Sunday, January 8, 2017

Milk Loaf

Ingredients (yield 2 loaves of bread)
Group A
500g bread flour
40g sugar
30g baker's milk powder
7g Redman instant dry yeast (brown)
2g Bakerin bread improver (4g for other brand)

Group B
15g or 1pc egg yolk
50g whipping cream
121g ice water
171g crushed ice cubes

Group C
8g salt
50g unsalted butter

  • mix all Group A together using low speed for 1min
  • add Group B using low speed for 2mins
  • add Group C using low speed for 1min and medium speed (setting 3 for KitchenAid mixer or centre level) for 10mins
  • check for thin membrane (dough should be shiny and elastic)
  • round and rest dough for 10min
  • take note to oil surfaces first before working with dough
  • weigh dough and divide equally into 2 parts
  • take each dough... round and cover in cling wrap and rest for 10mins
  • oil working table and roll out dough (punch the air out) into rectangular shape
  • roll tightly and pinch dough forward on 'ugly' side
  • cut the roll into four and arrange into oiled baking tin (including the lid if using it)
  • proof for about 1 hour (put in oven that is not turn on together with a tray of steaming hot water) until the dough is about 90% proofed
  • preheat oven at 170 degree celcius for 10-15mins (top bottom heat with fan)
  • place loaf tin on tray to hold any oil that may drip out from the loaf tin
  • use lower rack and if baking 2 loaves, leave a space between them
  • bake open top for 30mins or sandwich loaf for 35mins
  • remove from baking tin (inside temperature of bread should be about 97°C) and cool on a rack for about 30mins
  • slice using bread knife or just break it apart lah
for colored bread
  • after mixing dough for 10min, weigh dough and remove 1/3 of dough
  • roll and rest the white dough and add coloring to the 1/3 dough on slow speed for about 2 min until even
  • rest for 10min
  • roll white dough as base in triangular shape with tip away from you (wider base nearer to you)
  • roll the colored dough in similar shape and put it on top of the white dough
  • roll down the dough making sure the length is not longer than length of baking tin
  • tuck in the whites and put into oiled loaf tin to proof for 1hour (as above)
  • follow baking directions as above
milk wash for open top loaf
  • (before baking once dough proofed completely) mix equal parts of milk and whipping cream. Gently brush the top of dough. This will give a shiny top after baking.
to freeze dough to bake later
  • this can be done right after mixing ingredients for 10mins and dividing the dough into 2 equal parts
  • round and keep dough in oiled clingwrap
  • should be able to keep around a week
  • to bake bread... once defrost, shape dough and let it proof as per instruction above for 1 hour or so before baking

I am always fascinated about bread making though I am not really a big fan of bread hehe. I utilize my $500 Skillsfuture credit to take Basic Breadmaking Module from Sisterscookies Baking Academy. The class I signed up for runs for 5 weekdays every Tuesday from 11am to 4pm. I took advantage of my 5days balance leave from 2016 to take off once a week to play with dough hehe. The session is fun and very informative especially tips on getting and using halal ingredients. However, we have to really practice after class to make the bread and jot our own notes to be good at it. Taking notes is important because the notes from the instructor is really very very basic.

My first weekend practice I didn't use a cake mixer and attempted to knead the dough... yes by hand. What a loooong tedious workout and I was perspiring all over. Not recommended huhu. I put too much water (careless) and didn't divide the dough correctly. I still got bread but just not the right consistency *sob sob*. I hope to improve on my breadmaking skills as much as possible... next time with the help of a cake mixer of course!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Air Kunyit Asam

1.5 cups fresh tumeric (kunyit)
2 tbsp or more tamarind juice (I use Adabi Xtra)
a pinch of salt
1 litre or so? water

  • peel tumeric and slice thinly
  • put everything (except honey) in a pot and bring to a boil
  • once cooled, use a sieve to remove the tumeric and keep the drink in bottles
  • store in fridge
  • to drink, pour half in a glass of water and top up with hot water
  • add honey or syrup to taste

I first had my first "jamu kunyir asem" while on holiday in Semarang Indonesia. It was quite refreshing to drink in the morning and I read lots of good health benefits for women. I made a bottle when I was back from my trip and that's it. Recently a friend gave me lots of fresh tumeric that he planted himself. So as not to let it go to waste, I made the jamu again. Now I have enough stock for 2 weeks. Now... what shall I do with the remaining tumeric?

