Sunday, November 29, 2020

Apple Crumble Cake

250g flour
1 egg
80g butter
100g sugar
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 grated lemon

3 apples (peel and dice)
2 tbsp of sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 lemon juice

  • in a bowl, mix the egg and sugar
  • add in butter, flour and baking powder followed by lemon zest
  • crumble the dough and keep in the fridge
  • in a saucepan, add apples, sugar, lemon juice and cinnamon
  • cook for 12min under low heat
  • in a springform pan, grease the bottom sides and bottom with butter (or line with parchment paper)
  • pour half the dough and pat down to cover the base and sides of the dough
  • pour in the apples and top with the balance dough crumbling it and lightly squeeze and smooth it afterwards
  • bake at 180°C for 35-40min
  • remove from springform and sprinkle the top with icing sugar

Foodnote: Recipe taken from here. Ok only lah... 

Apple Cake

1 1/2 cup (210g) all purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
3/4 cup (150g) sugar
1 cup apple (peeled and chopped into cubes)
2 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup (120ml) vegetable oil
1/2 cup (120ml) greek yoghurt (can be substituted with milk)
a pinch of salt
**add 1-2 tbsp of milk if batter is thick

  • in a mixing bowl add flour, baking soda, baking powder and sugar and mix evenly
  • in a separate bowl add eggs, vanilla, salt, oil and yoghurt and whisk briefly
  • add dry and wet ingredients together and fold gently till combined (do not over mix)
  • add in the apples and mix together
  • pour the batter mixture into a greased springform pan lined with parchment paper
  • bake at 180°C for 30-35min or till skewer comes out clean
  • cool for 10min, release from pan and let cool to room temperature
  • dust with powdered sugar and ready to serve

Foodnote: Since I always get apples, so this time I decided to try this recipe. I decorated it as I want to present this to my 3rd niece for her birthday. I hope she likes it.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Singapore Sandwich Bread

Tanzhong A
3 tbsp of water
3 tbsp of milk
2 tbsp of bread flour
Tanzhong B
1/2 cup of milk
1 large egg

2 1/2 cups of bread flour
1/4 cup of sugar
1 tsp of salt
1 tbsp of instant yeast
2 tbsp of milk powder
4 tbsp of melted butter
1/2 tsp of green pandan extract
1/2 tsp of red coloring

Egg wash
1 egg + 1 tbsp of water

  • prepare the tanzhong by Tanzhong A ingredients with a whisk in the saucepan and cook till paste is form then turn off the heat
  • add Tanzhong B to the paste, whisk together and put aside
  • in a mixer, add the bread flour, sugar, salt, yeast and milk powder
  • using a paddle attachment, give it a mix on low
  • as it is mixing, add the tanzhong mixture and butter
  • mix for 8min or till clean up and window pane stage
  • divide the dough into 2 portions
  • one portion add the green pandan extract and the other one with red coloring
  • round the dough and place in an oiled bowl and rest till double in size (1hr or 1 1/2 hr)
  • divide each color into 2, roll one green and pink flat
  • place on top of each other and roll like spring roll
  • place the 2 rolls into a bread pan and cover and let it rest for 50min
  • brush the top of the dough with egg wash
  • bake at 165°C (no fan) for about 25min (might need to cover the foil about 20min so that it will not get too burnt)

Foodnote: This time, I am trying the recipe from here. The dough is pretty much easy to handle. The bread turns out supersoft... I like it a lot. Really nice to eat with ice cream or just butter+kaya. I have sambal egg yum yum but I bet it will also be nice with sambal tumis ikan bilis woohoo. Will definitely be making this again.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Boiled Chickpeas

2 cups dried chickpeas
1 bay leaf
3-4 cloves
few curry leaves
few dried chillies (optional)
1 tbsp sea salt
1 tsp chicken seasoning (optional)
2 tsp baking soda

