Sunday, November 15, 2020

Decorative Braid Bread

1000g plain flour
50g skim milk powder
100g sugar
15g salt
100g cold butter (cut cubes)
6g yeast
550g water

5-10g of flavor (eg. pandan essence, coffee or herb)

  • in a mixing bowl with paddle attachment, add all ingredients and mix at low speed for 5-8min (dough will be heavy) till window pane stage
  • divide to 50g "hot dog shape" and rest in chiller for 1-4 hours
  • shape with 5 braids: 5 over 2 >  1 over 3 > 2 over 3 > repeat till end
  • final proof for 1 hour
  • brush with egg wash
  • bake at 160°-180°C for 15 to 20min

Foodnote: Very nice to dip in hot milo or coffee or tea!! The bread is not as soft as zopf/challah but the dough is easier to manage... that is why it is more suitable for decoration to make other shapes. Perhaps as a gift basket or something. Happy to learn to make braided breads woot woot.

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