Sunday, November 8, 2020

Naan Bread

(make 17 naans)
500g plain flour
285g water
5g yeast
50g yoghurt (sub 45g whipping cream + 5g vinegar)
20g oil
5g salt

  • combine all ingredients together in a mixing bowl, using the paddle attachment, mix for 1min at low speed and 4 min on medium speed
  • divide to 50g and round into balls
  • put on a tray and rest for 2-6 hours (can be kept in chiller for up to 2 days)
  • using a rolling pin, softly flatten each dough to round shape of about 4mm
  • bake at 240°C until puff up or edges turns light brown (1-2 min only)
  • ready to serve or grill over open fire to get that slightly charred look
  • can also brush top with fragrant oil or garlic butter once out of the oven or cooked

Ingredients for fragrant oil
fresh coriander (chopped the leaves and keep the roots)
chopped garlic
olive oil for frying

Directions to cook the fragrant oil: in a pot put oil with coriander roots and chopped garlic. Start the fire and fry till garlic is golden and crispy (about 8min). Put in the coriander leaves (the oil will create bubbles) and quickly remove the pot from the stove and place it in a big metal tray filled with room temperature water. This is to cool down and not to overcook the oil. Discard the coriander roots.

Foodnote: This naan bread is really soft and can last few days in the chiller or frozen. Very nice to eat with curry... yum yum. Can also use it as pockets since it will puffed up especially when baked in the oven to fill it with vegetables or anything of your choice.

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