not that low hehe. Overall I am satisfied with this recipe and will definitely make it again. Will just lined with baking paper if I'm worried about over baking the base hehe.

Baked this again on 5 July to share with a friend when we catch up for dinner... and it is really so yummy eating it hot. Very crispy and delicious. I fold in the cheese before final 1hr resting so that the cheese can distribute in the dough. Can't stop eating so definitely will be a go to recipe for foccacia.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Apam Kampung

1 cup dark brown sugar
2 cups warm water (or coconut water)
3 cups wheat flour
11g instant yeast

Topping: steamed grated coconut

  • mix brown sugar with water till all sugar is dissolved
  • add flour and mix
  • finally whisk in yeast
  • rest for 1hr
  • grease container and pour in the batter (don't mix)
  • steam for 30-45min on medium high heat

Foodnote: I love steamed cake. Found out my eldest nephew likes apam kampung. Search youtube and come across this simple recipe and of course I must try it since I have all the ingredients on hand... except for grated coconut. Quickly got it from the supermarket and tadaaaa... made myself apam kampung. Will make this for my nephew next time yum yum... 

14 July update: Just learnt from a good friend that I can substitute the water with fresh coconut water for a more traditional tasting apam. Will be trying that next time at half the recipe first!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Open Crumb Sourdough Focacia

320g distilled water
100g active sourdough starter
400g bread flour
15g olive oil
8g salt

  • add starter to water and mix well
  • add in bread flour and olive oil followed by salt
  • once everything is well mixed, transfer to a well oiled container, cover and rest for 30min
  • wet hand and do stretch and fold... cover the dough and rest for another 30min
  • do a second stretch and fold.... cover and rest for 2-3 hours
  • coil fold and leave the dough in the fridge for 14-16 hours
  • lightly dust work surface
  • shape like sourdough and place in baking pan
  • let it rest for 3hrs
  • in another bowl... mix 15g of olive oil and 15g water (salamoia)
  • prepare desired toppings
  • pour the mixture of oil+water over the dough
  • with wet fingers, make classic holes
  • press and insert toppings into holes as deep as possible as it might pop back up
  • topped a sprinkle of sea salt and olive oil
  • bake at 230°C for 25min till golden brown

Foodnote: Recipe from here. Decided that it is time to move from sourdough bread to focaccia hehe. I still have jalapeno and cheddar cheese so decided to use these. Also added sunflower seeds for colour and crunch. Turns out soft and nice for a first home attempt. Next time will make it flatter on a tray. Good recipe and very yummeh... I ate it with nasi lemak sambal Happy Family brand bought from Sheng Siong. Very nice and so spicy!!

Friday, April 12, 2024


1.5kg rice (beras cina)
fresh banana leaves
water for boiling
sturdy stick or toothpick
string (for using lontong mould)

  • soak rice in water for an hour or more and drain it afterwards
  • roll banana leaf in cyclindrical shape (glossy side in) at least 2 rounds when using mold and 3 rounds when doing the traditional way
  • fasten one end with stick or sturdy toothpick
  • fill rice about half (slightly more) of the cylinder and secure the open end with stick
  • arrange lontong in a big pot and fill water to cover
  • top up with boiling water regularly whenever water level recedes
  • boil for up to 4 hours until lontong are firm
  • let the lontong cool (standing) for about 1 hour before releasing from the mould

I bought stainless steel lontong mould online from an Indonesian seller. The process to make lontong using the mould is basically the same but need less banana leaves. Need to secure the edges using string (I use dried grass straw that is usually used to tie bak chang) or it might burst open (learn it the hard way in the past ~sigh). I only have 12 pieces of the stainless steel mould + 6 aluminium ones that I bought from a shop locally so I have to add some made the traditional way. The smaller the cylinder the nicer the lontong will be because of the aroma of banana leaves infused to the rice... yum yum.

From the last photo, left to right... lontong made the traditional way, in aluminium mould bought from a shop near my place and the stainless steel one.

Update 2024
This year decided to make the small lontong to gift to my maklong. Using just 8 stainless steel lontong mold. I got smarter... instead of tying the loose caps, I tighten it by sticking in toothpicks! So easy and turns out well. I use fragrant rice and the lontong came out soft. Perhaps need to add a bit more. Also I only boil for 3hrs. Will boil for 4hours next time and wash the lontong in cold water after boiling. I understand that it will keep the lontong longer. I gave my maklong 4 lontong and kept 3 pcs in the freezer. I use shrink wrap and put the lontongs in ziplock. Next time, can just steam it to eat with gado2 or kuah satay.


Saturday, April 6, 2024

Biskut Cornflakes

240g butter
100g icing sugar
200g plain flour
50g corn flour
40g/1 cup cornflakes (lightly crushed)
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups cornflakes for toppings
optional: cherries

  • in a large bowl, mix butter with icing sugar using spatula
  • add vanilla mix followed by corn flour
  • mix in plain flour
  • finally add in crushed cornflakes
  • keep in the fridge for 15mins
  • pre-heat oven to 160°C top + bottom heat
  • dough will be sticky
  • scoop with spoon and drop in cornflakes topping
  • round the dough and place in baking tray or paper cup
  • bake in middle rack for 20min

Foodnote: For 2024 Hari Raya, feel like making ol skool cookie. So I made these! Very easy to make and so yummy! I really love this. I added chopped cherries though it is not so visible. Will use paper cups next time. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Cekodok Pisang

3 ripe bananas
1/2 tbsp butter
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup flour

  • in a bowl, mash bananas with sugar and butter
  • add the rest of the ingredients
  • fry in medium heat oil till batter floats

Foodnote: I have 3 frozen bananas and wanted to make jemput2 pisang but I don't have self-raising flour. Decided to try this instead. Ok my photography skill sucks and the cekodok is flat. Maybe need more flour and baking powder. But cekodok is always nice and I finish everything hehe.

Chicken Soup ala Shark's Fin

chicken meat (sliced into strips)
dried prawns
chicken cube
corn flour
baking soda
dark soya sauce
fish sauce
sesame oil
white pepper

  • add corn flour, baking soda, salt and a bit of water to the chicken and mix well... put aside
  • in a bowl, prepare corn flour mixture mix with water (can be thick or thin)
  • in a pot, add a bit of oil and dried prawn
  • stir fry for a while and add water till boiling
  • add in the chicken cube
  • turn off the fire and slowly mix in the corn starch to desired consistency (mix from the bottom so that it won't be lumpy)
  • switch on the fire on low
  • now flavor it with salt, fish sauce, dark soya sauce (desired color) and do a taste test
  • add oil to the chicken so that it wouldn't stick when cooking
  • add the chicken bit by bit and stir
  • finally add sesame oil for fragrance, sugar and white pepper
  • soup is ready

Footnote: Made this before with chicken and leftover beansprout. Love it so much. Today I added more vegetables and it is so yummy! Updated the picture because the previous one doesn't look very appetizing hehe.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Thai Steamed Seabass

chilli padi
lime juice
coriander roots
fish sauce
kafir lime leaves

  • blend above ingredients
  • scoop over fish (leave some to drizzle after steaming)
  • steam 10-15 min over medium heat
  • garnish with coriander leaves

Foodnote: 3rd brother went fishing can gave me seabass. I cut into 2 and decided to make simple steamed fish ala thai style. I have some pink cabbage so I just leave it under the fish and that is why I got the purple soup lol. Very yummy and I just ate it without rice.
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