Saturday, November 21, 2020


400g levain
800g bread flour
3g malt flour
22 salt
15g yeast
10g soya flour
500g water
30g oil
2g dried herbs
olive oil
optional: chopped olives, fresh herbs, tomatoes for garnishing

  • mix all dry ingredients together and add to the levain in a mixer with paddle attachments and lastly add in the water
  • on low speed, mix for 2min and medium speed for 6min till clean up stage (window pane)
  • transfer dough on working surface... with lightly oiled hand and a scraper, round the dough by tucking in tightly
  • cover the dough with a large bowl and leave to proof for 30min
  • divide the dough into 12pcs at approximately 145g each
  • round each dough on the tray and proof for another 30min
  • brush each dough with olive oil generously and using oiled fingers, poke the dough to form few holes (at this stage, can add herbs, olives or tomatoes)
  • rest the dough for another 15min or so
  • pre-heat the oven at 190°C
  • right before baking, brush the top generously with oil again and poke through the holes once more to form the signature foccacia design
  • sprinkle sea salt lightly over the foccacia
  • bake for 18 to 20mins

Foodnote: Don't think I have ever ate foccacia before but good to learn to make it because I've been seeing some people making foccacia garden art like this. So yeah... maybe next time I will make it in a pan and do a bit of decorations and gift it to someone who appreciate it :)

Saw on youtube where they add sliced garlic, fresh rosemary and pepper flakes to olive oil... soak lightly before brushing on the foccacia before baking. Looks yummy so hope to one day make this.

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