  • wash and soak chickpeas overnight
  • drain the water and replace with fresh water to boil the chickpeas together with bay leaf, cloves and curry leaves for 1 hour
  • scoop and remove any white foams that appear on the surface of the water
  • after 1hr add in the baking soda and stir well and boil for another 30min
  • add in the sea salt and chicken seasoning and stir well and boil for another 30min (total 2hours)
  • check that the chickpeas is soft enough, remove from stove and drain

Foodnote: Since I love chickpeas, decided to learn to prepare it myself as buying the dried ones is very cheap. After checking the internet, fail on first try as my chickpeas turn out too chewy... finally success! I don't have pressure cooker so boiling time takes 2hours. But it is worth it. I can boil a lot next time and freeze it. When I want to eat it... just steam it again woohoo. So happy! Munching while WFH.

Saturday, November 21, 2020


340g biga or levain
800g bread flour
5g malt flour
22g salt
15g yeast
10g soya flour
610g water
50g olive oil

  • mix dry ingredients together and add to biga or levain in a mixing bowl with paddle attachment
  • on low speed mix for 3min and medium speed for 7min till clean up stage (window pane)
  • get a large rectangular tray and oil generously with olive oil
  • pour out the dough into the tray and spread the dough evenly to the edges
  • cover with clingwrap and leave to rest for 1 hour
  • using a scraper, push down the edges of the dough to loosen 
  • flour the working surface (size bigger than tray)
  • carefully and swiftly turn over the tray so that the dough would fall over the flour
  • using a scraper, gently shape the dough to rectangle shape by pushing the flour to all edges
  • with the scraper, make marks to divide the dough to 12 rectangular pieces (3x4)
  • cut each dough carefully and scoop with the scraper to quickly transfer to baking tray lined with baking paper
  • adjust the shape to rectangular shape
  • proof the dough for another 1hour
  • bake at 190°C for 18 to 20min

Foodnote: Happy to finally get to learn to bake my own ciabatta bread. Well it is a faster version of making ciabatta but it still turns out good. It is a very sticky dough so must be very careful when handling it especially to transfer the soft dough to the baking tray. Maybe one day... if I have lots of time, will try to make it without the yeast with lots of folding (the traditional way... we don't have time for that in class) because according to my chef, of course it will taste better! Anyway, packed one with tuna mayo & cheese for my niece to bring to work and froze the rest for other days. Best kept frozen for up to 6 months woohoo.


400g levain
800g bread flour
3g malt flour
22 salt
15g yeast
10g soya flour
500g water
30g oil
2g dried herbs
olive oil
optional: chopped olives, fresh herbs, tomatoes for garnishing

  • mix all dry ingredients together and add to the levain in a mixer with paddle attachments and lastly add in the water
  • on low speed, mix for 2min and medium speed for 6min till clean up stage (window pane)
  • transfer dough on working surface... with lightly oiled hand and a scraper, round the dough by tucking in tightly
  • cover the dough with a large bowl and leave to proof for 30min
  • divide the dough into 12pcs at approximately 145g each
  • round each dough on the tray and proof for another 30min
  • brush each dough with olive oil generously and using oiled fingers, poke the dough to form few holes (at this stage, can add herbs, olives or tomatoes)
  • rest the dough for another 15min or so
  • pre-heat the oven at 190°C
  • right before baking, brush the top generously with oil again and poke through the holes once more to form the signature foccacia design
  • sprinkle sea salt lightly over the foccacia
  • bake for 18 to 20mins

Foodnote: Don't think I have ever ate foccacia before but good to learn to make it because I've been seeing some people making foccacia garden art like this. So yeah... maybe next time I will make it in a pan and do a bit of decorations and gift it to someone who appreciate it :)

Saw on youtube where they add sliced garlic, fresh rosemary and pepper flakes to olive oil... soak lightly before brushing on the foccacia before baking. Looks yummy so hope to one day make this.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Spicy Chickpeas / Chilli Chana

