Sunday, November 8, 2020

Pizza Using Poolish/Levain

Poolish Stage ingredients 
200g bread flour
200g water
1g yeast (18hrs fermentation) 
or 10g yeast (4hrs fermentation)

400g levain or poolish starter
800g bread flour
20-22g salt
5g yeast
600g water
mixed herbs (optional but we put 5g)

  • place all ingredients in the mixing bowl with paddle attachment
  • mix 1min on low and 4min on medium speed till clean up stage (the dough should be elastic and shiny)
  • pour some oil into the mixing bowl and mix on low just till the dough does not stick to the bowl
  • remove the dough from the mixing bowl and rest for 15min
  • divide to 50g each or preferred size 
  • place on oiled tray, cover with clingwrap and leave to proof for 1hr
  • after an hour, place the tray into chiller until ready to bake (this is because dough will be soft and sticky)
  • flour the work area and take each dough, flour the surface and flatten it by hand to round shape
  • transfer to baking tray and add toppings of your choice (sauce + cheese + toppings)
  • bake for about 12-15mins at 180°C (can also bake half-cook and freeze)

Ingredients for tomato sauce
olive oil
chopped garlic + sliced shallots and onions
tomato paste
pineapple syrup water
mixed herbs (wet it with water to diffuse the fragrant better. Not necessary if using fresh herbs)

  • cook the chopped garlic, shallots and onions in olive oil till golden brown (8mins)
  • add in the tomato paste and syrup from canned pineapple
  • add sugar and salt to taste
  • lastly add in mixed herbs

Foodnote: This pizza have really soft base and the sauce is so yummy though a bit tad sweet for me. Love this recipe and will be a go to recipe to make pizza.

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