Sunday, November 8, 2020

Basic Sourdough Bread (French Method)

(can split to 3 portions)
400g levain (sourdough)
800g bread flour
22g salt
10g yeast
20g soya flour (optional)
600g water

  • weigh all the ingredients in a mixer bowl and add the water last (add levain first followed by dry ingredients and water last)
  • using a pedal attachment, whisk under low speed for a while (prevent splashing) and increase speed to high till all ingredients together till dough comes together (lift from bottom of the bowl) around 3 mins  (clean up stage)
  • add some oil and using low speed, whisk again just so that dough don't stick to bowl
  • cover the mixing bowl with clingwrap for 1-2hrs or till dough double it's size (fermentation)
  • place dough on workspace using a round scraper or spatula
  • fold the dough - NSEW
  • intermediate proof the dough for 10-15min (relax the dough)
  • divide the dough equally into 3 parts, round it and place it on a baking tray (panning stage)
  • final proof for another 40 min
  • flour the surface of bread and use a sharp scissors to score the surface gently (deco, garnish & score)
  • leave for another 20-30 min (max 70-80 min), spray the tray with water and bake at 220°C for 30mins (no fan) till desired bread color and percentage
  • during baking, after 10min open the door to the oven to release steam and reduce temperature to 200°C... at 20min reduce the temperature to 180°C

Foodnote: This is the first class to make Artisan bread. It is so exciting and there are new things to learn. Quite exciting because I love making bread and I also love the process of learning. Our team made a mistake but the bread still turns out well. Of course can be better and I will try again once I make my own starter dough.

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