Sunday, November 8, 2020

Crusty Sourdough Bread (Italian Biga Method)

(can split into 3 portions)
Group A
800g bread flour
10g yeast
400g water
300g levain

Group B
200g bread flour
22g salt
150g water
10g malt flour (dark malt or diastatic malt flour)

  • add all Group A ingredients in a mixing bowl and using a paddle attachment whisk until a firm dough is form (add levain first followed by dry ingredients and water last)
  • transfer to working surface and knead the dough lightly till smooth
  • transfer the dough into a large bowl and fill with water till dough is submerged
  • covered with clingwrap and leave to proof for 1 1/2 hour... till dough is bubbly and double in size
  • remove the bubbly mass into the mixing bowl and add ingredients from Group B
  • beat on low speed for 2min and medium speed for 10min till dough reach window pane stage
  • round and cover with clingwrap in an oiled bowl and let rest for 1 hour
  • split the dough equally into 3 parts, round it and place on a baking tray
  • proof for another 45min
  • using plain flour, powder the surface of the bread and use a sharp scoring knife or razor to score the surface to any pattern desired
  • leave for another 15-20 minutes, spray the tray with water and bake at 220°C for 30mins (using lower tray) till desired bread color and percentage
  • during baking, after 10min open the oven door to release steam and reduce temperature to 200°C... at 20min reduce the temperature to 180°C

Foodnote: Ok this is something really new and interesting to me. First time I see bread dough submerged in water and poof... it just gets bubbly and jiggy. The bread also turns out super soft and delicious. Yummy!!!

Note: Sponge Biga = 800g bread flour + 1g low sugar yast + 600g water (27°-30°C) mix and leave overnight 12hrs

Practice this on 16th July but instead of dark malt, I used diastatic malt. I practice shaping of sticky dough from youtube and am very satisfied with the end result. So happy...

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