1 1/2 cups of dry chickpeas 
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tsp smoked paprika powder
1 tsp cumin powder
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp chicken stock powder (optional)
sea salt to taste
sugar to taste
2 tbsp oil for frying

  • soak chickpeas overnight and boil for 2 hours till soft (add a pinch of salt)
  • drain the chickpeas, add olive oil, paprika, cumin powder, cayenne pepper and sea salt
  • mix well
  • using a non-stick pan, add oil till hot then add in the chickpeas
  • cook till the chickpeas is crispy... ready to serve

Foodnote: I love chickpeas so decided to cook this. Actually I just agak2 the recipe and it turns out yummy. Will definitely make this again as snacks. For healthier version... I will bake it in the oven next time. Maybe it will turn out crunchy... nom nom nom.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Decorative Braid Bread

1000g plain flour
50g skim milk powder
100g sugar
15g salt
100g cold butter (cut cubes)
6g yeast
550g water

5-10g of flavor (eg. pandan essence, coffee or herb)

  • in a mixing bowl with paddle attachment, add all ingredients and mix at low speed for 5-8min (dough will be heavy) till window pane stage
  • divide to 50g "hot dog shape" and rest in chiller for 1-4 hours
  • shape with 5 braids: 5 over 2 >  1 over 3 > 2 over 3 > repeat till end
  • final proof for 1 hour
  • brush with egg wash
  • bake at 160°-180°C for 15 to 20min

Foodnote: Very nice to dip in hot milo or coffee or tea!! The bread is not as soft as zopf/challah but the dough is easier to manage... that is why it is more suitable for decoration to make other shapes. Perhaps as a gift basket or something. Happy to learn to make braided breads woot woot.


(100%) 500g plain flour
(0.8%) 4g yeast
(2%) 10g salt
(5%) 25g sugar
(12%) 60g shortening
(1.5%) 7g baking powder
(0.5%) 3g skim milk powder

(50%) 250g water

25g 100°C water + 5g yeast mixture (to ensure that dough don't shrink)

  • develop the dough: in a mixing bowl with a paddle attachment, dry mix all the dry ingredients
  • add in the shortening and all the ingredients
  • mix at low speed for 2min and medium speed at 5min till dough comes together
  • divide to 40g each, round and rest for 1-4 hours at room temperature
  • take each dough on a lightly floured work space and roll the dough to 1mm thickness
  • grill for 1min or each side till dark brown spots are visible

Foodnote: Another lovely recipe. The tortilla stays soft after a few days kept in the chiller. Just need to put on grill over non-stick pan for a short while to heat it up both sides and wrap away! I wrap with shredded grilled chicken, scramble egg, japanese mayo and chilli sauce for my niece to bring to work. Next time will make the wrap bigger 60g each so I can make bigger healthy wraps with salad. Definitely a keeper!

Zopf Bread / Challah

700g plain flour (can be subsituted: 350g bread flour + 350g cake flour)
300g bread flour
60g sugar
3 eggs (160g)
30g yeast
20g salt
80g oil
500ml water

  • in a mixer bowl with paddle attachment, add all dry ingredients and mix at low speed for 1min
  • all the rest of ingredients at low speed for 2min and medium speed for 8min (window pane stage)
  • divide each dough to 50g each and roll to round shape
  • flour baking tray and place each dough on the try and leave in the chiller for 4hrs
  • take 6 dough... each dough roll flat and roll again like swiss roll
  • using the palm of hands, roll the edges so that it will be narrow at the edges and fat in the middle
  • pinch the top of the 6 long dough together and do 6 braids
  • formula for 6 braids > 6-1 then 1-6 (cross over) > 1 over 3 > 5 over 1 > 6 over 4 > 2 over 6 > repeat 1 over 3
  • final proof for 1 hour
  • brush with egg wash and sprinkle with castor sugar
  • bake at 170°C for 15-20min

Foodnote: I love this bread. It stays soft on the 3rd day. I just heat it up to get the skin crispy and eat it with Lurpak butter. For braided bread, the middle must be fatter so that it will stay soft and not dry up. Will definitely make this again. Very nice to eat and nice to giveaway to friends or family.