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Asam Pedas Ikan Pari (instant)

stringray or other fish, fish head etc.
sambal tumis (follow recipe minus the ikan bilis)
fresh tumeric
tamarind juice
black pepper
daun kesum
ladies finger
salt and sugar to taste
salted vege or sawi asin (optional)

  • grind fresh tumeric and ginger to find paste and place into a pot together with sambal tumis and some oil
  • add pounded lemongrass and cook until fragrant
  • pour in tamarind juice together with the fish
  • leave it to boil and simmer for approximately 10mins or so
  • (add in salted vege at this point if you want)
  • add salt and a bit of sugar to taste... stir in daun kesum
  • adjust water to your desired consistency and add in tomatoes and ladies finger till cooked

I love asam pedas (because SPICY) and I like my gravy thick and not watery just like mum used to make. Nice to eat with warm rice or with bread oh yesss. Taste better the next day. I love to put more ladies finger yumm. I called this instant because I always make my sambal stock 3 ways. After I make my cili boh, I will pack some in containers to freeze. The rest I will continue cooking to make sambal tumis. Then I pack my sambal tumis, which I can cook sambal fish, sambal egg, etc. The balance I will add ikan bilis and tadaaaa... easy peasy for whatever dishes I need to cook jeng jeng jeng. 

Monday, December 5, 2016

Jemput-Jemput Bawang

1 large onion
1 red chili
1 cili padi (optional)
1 cup of flour
1/2 cup ikan bilis
a pinch of salt
1 cup of warm water or more

  • heat oil in a wok or pan
  • slice onion, red chilli and cili padi in a bowl
  • add the rest of the ingredients
  • consistency would be thick watery paste
  • scoop spoonful of batter and deep fry till golden and crispy

Comfort food! I love anything hot, crispy and spicy. Cannot eat too often but I can finish everyhing at one sitting. Nice to eat with chilli sauce or sambal tumis yum yum.

Another alternative to have soft on the inside and crispy on the outside jemput2 is to use hot boiling water when mixing the batter.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Jemput-jemput Udang Geragau

2 cups udang geragau
1 egg
1 cup corn flour
1 red chilli
1 small onion 
1 tsp tumeric
1 tsp whitte pepper powder
a pinch of salt
oil for frying

  • slice onion and red chillies
  • combine all ingredients 
  • scoop a spoonful and fry till a bit crispy

Very nice oily food hehe. I can eat it as is but good as side dish to rice or fried noodles... yum yum.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Nasi Himpit / Lontong

1 cup rice
4.5 cups water
pinch of salt

  • clean rice and boil with water and salt just like the usual way of cooking rice
  • rice should be soft
  • quickly fill rice in container and press/level hot rice as much as possible with a spoon or using banana leaf if have lah
  • leave to cool
  • once cooled can cut like cake already hehe

I still have leftover 'beras cina' from Hari Raya so I make nasi himpit because it is easy. It is really a small serving just for one or 2 person. I'm planning to eat with peanut sauce or meat floss. Maybe I'll just make lontong goreng? Hhhmmm can't decide what to 'tapao' with my nasi himpit for lunch. My rice is not soft enough this time. Will perfect it again next time.

Sambal Tumis Ikan Bilis

cili boh
blachan (shrimp paste)
tamarind juice
gula perang
ikan bilis

  • fry ikan bilis in some oil and put aside
  • blend onion, garlic, candlenut and shrimp paste
  • fry blended ingredients in a large wok till fragrant
  • add in cili boh and tamarind juice in low flame till fully cooked
  • add more water if too thick
  • add sugar and salt to taste
  • add ikan bilis...cook a bit more and done!

Nice to eat with bread or prata or just plain rice... anything! For just sambal tumis just don't add ikan bilis hehe. Adjust consistency accordingly... I just prefer mine not watery.

Actually I need to stock up my cili boh so I decided to make my sambal 3-ways. I first make my cili boh. Once cooled I pack half in small containers. The other half I added all ingredients except for ikan bilis. I packed half and the other leftovers I added anchovies. Tadaaa.... enough stock to last me for 2-3 months? Maybe less since I can eat sambal almost daily!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Crispy Baked Sweet Potato Fries

2 fairly large sweet potatoes
2 tbsp cornflour or cornstarch
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp paprika powder
3 tbsp vegetable oil

  • peel and cut sweet potatoes evenly into 'fries' shape
  • soak in water for about 45min or so
  • pre-heat oven to about 170°C
  • drain and pat dry with kitchen paper
  • put sweet potato fries into large ziplock together with cornflour, leaving air inside and shake the content evenly
  • add in the rest of the ingredients and shake everything evenly
  • place cooling rack on baking tray and lay out the fries making sure it is well spaced apart
  • bake for 30min... checking occasionally that the fries are not burnt
  • cool fries on kitchen paper... sprinkle salt on it if you wish. I like it as it without the added salt
  • fries will be fairly crispy on the edges once cooled

I love sweet potatoes and this is something that I have always wanted to make. Taste nice and very addictive. I bet I can finish all the fries in one sitting *gasp*
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