Monday, November 9, 2020

White Bread with Cheese Topping

400g levain (can replace with Poolish)
800g bread flour
20g salt
10g yeast
550g water
10g soya flour

  • add all ingredients in a mixing bowl with paddle attachment
  • whisk under low speed for 2min and medium speed for 3-4min till clean up stage
  • add some oil and mix again under low speed just so that the dough don't stick to the bowl
  • cover the mixing bowl with clingwrap and leave for 1-2 hour till dough double in size
  • place dough on workspace and fold the dough - NSEW
  • intermediate proof the dough for 10-15min
  • divide the dough into 3 parts, round it and place in a baking tray (no oil)
  • final proof for another 40min
  • sprinkle shredded cheese, icing sugar and pipe mayonnaise on the bread
  • bake at 220°C for 30mins (no fan) - 10min into baking, open the door of oven to release steam and reduce temperature to 200°C... after another 10min reduce the temprature to 180°C
  • do note that during baking, the bread with rise but it will fall again once out of the oven because of released air... but the bread will still be soft

Foodnote: Very nice bread with the cheese, though will also be nice on it's own. I cooked chicken curry and it is really yummy. The top is a bit sweet and crispy. Very happy to learn to make this bread.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Pizza Using Poolish/Levain

Poolish Stage ingredients 
200g bread flour
200g water
1g yeast (18hrs fermentation) 
or 10g yeast (4hrs fermentation)

400g levain or poolish starter
800g bread flour
20-22g salt
5g yeast
600g water
mixed herbs (optional but we put 5g)

  • place all ingredients in the mixing bowl with paddle attachment
  • mix 1min on low and 4min on medium speed till clean up stage (the dough should be elastic and shiny)
  • pour some oil into the mixing bowl and mix on low just till the dough does not stick to the bowl
  • remove the dough from the mixing bowl and rest for 15min
  • divide to 50g each or preferred size 
  • place on oiled tray, cover with clingwrap and leave to proof for 1hr
  • after an hour, place the tray into chiller until ready to bake (this is because dough will be soft and sticky)
  • flour the work area and take each dough, flour the surface and flatten it by hand to round shape
  • transfer to baking tray and add toppings of your choice (sauce + cheese + toppings)
  • bake for about 12-15mins at 180°C (can also bake half-cook and freeze)

Ingredients for tomato sauce
olive oil
chopped garlic + sliced shallots and onions
tomato paste
pineapple syrup water
mixed herbs (wet it with water to diffuse the fragrant better. Not necessary if using fresh herbs)

  • cook the chopped garlic, shallots and onions in olive oil till golden brown (8mins)
  • add in the tomato paste and syrup from canned pineapple
  • add sugar and salt to taste
  • lastly add in mixed herbs

Foodnote: This pizza have really soft base and the sauce is so yummy though a bit tad sweet for me. Love this recipe and will be a go to recipe to make pizza.

Naan Bread

(make 17 naans)
500g plain flour
285g water
5g yeast
50g yoghurt (sub 45g whipping cream + 5g vinegar)
20g oil
5g salt

  • combine all ingredients together in a mixing bowl, using the paddle attachment, mix for 1min at low speed and 4 min on medium speed
  • divide to 50g and round into balls
  • put on a tray and rest for 2-6 hours (can be kept in chiller for up to 2 days)
  • using a rolling pin, softly flatten each dough to round shape of about 4mm
  • bake at 240°C until puff up or edges turns light brown (1-2 min only)
  • ready to serve or grill over open fire to get that slightly charred look
  • can also brush top with fragrant oil or garlic butter once out of the oven or cooked

Ingredients for fragrant oil
fresh coriander (chopped the leaves and keep the roots)
chopped garlic
olive oil for frying

Directions to cook the fragrant oil: in a pot put oil with coriander roots and chopped garlic. Start the fire and fry till garlic is golden and crispy (about 8min). Put in the coriander leaves (the oil will create bubbles) and quickly remove the pot from the stove and place it in a big metal tray filled with room temperature water. This is to cool down and not to overcook the oil. Discard the coriander roots.

Foodnote: This naan bread is really soft and can last few days in the chiller or frozen. Very nice to eat with curry... yum yum. Can also use it as pockets since it will puffed up especially when baked in the oven to fill it with vegetables or anything of your choice.

Crusty Sourdough Bread (Italian Biga Method)

(can split into 3 portions)
Group A
800g bread flour
10g yeast
400g water
300g levain

Group B
200g bread flour
22g salt
150g water
10g malt flour (dark malt or diastatic malt flour)

  • add all Group A ingredients in a mixing bowl and using a paddle attachment whisk until a firm dough is form (add levain first followed by dry ingredients and water last)
  • transfer to working surface and knead the dough lightly till smooth
  • transfer the dough into a large bowl and fill with water till dough is submerged
  • covered with clingwrap and leave to proof for 1 1/2 hour... till dough is bubbly and double in size
  • remove the bubbly mass into the mixing bowl and add ingredients from Group B
  • beat on low speed for 2min and medium speed for 10min till dough reach window pane stage
  • round and cover with clingwrap in an oiled bowl and let rest for 1 hour
  • split the dough equally into 3 parts, round it and place on a baking tray
  • proof for another 45min
  • using plain flour, powder the surface of the bread and use a sharp scoring knife or razor to score the surface to any pattern desired
  • leave for another 15-20 minutes, spray the tray with water and bake at 220°C for 30mins (using lower tray) till desired bread color and percentage
  • during baking, after 10min open the oven door to release steam and reduce temperature to 200°C... at 20min reduce the temperature to 180°C

Foodnote: Ok this is something really new and interesting to me. First time I see bread dough submerged in water and poof... it just gets bubbly and jiggy. The bread also turns out super soft and delicious. Yummy!!!

Note: Sponge Biga = 800g bread flour + 1g low sugar yast + 600g water (27°-30°C) mix and leave overnight 12hrs

Practice this on 16th July but instead of dark malt, I used diastatic malt. I practice shaping of sticky dough from youtube and am very satisfied with the end result. So happy...

Basic Sourdough Bread (French Method)

(can split to 3 portions)
400g levain (sourdough)
800g bread flour
22g salt
10g yeast
20g soya flour (optional)
600g water

  • weigh all the ingredients in a mixer bowl and add the water last (add levain first followed by dry ingredients and water last)
  • using a pedal attachment, whisk under low speed for a while (prevent splashing) and increase speed to high till all ingredients together till dough comes together (lift from bottom of the bowl) around 3 mins  (clean up stage)
  • add some oil and using low speed, whisk again just so that dough don't stick to bowl
  • cover the mixing bowl with clingwrap for 1-2hrs or till dough double it's size (fermentation)
  • place dough on workspace using a round scraper or spatula
  • fold the dough - NSEW
  • intermediate proof the dough for 10-15min (relax the dough)
  • divide the dough equally into 3 parts, round it and place it on a baking tray (panning stage)
  • final proof for another 40 min
  • flour the surface of bread and use a sharp scissors to score the surface gently (deco, garnish & score)
  • leave for another 20-30 min (max 70-80 min), spray the tray with water and bake at 220°C for 30mins (no fan) till desired bread color and percentage
  • during baking, after 10min open the door to the oven to release steam and reduce temperature to 200°C... at 20min reduce the temperature to 180°C

Foodnote: This is the first class to make Artisan bread. It is so exciting and there are new things to learn. Quite exciting because I love making bread and I also love the process of learning. Our team made a mistake but the bread still turns out well. Of course can be better and I will try again once I make my own starter dough.

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